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Dogs staying in your home


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I'd like a 'set home' command for all companions/pets/horses/housecarls, basically anything that likes to follow the player character.


I got annoyed with shadowmere following me around so i killed him, one of my housecarls irritated me (just sits at dining table eating and saying the same line everytime i come within 10ft) so he got sacrificed to boethiah.


The fact that i can only have one follower is annoying especially since they dismiss back home. Hence the above wish.

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I hope someone mods this soon. I love my buddy Meeko, but I can't carry him with me on DB or TG quests. It's hard to assassinate/steal with a dog attacking and causing chaos. My little black heart breaks when I see he's gone "home" to his shack and is all alone... :( I wish he could at least go to the last owned house you entered/exited. Even if he just went back to an inn I'd be okay with it. I just don't want him to be alone anymore...



tl;dr? I need this mod like a fat kid needs CUPCAKES!!!!!

In your case, you can lead Meeko right outside the building/area/whatever you're working in, click on him, and type "tai" without quotes to toggle his AI, and he SHOULD still be there when you come back after your assassination or theft or whatever. then just "tai" again to get him moving again. You dont even need to tell him to wait there, he'll just freeze completely.

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I did help "dog" 0, got the ID for stray dog, then did a player.placeatme in my solitude house. He's been hanging out in my house ever since. It's hillarious, every time he barks, Jordis says, "stupid dog." I have not tried this with a named dog, but with the stray it works just fine.
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I'm assuming that this hasn't been made into a mod yet? I've checked the Nexus Files but found nothing. I guess we bump and wait for the CK maybe someone with some know how can do this. I know nothing about mods, except how to install them :P.
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I very much endorse a mod that at the very least will allow you to leave your dog sitting in your house without running back to where ever you got him the moment he gets bored.


Maybe they could have a similar pathway setting to companions, just walking in small circles in a set area, not all over the house. Just lying and sitting would be fine too. One assumes you'd have to have different points for each of the dogs, in case you wanted more than one (maybe a maximum of three say, Meeko, Vigilance and one for a Stray Dog).


I have no modding skill beyond slapping together a house, never even tried companion pathing let alone tinkering with AI.


one of my housecarls irritated me (just sits at dining table eating and saying the same line everytime i come within 10ft) so he got sacrificed to boethiah.

:devil: I did that, with Housecarl chick in Riften, didn't even feel bad about it. But I should have saved it for the Solitude Housecarl, she just ... grrrrrr ..... I thought Lydia was bad, but those two, ... there are no words for how irritating they are.

Kinda got attached to Shadowmere though, for no good reason.

Edited by vaknathi
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This actually the first reason I began looking at mods because Meeko's story is seriously depressing. Why would the dog wanna go back to his dead owner and wait all day instead of hang out with my cool werewolf husband at my home? Though the AI trick sounds nice, I might do that just so I know the dog isnt in that damned shack.


So if someone knows how to fix it, that would be awesome! maybe the person who made this mod could do it?

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