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LOOT order vs Bethesda order


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So with the new LOOT I am finally able to sort mod order without having to do it on my own. When I start the game and go to mods to ensure that all the mods are loaded, the order Bethesda has is not the same as what LOOT has done.


So am I doing something wrong? Do I have to click on the mods button on the opening screen and go to Bethesda mods at all or can I just go right in and play my game? Do I have to go to the Bethesda list and make it match my LOOT list?


The Bethesda list confused me since I had been using NMM and installed all the mods, I wasn't sure why I had to use the Bethesda one at all. Am I doing this wrong?

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there is no need to use the bethesda one with nmm or wb at all.

and sorting order shoudl always be checked, i mean with the mods descrptions.

in some cases loot can make mistakes..tho its a great startting point.

Edited by wim1234
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Is there a way to disable the Bethesda order?? I'm not sure but i'm suspicious about it, because i believe I was having crashes because my LOOT load order wasn't real.

ofcourse you can, by usng an external mod organiser like nexus mod manager or wrye bash.

you have much much more control that way and it helps immensely with debugging.

if you really are serious about using mods, thats the way to go.

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