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How Combats and Magic should have looked in Skyrim!


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Oh here we go again another thread pointing out the inadequacies of Skyrim. Yes it doesn't have great animation and anything else you care to throw in the Skyrim failure basket, However it does have vast content, great atmosphere and does as much well as it does badly. :) I don't consider the limited animation to be a major factor to be honest, its something I come to expect with TES games and many talented modders end up revising the animations anyway.


Making Skyrim look like Final Fantasy ? (whatever number its on now) ;) would not suit the style of the game at all. Fixing limited choices in quests and a better magic experience are things I would prefer to see "fixed" before animation any day.

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Making Skyrim look like Final Fantasy ? (whatever number its on now) ;) would not suit the style of the game at all. Fixing limited choices in quests and a better magic experience are things I would prefer to see "fixed" before animation any day.




But the OP showed us at least one thing: There's a new kind of audience buying this game. And they come to expect flashy action. I don't know if this is a good thing cause future developers might listen.

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For those who want more combat moves and brighter spells, I'm sure mods already available in Oblivion that do these things will be ported to Skyrim once the CK is made available sometime next month.


That said, I much preferred the physics model in Morrowind, where hitting somebody with a sword didn't necessarily send their body sliding 20 away and up to crash into a wall. Doesn't mean combat was better (the AI wasn't very good, for one thing), but at least I didn't feel that I was taking part in a funhouse mirror combat show.

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Well seems that there is people a bit more level-headed.


When i posted this i wanted to discuss the lack of actual combat mechanics.


No combo,no much of need of gimping yourself with dual wielding with the actual Forge systeme.


No tactical way to approche a combat, certainly not by using Shouts...


Wich is kinda irony, you are a Dragonborn, someone different then average people..., and you combat the exact same way as the first block that comes around...


The ridiculous Global CD applyed to all Shouts, prevents you from using one,shout then another one and add tactic in the combats.


Every damn battle finish in a mere slugfest, in wich the victor is the one who as flaiyed the most his arms in the right direction...


After nearly 90+ hours, yeah i got bored do death, and had hoped for more.


Because you can call Skyrim an RPG all you want, Combats are an importante part of a RPG...


Now yes as someone implied i could have used the Assassins Creed example..., but even so AC doesn't have better combat mechanics then Skyrim..., all you do is Counter attacks...


I've also could have mentioned DMC or GoW or anything else, but i prefered to mention a PC game, where it seems possible to have interresting combat mechanics with the Whoooa factor i was talking about.


And i din't say that it would be neccesarly be like this for everyone, but for a strange reasons i got a pretty negative feedback more akin to stupid troll and gratuitous flaming then a true discussion...


Wich is the thing that makes me really sad.


Though that as gamers we could discusse everything, but then again, guess i was wrong.


Can delete this thread for all i care.

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Combat like that just woudnt fit a TES game. Its good on its own, but not in TES. Just look at some of those animationreplacers and combatmods for oblivion, it just felt ... not right.


Ok, some more tactical options and diversion woud be nice, but not like KOA, that woud overdo it.


What i woud like to see woud be some more ... flowing rotation between different combat styles. I actually liked it, to use magic besides normal weapons in Oblivion, but changing weapons hand per hand gets annoying after a time if you play some sort of hybrid in Skyrim

Edited by Cyrotek
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guy stoping closing your mind and talking down on that game,( though i doubt it will be any good) instead look at it and THINK!


i think i understand with chaosrex means , its obious that that game's combat mechanis wouldn't fit TES games at all ,but it does seems to have what skyrim's combat mechanics (or any game with combat in it) needs one way or another :


it needs to be responsive, when i hit something with a hammer or a big fireball i expect it to react to it in a nice way that makes sense.

not reacting at all ,staggering only after a big hit for bit and not reacting to anything else while in stagger or flying off like one incredibly silly looking ragdoll is not the way at all.


skyrim's combat is kinda lame ,yeah we don't play skyrim for its combat .mainly we play for awesome exploration , incredible power of imersion and huge amout of content those games have.(at least tahts why i do)


yet i think better combat would give all those reasons for playing a decent plus:

looking foward for the next awesome boss battle

not being thrown out of the immersion when your fight agains 5 orcs turns into a dance party

and just having a combat that counts as" good content" instead of a "downside"

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Plan on getting that game, do think the magic weapons effects and magic in general from reckoning would have looked good in skyrim, animations are a bit over the top, but a combo system would have been nice. not necessary really considering how fast enemies go down. would have loved to have seen more tactical battles in skyrim instead of just the general beat down or arrow to the...throat. i pull back into 3rd person, look at my enchanted armor, my enchanted bow...and it's just meh.
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Well seems that there is people a bit more level-headed.


When i posted this i wanted to discuss the lack of actual combat mechanics.


No combo,no much of need of gimping yourself with dual wielding with the actual Forge systeme.


No tactical way to approche a combat, certainly not by using Shouts...


Wich is kinda irony, you are a Dragonborn, someone different then average people..., and you combat the exact same way as the first block that comes around...


The ridiculous Global CD applyed to all Shouts, prevents you from using one,shout then another one and add tactic in the combats.


Every damn battle finish in a mere slugfest, in wich the victor is the one who as flaiyed the most his arms in the right direction...


After nearly 90+ hours, yeah i got bored do death, and had hoped for more.


Because you can call Skyrim an RPG all you want, Combats are an importante part of a RPG...


Now yes as someone implied i could have used the Assassins Creed example..., but even so AC doesn't have better combat mechanics then Skyrim..., all you do is Counter attacks...


I've also could have mentioned DMC or GoW or anything else, but i prefered to mention a PC game, where it seems possible to have interresting combat mechanics with the Whoooa factor i was talking about.


And i din't say that it would be neccesarly be like this for everyone, but for a strange reasons i got a pretty negative feedback more akin to stupid troll and gratuitous flaming then a true discussion...


Wich is the thing that makes me really sad.


Though that as gamers we could discusse everything, but then again, guess i was wrong.


Can delete this thread for all i care.



This really sounds like its pushing the "poor me's" vibe. You saw something you thought was cool, posted it here, and didn't get the reaction you were looking for, Maybe you didn't formulate your arguements properly in the first place, maybe you were wat off, but bemoaning th elack of support and doing the 'delete the thread for all i care' is hardly the mature reaction.


Even the movements in Assasin's Creed are exagerated and, in my mind, absurd. Revilations is by far the worst crap shoot in the series, and as someone who dispises the whole 'Ancient techno-society/Alien Astronaught' sthick to his very core, finding a particularly unrealistic and loathesome game amongst the franchise is an acomplishment. Skyrim has a degree of realistic movements, though i admit they are still far too clunky. They also lack the versitility which i remember fondly from Morrowind.


The Skyrim movemenrs, animations and combat system have their own problems, yes, but turning it into a combo-chaining, Crouching Tiger ripoff is not the direction to take it. Neither is huge sparkely magic effects which light up the night sky and send people and debris in every direction. Muted fantasy-realism is the ticket, but its somewhat limited by the interface mechanisims we have to work with. Maybe we'll some change in the comming years as the kenect technology gets refined (And hopefully ported to more powerful systems)

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