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About lichsmash

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  1. somehow you have a male mesh that doesnt use the default skeleton i still dont quite know in your case how it happened you probably have some loose mesh files in your data folder that are causing this i don't know the esp that is loading them
  2. going to need a load order list to be of any help also this needs to be moved to mod troubleshooting if i you posted the contents of your plugins.txt people here could give you a better idea of how to fix it either by modding more stuff in for removing the offending mod
  3. i can confirm that taking independence is not dependent on that part of the story line ive had a number of games where ive only reached diamond city and have taken the castle its probably just a radiant ai that still needs somthing to trigger on pc you can open console and type sqt any remaning things you need to do will show as prefaced by MinrecruitXX if you still have a settlement or as something else if their is a storyline for it
  4. the project and its stated goal is to create a second wave option akin to what the commanders choice did for longwar. to compensate i am considering changing the function of the guerrilla tactics school to reclass soldiers on a sliding time/rank scale the entire point and what makes this a truly separate mod is that since this is to be a second wave option instead of a blatant override more than one campaign can be run at once while the mod is active but the affects are only felt if its is selected at campaign start up to be honest i have no idea how i can pull this off with out the nexus this goes beyond my knowledge of modding and to be honest this is quite beyond me so consider this a request
  5. i would start by backing up your ini files into a folder on your desktop and then deleting the originals next start the game via steam normally and allow skyrim to recreate your ini files exit out and re estabilsh load order and boot the game only if necessary make minor tweaks to the ini as a mod author would require but don't touch the shadow settings if that doesn't work feel free to restore your ini from badckup
  6. MCM mod configuration menu why is this not on the list that was the glue behind FNV modding
  7. because that dog takes more buckshot/mini-gun rounds than what i,m shooting at and is still bringing me pipe pistols at level 30 gee thanks moonmoon good dog
  8. so my mmy problem is that evey time i go and try to sprint i lean forward aned my stamina drains slightly but i imediately go back to a running animation nothing and i mean nothing has been able to fix this i have un installed all mods deleted all saves deleted the ini deleted skyrim from my hard drive raid and reinstalled on my ssd to tell the truth i have had this bug before but i mangaged to google search some console comands that fixed iit was on uesp but i cant find that page for the life of me This bug is the apocalyptic cockroach of the nuclear holocast ive completely nuked skyrim and its still there cann anykone help EDIT fIXED TURNED OUT TO BE A KEYBOARD DRIVER CORRUPTION
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