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unethical mod authors


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Btw, proof of this? otherwise demagogy


While longtime mod users here are fully aware and have grown to accept that there is a double-standard, and that many of the website and forum guidelines do not apply to mod authors (especially the popular ones)




Speaking as a mod author who was banned and only allowed back after making an appeal, I really don't see any kind of double standards here. Modders are treated just the same as users and subject to the exact same rules as users.

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Very well, Frankfamily.


I cite the comment sections of each and every one of your mods as proof. You are one of the very worst for treating users like garbage, unless they're heaping praise upon you.


Don't try to label the above as a personal attack either, for it is demonstrable truth. And people know that.


There is an active thread on Reddit right now about having to walk on eggshells around certain mod authors, and that ties in well with this discussion. If I actually had a reddit account I would be compelled to link this thread as an example of both sides of the coin, because THIS is precisely what they're talking about.


As far as users blocking authors......well, it's largely meaningless, isn't it? All that means is that we can't see the authors' mods. But we can still see their hate-fueled venom on forum threads. That's why I find it so ironic that THREE authors on my block list have weighed in here in this thread with nothing less than contempt for anyone but themselves....the VERY REASON you're on my block list in the first place. How can that not resonate with you?


I respect mod authors who are here for the community. But that doesn't mean I'm obligated to respect the ones who are only here for the attention and praise. I'm sorry if that offends you or hurts your feelings, but that's the way it is. You have made the choice to treat people poorly. And I have made the choice to tell you that's not ok. Why don't we just leave it at that?

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Jesus, sooo predictable, i knew you were going to say that hahaha. It is a personal attack, its not true and people know it. A lie told a thousand times is not truth even if you want it to be.

And i was supposed to be offended by that? Do you honestly think you can hurt my feelings? How exactly if you mean nothing to me? Reality check time because its reaching absurd level.

See you next time mr demagogy.


Just one serious thing, if everyone around is toxic, maybe the truth is that u are the toxic one, think about it, that or clinically depressed, who knows...


Lastly, do you seriously think i am here for the attention and praise? If you do then you are hopeless...


In the future id appreciate if you tried projecting your fustration on someone else and not turn every thread into a personal attack to me, because its getting boring.

Thanks in advance.


Btw how can you cite my mods if you are blocked? Just curious.

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Frank, I'm not personally attacking you. I'm rebuffing your hostile and unsavory attitude, which you're demonstrating even now. And it's not my fault that you're doing a far better job of proving the OP's point than he ever could.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go test some mods and prepare some feedback for authors who won't fly off the handle and bite my head off when I make suggestions or point out bugs.


Provided that's ok with you, of course.

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As far as users blocking authors......well, it's largely meaningless, isn't it? All that means is that we can't see the authors' mods. But we can still see their hate-fueled venom on forum threads. That's why I find it so ironic that THREE authors on my block list have weighed in here in this thread with nothing less than contempt for anyone but themselves....the VERY REASON you're on my block list in the first place. How can that not resonate with you?


:laugh: My being blocked by you (and I undoubtably am one of the 'THREE') stems from you launching personal attack after personal attack at me because I was one of the paid mod authors and you couldn't handle it so felt free to launch an outrageous attack and even delusional attack. Accusing me of thinking and feeling things that had never even occurred to me and you would not listen to any kind of reason. The thread still exists.


Zero to do with any of my behavior on my mods.


Just one serious thing, if everyone around is toxic, maybe the truth is that u are the toxic one, think about it, that or clinically depressed, who knows...



Yes, those that see 'toxic' people everywhere should perhaps look at how they are interacting with others.

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Wrong, Shezrie.


You were condemning anyone who was opposed to paid mods and trying to shame them for being ungrateful. Something you continue to do even to this day. You were even doing so on these very forums a month prior to paid mods launching. All I (and everyone else you blocked) did was point out that you don't get to demonize people because they don't want to pay you for something you do voluntarily, especially when you present such a rotten attitude. You've been riding that "everyone is personally attacking me" train for months now, when it is in fact YOU who are personally attacking individuals. Yet you're allowed to get away with it, because you generate a small amount of ad revenue for the site.


And yes, you are very much one of the authors I'm referring to. You're hateful. You're spiteful. And you try to play the victim when you are in fact the one at fault, time and time again. I'm sorry for whatever has happened to you in life that's made you that way..........but it's not my fault, nor is it the fault of anyone else you demonize and condescend on a daily basis.

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Wrong, Shezrie.


You were condemning anyone who was opposed to paid mods and trying to shame them for being ungrateful. Something you continue to do even to this day. You were even doing so on these very forums a month prior to paid mods launching.



Here we go again, your interpretation of my words twisted to fit what you 'want' me to say and think. Given your 'violent' opposition to anything to do with paid mods you were set on twisting everything said into something offensive, and you continue to do so here.


I DO condemn that personal attacks made on mod authors involved, the death threats, the threats of violence, the distribution of those modders personal information and the insults. If you can't handle that, then that is your problem not mine.


I do NOT condemn people for not wanting paid mods. They are entitled to their opinion as I am to mine.


All I (and everyone else you blocked) did was point out that you don't get to demonize people because they don't want to pay you for something you do voluntarily, especially when you present such a rotten attitude. You've been riding that "everyone is personally attacking me" train for months now, when it is in fact YOU who are personally attacking individuals.



Firstly I have only ever blocked TWO people. Both from my mods during the paid mods where they posted insults because I was involved. So you are once again wrong. Reread that thread, I was not the one who resorted to personal attacks, that was you. You still can't handle the paid mods can you. Not my problem. You need to stop telling me 'what I think' and 'what I am about' because you are soooo wrong as to be ludicrous. You literally don't know anything about me.


The 'rotten attitude' I supposedly presented was simply to disagree with what you believe and what I posted was not even directed at individuals. You came along, saw an opportunity to launch assault against one of the paid modders and went about it. It didn't matter what I said. you were on a mission. Other people who disagree can do so without personally attacking people, you clearly can't. Seems that everyone who disagrees with you is 'wrong' to you. You really need to step back and take a look at yourself and what you are saying here.


But it boils down to I don't care what you think about the paid modding. Clearly you really care what I think about it.


Yet you're allowed to get away with it, because you generate a small amount of ad revenue for the site.



Oh just stop your utter nonsense! :rolleyes: You are being ridiculous. I have had warnings and even a ban, just like everyone else.


And yes, you are very much one of the authors I'm referring to. You're hateful. You're spiteful. And you try to play the victim when you are in fact the one at fault, time and time again. I'm sorry for whatever has happened to you in life that's made you that way..........but it's not my fault, nor is it the fault of anyone else you demonize and condescend on a daily basis.



Wow you are actually literally delusional. You are coming across as a very nasty person, throwing unwarranted insults at anyone who disagrees with you.


Saying I am 'hateful' and 'spiteful' and 'demonize' people on a daily basis...proof..provide proof or apologize for your lunatic accusations. That is so pathetic. At least try to debate logically without resorting to childish temper tantrums and throwing insults and accusations. :rolleyes:

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Again, I feel like you're doing more to reinforce the OP's point than you realize.


There is no valid defense for being rude to mod users. None. Yet here you are, trying to defend it, presumably because you know it applies to you. Consider that, if only for a moment.


That said, there is no valid defense for being rude to mod authors, either. And before I forget that (and I am very much about to), I withdraw.

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