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BOS Stingrays


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Dotted around the commonwealth there are crash sites from the Stingray Deluxe. Considering that the BOS defeated the Enclave and their pursuit of pre-war technology. The fact they haven't been able to find some Stingrays that are in tact is very surprising. There is a similar mod (The Stingray Air Support Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15939/? ) but it has not got AI and it relies on the player coordinating the attacks. It would be pretty cool to be able to see these jets flying over the commonwealth and doing bombing runs on super mutant settlements (and maybe even goodneighbour). You could also be able to see a repaired airstrip at the Boston Airport where they would be landing and flying from.

I know this would be a huge amount of work but it would be one of the best mods in the Nexus. As far as I know this would also be lore friendly as I don't see any explanations to why there aren't any in the Fallout Universe.

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hehehehe I see what you sneak in there,

bombing goodneighbor... dang...

what'd those ghouls ever do to anybody? hehe


though, yes, it would be awesome to have some

stingray/comet airsupport options.

there'd have to be a few available, or launchable from the Prydwyn

(there were comets and stingrays aboard Rivet City,

the boomers from nellis might have had some too)


I could use that aircover in Natick or

at the Glowing Sea many a time.


It'd be even more awesome, to be able to player-fly the comet or the stingray...

mods which let the player fly the vertibird were awesome, this'd be right up there too hehe.

raiders or super mutants flying rusted and crudely repaired versions

would be horrific adversaries also...

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First of all I was actually talking to someone who has made a flight simulator for the Fallout 4. A complicated process however the author feels that everything is moving too slow for actual flight.


Before someone starts rolling their eyes and posting about what can and cannot be done. I say check out XRE Vertibird. While you're doing that keep in mind that the developer I'm talking about has also figured out a way to make aircraft bank to the left and right.


The three greatest limitations in mod development:


The Mod Developer


The Game's Engine

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