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Question about the Vampire Lord.


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Okay a few days ago I started a new character, and last night she became a Vampire. Now this is the very first time in the past 5 years that I have a Vampire character. ( And that is only thanks to the mod Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim from EnaiSiaion. :) )


It will be a long time before I will make her a Vampire Lord. ( Well ... maybe, I will have to wait and see. I guess it is better to first finish the main quest line and such? ) But since this is my first Vampire character I tried to find out how to transform back to human form while in VL form, and that was easy enough to find. Turns out that can be done through the Revert form power in the Favourites menu. BUT ... either I did not search correctly ... or it just is not really well documented. ( This is a wild guess though. ) But I can not find information on how to switch between the Bloodmagic mode and the Melee mode when using a mouse and keyboard?


I can use a gamepad, but it is not a Xbox gamepad. It is a Speedlink TORID Gamepad Wireless for PC-PS3. I would like to use it but I have no idea what buttons and such do what in Skyrim?

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