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More Laser Rifes


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Since there don't seem to be that many new laser rifle mods on the nexus, I think it would be nice if someone could make a new laser rifle, preferably one that kinda looks like an assault rile like this:

http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv135/Bartoneye93/A%20Deft%20Hand%20picture%20references/ArksLaserRifle-Violet.jpg If anyone could do this I would highly appreciate since currently the amount of laser weapon mods seems to be low.

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I wanna Wazer Wifle!


It kind of reminds me of the SCAR-H or another ACR from one of the weapon mods. The stock, plus barrel, grip and receiver could be used from that as well as an ACOG if any of the mods have that for the scope and instead of ballistics just switch the ammo to fusion cells and the particles to a laser beam.

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there doesn't seem as many variants, and the more weapons the merrier eh?

you may also want to put your request on

3D sites like blendercommunity, yeggi proboard and so,

so as to increase your chances of a collab occurring.


in the meantime

genolune suggests

"any mod any weapon" -

you could take a SCAR or a XM73 from the gauss-rifle mod,

and change it to a rapid-fire barrel and lazer munitions.


there's also the Lazer RCW mod,

the lazer-staff (I can't believe its' not stargate mod)


there are a few other lazer and plasma mods,

notably the MIB weapons pack

and the Buck Rogers weapons pack.

not to mention, FONV and FO1&2 weapons in FO4 mod


mix-n-match the parts till you get something you like the look of and POW

there you go hehe.


others are working on a not-Mass-Effect

and not-CoDInfinite- port for some things to not be in FO4.

the implement you show a sketch of looks very similar to some from that or Crysis.

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