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unethical mod authors


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Again, I feel like you're doing more to reinforce the OP's point than you realize.


There is no valid defense for being rude to mod users. None. Yet here you are, trying to defend it, presumably because you know it applies to you. Consider that, if only for a moment.


That said, there is no valid defense for being rude to mod authors, either. And before I forget that (and I am very much about to), I withdraw.


I actually have literally never been rude to one of my mod users and I defy you to come up with where I supposedly have been.


I would also suggest you reread my posts as once again you have utterly the wrong end of the stick.

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Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go test some mods and prepare some feedback for authors who won't fly off the handle and bite my head off when I make suggestions or point out bugs.


Provided that's ok with you, of course.

Just make sure the mod author is asking for feedback. I for one am not interested in wot opinions. I also got the feedback I was looking for during testing. So if I need "feedback", I will ask for it by people that I feel are experienced enough based on mods that they have made or tutorials they have shared, not by a mod user, no offense.


Also, I have some rules when it comes to blocking. If you are rude, cause problems, ignorant, entitled, or difficult in any way to myself or other mod authors, or other users, given the chance I will block that person from everything that I do as I don't want to ever waist my time on that person, I can focus it on my work and helping people that are cut from a more reputable cloth. I also leave the pm door open.


The blocked individual has an opportunity to communicate with me and find out why they are blocked and my expectations. But of all the people I have blocked, and of all the people that have PMed me, only one apologized for being rude, and they came to that conclusion on their own. The others name call and act like children that have had their Dinky the T-Rex taken from them.


I see it like this. Dark0ne has given me tools as a mod author that helps me stay active. If I couldn't close shut the gates to my mods, I wouldn't be sharing them.


I've discussed this many times with others. What a lot of people forget is that there are more private mods then public ones. How many mods are on Nexus for Skyrim? 50k? The true scope of how many mods right now for Skyrim would be probably around 500k-1m maybe more. I have released 10ish mods publicly, how many mods have I made in total? for Skyrim maybe 30-50, New Vegas around 6, Oblivion I did have hundreds, but they have all been condensed into one mega mod that will never see public light, Morrowind I only have a couple. So for me, I've only shared maybe 4% of the mods I've made.


My girlfriend has made just as many mods, if not more, that will never see the light of day. There are hordes of private mod authors that won't share, there are hordes of mod authors that stopped sharing. OP is entitled because his attitude is a turnoff for modding. "Some people feel like they are walking on eggshells" That's because they are. I personally have lost some of my favorite mod authors because of ignorant and blatantly rude vulture like people.


When I make a mod, I used to ask myself, "Should I share this with the community?" I am an insufferable jerk, but if you want me to share, be nice. If you see someone attacking a mod author or being rude or negative, remind them that mod authors are not replaceable. There is only one Someguy2000, and as much as I like to poke Shezrie and Arthmoor, they can not be replaced. I would fight adamantly to defend them and support them.

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I prefer to think mod authors that leave the community dont do it because the words of some random bored rude dude on the nexus, that would be very sad.


Since ad revenue, the value of the users and such has been brought up id like to add one thing. If an user is not supporter nor premium, does not upload mods, does not provide useful or positive feedback, does not make useful discussions but instead only reply to every single controversial post is made to complain about the behaviour of others, the way the moderators moderate, etc. Whats the value of that individual within the community?


Phantomphaly, here goes my feedback, get a hobby.

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I prefer to think mod authors that leave the community dont do it because the words of some random bored rude dude on the nexus, that would be very sad.


I'm not going to give names, but sadly, that has happened, but not only that. It is being treated poorly, either by words on Nexus, words on reddit, youtube videos supersaturated with hate, with the intent of causing pain. People stealing other peoples mods, bethesda.net is only a small portion of mod theft, it has been happening for years. reddit has a sub dedicated to content theft,(When some of my mods were uploaded there, I personally contacted one of their copy-write associates who told me as long as they are not hosting the files in their servers, it isn't illegal, people can post links to whatever they want) Using peoples files in ways that were not intended without permission, sabotaging the pure ideals, bigotry, death threats, author to author belittlement, chastising, ostracizing, profiting, hate campaigns and all for someone who had a crazy idea, to share something they were proud of.


There are some disgusting people in this world. I would rather not provide them with an instrument of enjoyment.


People say about SSE, "It's free, so you can't complain." I laugh at this because mods are free and people complain. Nexus is free and people complain.

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You're sort of conveniently glossing over the fact that all those "guests" are generating advertising revenue for the owner of the house every time they enter a room, and are helping put food on his table and keep the roof over his head. I know that doesn't really help your analogy, but truth is truth.

LOL. I bet you are using an ad blocker, like many entitled Nexus users are. And I see that you haven't even bothered to help support Nexus by becoming a Supporter or paid member. Meanwhile, modders in this thread like myself, Ethreon, Kodiak412, Ladez, Shezrie, cdcooley, Carnage2K4, FrankFamily and even SMB92 have at least taken out Supporter membership or better. You've also conveniently glossed over the fact that without modders there would be no mods to attract users to this site in the first place.


