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Stability issues


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well the best way to sort load order for me is to check the game records in tes5edit for conflicts. if you load all your plugins in tes5edit, you can right-click in the left side and hit 'apply filter'. you uncheck... i think the first and fourth boxes in the upper-left of the dialogue that comes up. if you read them it makes sense since they deal with no conflict stuff. you apply the filter and all your conflicts will be color-coded. from there you can look through your conflicting records to see if you need to make patches or reorder your mods.

Awesome thank you sir. Going to have to look into what the colors mean but at least now I have a direction.

Edited by Cricket222
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it's pretty much like a stop light, green yellow and red and the standard protocol. don't put TOO much stock in the colors though. i'll take a green record and turn it red fixing a bug. in my experience, a lot of times the olive-colored ones are bad ITM records.

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