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How do I use those CBBE mods?


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I've seen a lot of MXR's reviews and the girls there have big breasts and butts but I'd like to know how to keep the default armor working with those bodies that MXR has. For example, the ADEC body doesn't work with default armours but instead there are downloads on the nexus whereas it converts it to skimpy clothings. I want to keep the non-skimpy clothing but can't seem to find a way how.


All I want is some busty Skyrim girls without skimpy armours or clothes but still appear, you know?



Since I couldn't actually find some default armor mods that still have CBBE on them I found this picture.


You can tell that that guy made the butt and the breasts bigger on the armor. That's what I want for the default armors.

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Search around for CBBE "conversion". I'm not sure what the best option is (there are probably several floating around), but here's one that looks like a straight conversion of vanilla armors. There's a new Immersive Armors conversion posted on the front page right now, too. It looks really good.


The armor from the pic isn't a vanilla one, obviously. I've seen it before but I don't know what it's called.


Also, FWIW, a lot of people now use Bodyslide 2. This allows you to switch between CBBE/UUNP/ADEC etc, pretty easily. Any bodyslide outfit/armor can be converted for any Bodyslide-supported body with just a few button clicks. Other than learning how to click a few buttons, the only issue is that UUNP and CBBE have different UV maps, so they require different textures. You can convert armor and bodies easily, but you have to have the right body textures installed for the body type that you choose.


Here's a CBBE-Bodyslide conversion. It may work without Bodyslide too, not sure (check the page). So this is a possible alternative to the other link above.

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To change the proportions of the body, you need to use BodySlide, just like it says on the CBBE mod page.

CBBE also has a mod list on its page. It has all the compatible outfits, accessories, and textures linked on it. You don't have to search for anything; it's all there.

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