Mod authors have the tools to instantly censor and block insufferable mod users. The problem is that many authors would rather sit and argue with them, shame them, and try to prove some sort of point that only they understand...and THEN complain about it in threads like these. And in the process of that abhorrent mindset, many authors lose the ability to discern between toxic mod users, and users who have genuine questions and issues.

The OP complaining in this thread is not a mod author, he is the ungrateful, self-entitled, toxic mod user. The mod author in question did, in fact, use the available moderating tools to delete the offending post made by the OP. They did not go out of their way to sit and argue with them, but the user went out of their way to be an asshat. You seem hypocritical in that you say you hate entitled users, and yet you are manufacturing excuses to defend them.


And why the hell should any modder enable shameful user conduct by rewarding them with courteous help and support? Put them to shame I say! Then block their sorry asses. There's nothing more toxic than co-dependently enabling entitled user conduct by pandering to them. You're also glossing over that fact that despite that their questions or issues might be valid, their communication to the mod author was still abhorrent and unacceptable. Pot kettle black.



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As far as users blocking authors......well, it's largely meaningless, isn't it? All that means is that we can't see the authors' mods. But we can still see their hate-fueled venom on forum threads. That's why I find it so ironic that THREE authors on my block list have weighed in here in this thread with nothing less than contempt for anyone but themselves....the VERY REASON you're on my block list in the first place.

Um, you know you can block people in the forums, right? Just click on your username in the top-left corner and choose "Manage Ignore Prefs" ;P

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Actually, no, I didn't know about that functionality. I spend most of my time on the nexusmods website account (which has no such functionality, but only "Block Content") rather than my nexusmods forum account. But you know what? I thank you from the bottom of my heart for pointing that out to me.


Now, here's the thing. The owner of this site does not require users to be a supporter or a premium member in order to be a part of this community. That was his choice, not mine, not yours. I will go on to say that the attitudes expressed by a handful of authors in this thread (including yourself) are the very reason WHY I'm not a supporter or premium user. For me, the benefits of those titles do not outweigh the toxicity within the upper eschelons of this community, particularly the allowance of SOME high-profile authors to treat said community with contempt and disdain at every opportunity. And I capitalized 'some' because I'm not saying that you're all like that, and I never was.


I contribute a lot to this community. I have tested and provided feedback for hundreds and hundreds of mods. I've made suggestions, I've pointed out bugs, I've cross-promoted mods that complement each other well, I've praised the talent and modding skills of authors (even FrankFamily, but he seems to have forgotten that), and I've endorsed mods that I feel are deserving of endorsement. I have engaged in discussions that have shaped the course of the modding hobby, and the well-being of this community. And, on more than one occasion, I've called out users like the OP for being self-entitled, demanding jerks. But the bottom line, Steve, is that you don't get to marginalize or trivialize my contribution to this community just because I'm not a mod author or a premium member/supporter. And if you do not recognize the contribution of mod users to this community, then you and I have no more to say to each other. Users and authors are very much in a symbiotic relationship, and anyone who thinks one is more important than the other is, frankly, a fool.


To my credit, I TRY to be courteous, civil, and respectful towards all members of this community...even the jerks. I don't always succeed, and I'm not proud of it when I don't. The issue at hand, however, is that the responses in this thread demonstrate that some of you very much are. Some of you genuinely take pride in being toxic. Well, I've got news for you. That's nothing to be proud of.


Regardless, thanks again for informing me about the forum ignore functionality. I sincerely and genuinely appreciate that.

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Just to clarify my position, my statements are generalized, not regarding the OP.


BTW hello Shezrie, I have seen the posts on your mod pages, very nice of you to go out of your way for people.


Regarding asshat mod users, sometimes I just hang around the tech support thread and answer questions when I'm really just garnering information. Sometimes users push their luck and/or have frustration snaps if they aren't understanding the problems or their problems is unique to their systems. Sometimes they want to be abusive and I want to say that best approach is to just politely end the conversation, but I am of the opinion if somebody wants to give you what for, you give them what for back. End of day, can't help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves, that's fair enough.


Now regarding mod authors, let me give you a hypothetical example of what I think is fair game: Say mod user Joe downloads "A mod". Joe has no idea how to deal with mods, so he makes a post asking the author what needs to happen to make it work. Joe never receives a reply, so after 3 days (yes I know it is more like 3 hours in reality lmao) Joe is pissed off and posts abusive comments to the author. Author replies in an angry fashion, calling Joe all manner of names and telling him to read the f'ing description etc etc. I think this is fair game on the author's account.


Now take the same example but cut out the part about Joe posting abusive comments and instead, author replies to first question in abusive manner. In that situation the author is in the wrong. No ifs or buts. Take note I mentioned this particular, common situation. I mean, this is textbook stuff, school children should know this s#*!.


And I will say, sometimes I ask a dumb question when I have forgotten or looked over something. If I get a reply that tells me to read description again, then I apologize most of the time. Nothing wrong with that. If I don't get an answer, then I troubleshoot further. Most times I find my answer 2 minutes after asking, but then, my whole life is dictated by Murphys law :D

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