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Skyrim SE hard crashes


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Hello everyone!


I am new to the modding community and a few days ago I decided to try for the first time mods on the new Special Edition.


I have installed 48 mods and 46 of them are active. Everything was going smoothly, I was impressed by how well the game ran,


even though I had some occasional hard crashes (the game closed without any errors, it threw me directly to the desktop), which


the game overcame by itself.


But after some hours of gameplay I reached a place between Winterhold Imperial Camp and Frostflow Lighthouse and when I tried


to reach those places the game hard-crashed again. Every time I tried to reach either location it threw me to the desktop.


I did some research and I tried to update my graphics card (GTX 760). Still no luck.


Then I realized that I hadn 't updated to version 1.2 and so I did. Still no luck


I thought it was the load order so I tried to use LOOT which corrected it for me, but still no luck.


Is there anyone who has experienced this and was able to overcome it or someone who could advise me on how to approach this issue?


Thank you in advance



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Re-posting your problem here will raise the probability that you will get help.


Also, list your load order and current rig stats when you re-post. That will also help.

Thank you for the response. Can you tell me where are the rig stats and how can I see the load order? I am asking cause in the nmm there is a different order than LOOT and I don t know which one is valid for sure.


Never mind this I found both again thank you

Edited by giannoukos
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