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Experiencing CTDs mostly outdoors - high end PC


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Hello everyone. I guess this is the place to post and discuss load orders so here's my PC specs and my load order:


My processor: Intel core i7-3820 @3.6GHz

8GB of Ram memory

Graphics card: Radeon 270X with 2GB of VRam


Playing on Windows 10 (If any additional info is needed, I will provide it)


And my load order exported from Mod Organizer: http://pastebin.com/cY3uTHpF

My problem is that I get some CTDs when I am outdoors, near Whiterun and Markarth especially. I have got a couple CTDs indoors but it was over the course of 30 hours or so. I can live with that. The random CTDs outdoors are annoying, however. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I suspect Sounds of Skyrim to be the problem but I want to hear more insight.

Edited by PetrucciJohn
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