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What is wrong with this fragment?


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Could you post the script or at least the complete papyrus error. In your image half of it is missing.


Edit: I suspect the problem is that StartCombat() only works for an actor and your actors are set up in reference aliases to fix this make your fragment like this:

Edited by LoneRaptor
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The game doesn't support multitargeting, thus an enemy will be focused completely on the player after these two commands. So using factions is much better, let em decide for themselves who is more preferable combat target.


That being said, you should add the player and his companion to a faction that is hostile towards that NPC.

Edited by werr92
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Oh, right! He should be 'aggressive' but not 'very aggressive' or 'frenzied'. Because unaggressive will flee as combat starts, aggressive attacks only enemies, very aggressive attacks enemies + neutrals (not suitable for dialogues) and frenzies attack everyone, their allies included. Edited by werr92
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