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Moderators abusing the rules for their friends


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I've become privy to certain information through other websites complaining about certain moderators on this said site. I think the users would like to know why such abuse is tolerated? Is it simply you gave people the position that you were already friends with and therefore feel it would cause a rift if you were to relieve them? That's the only plausible explanation I could come up with because if I rain such a site I'd be trying to make it the best possible modding site out there not the best possible modding site for my closest friends.


Let's get to an example. (Take note there are a lot of good moderators on this site but there's a couple of bad apples as well)




A couple of pages in a poster by the name of MASKOAA suggested changing the description from long sword replacement to just sword since a long sword is a two handed weapon and the mod was a 1 handed weapon, this was the reply he got.(Take note in the comments section new replies are on top so Dave's first reply is at the bottom)



Accused of trolling and being annoying by simply suggesting to change the description so not to confuse people so of course in the reply he gave on top he was blown back. On top of it Buddah came to his buddies rescue (MR. DAVE) and banned MASKOAA even though MASKOAA has never been in trouble before on this site, if he's banned for saying DIVA after being yelled at and being called a troll and annoying user himself simply for trying to help the mod maker to fix the description (this message was deleted of course by BUDDAH but I'm sure a higher up ADMIN can check the history to verify that story)then were is Mr. Dave's punishment? Surely calling someone a troll and annoying is grounds for banning as well isn't it? Why the double standard?


When another user questioned why MASKOAA was banned this is the reply he got from Dave. (Notice I'm using pictures so that they can't delete the messages later and claim I'm lying)



Mr Dave goes on to call MASKOAA a DICK for erroneously correcting him about the long sword....

How's this for erroneously correcting you Dave?


"The longsword (of which stems the variation called the bastard sword) is a type of European sword designed for two-handed use, current during the late medieval and Renaissance periods, approximately 1350 to 1550 (with early and late use reaching into the 13th and 17th centuries)."


Furthermore just today someone brought up the same thing and was threatened by another mod see below.



I must give props to the mod MYRMAAD though because he was the only mod to show up in that thread that wasn't a complete dick.


Hopefully a higher up responds to this and if not and Buddah decides to hide it by deleting it and banning me I'll just repost it again tomorrow until I do get a reply from a higher up.

Edited by Zannor31
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How about 300 replies that basically agree with what I posted



Were do you think I learned about this? Why do you think Dave got so many negative reps and MASKOAA got so many positive? Why do you think that 99 percent of people think Buddha and Dave are in the wrong in the thread I just posted? Yea that's all I got. I also don't expect a paying member to say anything negative.

Edited by Zannor31
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The only "higher up" than buddah is Dark0ne himself.


Posting this in public is a bannable offense. If you have a problem with our rules or our staff, the way to address it is to privately write to staff regarding your concerns.


I think your complaint is pretty dopey, myself, but almost all complaints about the staff are, in my experience and opinion.

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Not sure who you think we're looking the other way for exactly.


A few things.


A. Going on and on at lengths over sword vs. longsword seems like harassment to me. Does it REALLY matter what someone calls their upload? Would someone looking at the mod suddenly be confused because something is called slightly differently? Does a lengthy argument over semantics ever solve anything? A: no, no, and no.


B. Benefit of the doubt was given to person with only one post rather than banning them outright. This is something done for others on our own discretion. The remainder of their post was essentially reviving the whole sword vs. longsword thing. I stand by my decision for the time being since bringing up this crap again does nothing for the mod or the author.



As always, we are protecting mod authors from senseless crap like this. Lately it's gotten worse, this same sort of stuff again and again to still troll but pass it off as feedback. I'd rather be skewed in favor of mod authors than let someone abuse the rules so that they can cause drama and grief for lols.

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Registered today, 2 posts, both in this thread. My super powers of deduction are tingling...who could you possibly be!?!?! :psyduck:


PS. liked the fact your gamefaqs link contained many replies explaining to you why you were banned. 300 replies agreeing with you? Nuh-uh. Derp.

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