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Body Glitches After Removing Armour? Help please!


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Hi, I posted this on the regular Skyrim forums by accident. Anyways, if I were to kill and NPC (SPECIFICALLY MEN, women I have not had a problem with) and remove their armor, the screen gets filled like brown and its all coming from the body of that NPC. Then when I turn away from the NPC, its gone but when I look in the direction of them it gets crazy again and Im unable to see. This has been happening to me for the past week now and its getting on my last nerves. I have really ran out of ideas for what I can do to resolve the issue. I tried integrating cache files on steam. BTW Im playing WITH mods.

Edited by viper1458
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going to need a load order list to be of any help also this needs to be moved to mod troubleshooting

if i you posted the contents of your plugins.txt people here could give you a better idea of how to fix it either by modding more stuff in for removing the offending mod

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Realistic Water Two - iNeed.esp=1
Vivid WeathersSE.esp=1
Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
Trees in Cities.esp=1
RSChildren - Complete.esp=1
weightless dragon bones and scales.esp=1
manor roads.esp=1
The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp=1
treeslod_23 v1.1.esp=1
relationship dialogue overhaul.esp=1
static mesh improvement mod se.esp=1
dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
dD-No Screen Blood.esp=1

So this is my mods load order I guess. Although, doesn't show all the mods I have?? So how will you know if the problem is from these or not? Because Idk I think it might be a problem with my skins.
Edited by viper1458
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