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Fargoth becasue both NPCs are lv1 (presumable) and Fargoth had his puny ring (let's leave game mechancis out, as far as character immortalities :P)


Morrowind Umbra - I found Oblivion Umbra to be more of a push-over.


Now mine: Juiib vs. Gray Prince (not so easy a call, if I remember that easter egg properly about what Juiib did)

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i'd say:

Fargoth, because people are less likely to push him off cliffs/bridges/other high points.


Morrowind umbra, because she had a more 'pointy' mesh, and pointy things usually hurt :)


Juiib, definitely. because i can kill the gray prince at lvl 2.



Now, for mine :)


Jygallag Vs. Mehrunes Dagon

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