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  On 12/3/2016 at 6:58 PM, Tamara said:


  On 12/3/2016 at 3:56 PM, Anya29 said:

Anisotropic Filtering and Anti Aliasing (my error as AA not in the the enblocal settings anyway)


You are currently forcing AF on in your enblocal and it's not present in the current ENB.

So, is this right? I turned Anti- Aliasing off in SSE options page and in Radeon settings for SSE I changed setting the Anisotropic Filtering to 'use Application settings' instead of over-ride and set to AF level 2x.




If you turn off Antialiasing in the SkyrimSE Launcher you need to set the Antialising in the Radeon gfx card controls on to something like user defined or over-ride and then 2x 4x, 8x or 16x (whatever MSAA, CSAA, or other type options you have). "Use Application settings" means it uses what Skyrim is set to so you don't want that unless you are still using the games fxaa or taa antialising options.

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I just want to add that stay away from the latest AMD Crimson drivers! They cause the AMD 300 and RX series cards to throttle under load. It has to do with the new power saving features they added with Crimson. And such a driver might also affect your 290 card in a negative way. I read about this Crimson driver problem at several places on the net today. I tried the Valley benchmark and had 24 fps minimum and 76 fps max at high settings and 4X Anti Alising + 8 X Anisotrophic filtering.


Then I uninstalled the Crimson 16.11.5 and did run the Display Driver Uninstaller program ( DDU, wich are free to download. ) in safe mode afterwards. One should never install video card drivers on top of each other. DDU, removes any old videocard driver registry files still in there after the uninstallation. Then i installed the non Crimson 15.11.1 beta instead. And got 31 - 84 in the Valley benchmark. Skyrim SE runs smoother too. :smile:





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Thank you, goranpaa,


I tried the 15.11.1 beta this morning. It was a bit slower. I made sure my computer was on performance and turned off Kaspersky. I am going to try the Clock blocker with the latest Crimson driver 16.11.5.


Fingers crossed.


I had to leave my woes aside to spend the day (happily) with my grandson.


Has anyone looked at my MSI afterburner readouts? I am seriously at my level of incompetence. I don't know if there is something wrong with my hardware.

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You're welcome. Ok. Othervice, you could keep the 15.11.1 driver and just up the power some in MSI Afterburner. That will do the same thing as using the Clock Blocker and the Crimson driver.


If you do not have this problem in the Unigine Valley benchmark or in any other game? Then it can't be your video card or any other hardware problem.








Another question? Do you have any 144 MHz moniitor or a freesync one? Or is it an ordinary 1080 P?


Have you set the power consumption in Windows control panel - Energy Alternatives to high performance ? Then you should'nt have to fiddle with the power in the Afterburner program running the 15.11.1 driver.

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You probably missed my reply so i'll just copy and paste it :P


If you look closely you'll notice at the exact same time your framerate drops, both your core and memory clocks drop too, so my guess is your GPU is throttling. Have you tried other games to see if your performance is the same as in benchmarks? Try some games and compare it to benchmarks, or download a synthetic benchmark like Valley Unigine which should be the easiest way. If your numbers aren't the same as in benchmarks, it's your GPU at fault (VRam, RAM and CPU were ok in your Afterburner OSD). If they are, then we know for sure it's a game/VSync problem.


Also, i've noticed that, afaik the only way is to end the process manually on task manager.

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  On 12/4/2016 at 6:56 PM, gran172 said:

You probably missed my reply so i'll just copy and paste it :tongue:


If you look closely you'll notice at the exact same time your framerate drops, both your core and memory clocks drop too, so my guess is your GPU is throttling. Have you tried other games to see if your performance is the same as in benchmarks? Try some games and compare it to benchmarks, or download a synthetic benchmark like Valley Unigine which should be the easiest way. If your numbers aren't the same as in benchmarks, it's your GPU at fault (VRam, RAM and CPU were ok in your Afterburner OSD). If they are, then we know for sure it's a game/VSync problem.


Also, i've noticed that, afaik the only way is to end the process manually on task manager.

Hi gran172, I've done my best, but it ain't good enough!

Would you please look at these msi benchmarks? I readup on clockblocker and set up a profile for skyrim se and oldrim and did the example with firefox.



I don't know why there is an option for 3d_program and how to turn it on, if it should be on.






thank you for your continued support and advice.

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Not sure why you're using clockblocker, the purpose of VSync is blocking your core clocks, if i were you i would just uninstall the program.


Your benchmarks look alright, you never got even close to 100% GPU usage, so that's out of the question.


You either are using something (like clockblocker) that is hindering performance (any frame/clock limiter or a third party vsync tool), or there is something about your game/the way the game implements VSync.


Have you tried if other games get the same results as the ones shown in benchmarks?


If i were you i would just use clean Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files, close EVERYTHING on the background, delete all mods and try the game, i really doubt you'd get an issue like that.


This is kind of a dumb question, but i'm assuming you've got the drivers up to date, right?

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The reason using Clock Blocker = GPU power-management control software. Are due to that the later AMD Crimson drivers makes the gpu throttle down on the power under heavy load despite any Vsync. The Crimson part of the driver / drivers are flawed, and so far AMD have'nt come up with a working fix for this.

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  On 12/8/2016 at 10:48 AM, goranpaa said:

The reason using Clock Blocker = GPU power-management control software. Are due to that the later AMD Crimson drivers makes the gpu throttle down on the power under heavy load despite any Vsync. The Crimson part of the driver / drivers are flawed, and so far AMD have'nt come up with a working fix for this


Actually, you're the first person i've heard saying that a certain driver throttles GPU, i haven't had any problems with thorttling and i always keep drivers up to date. Anyways, there's been a huge driver update for AMD today which i'm sure should have fixed the problem, plus increasing power limit always fixes throttling.

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