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"Essentials"? See this entry in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide. Those are the ones you need for a stable game. Everything else is preference, which varies depending upon how you like to play the game. Perhaps with a little more to go on people will offer up their favorites.



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thanks for the replies sorry I should have been more clear in my OP,I have downloaded Willow who I have used before but am looking at mods that make the game look so much better,never used an ENB before,so are there mods that are not enb's which will do the job.thanks

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From your number of forum posts I would expect you to understand that mods to make the game "look so much better" are going to come at the expense of performance (as measured in FPS). This is a six year old 32-bit game, so even the latest hardware is going to encounter limits it cannot overcome. My point is, get a stable game with what you consider your "must have" mods first, to establish a performance baseline. Then carefully try adding graphics mods one at a time and check the performance impact of each.


In case you aren't aware, the "plugin cap" for FNV is around 130-140 (varying by your individual system). That number includes any "inactive" plugins in the data folder as well. So it pays to prioritize your mod selections.


ENB is going to impart a roughly 30-60 FPS penalty. If you are running Windows 10, it is likely to be even worse as ENB has known problems with Win10 and the author does not have and can't work on it. Read over the series of ENB "issues" starting here in the "Fallout NV Mod Conflcit troubleshooting" guide to get past the most common ENB configuration problems.


Note that the ENBSeries does have a standalone component called "ENBoost" which is recommended for everyone with more than 4GB of RAM as it can help with graphics memory without the negative FPS impact. It's in that series of ENB related issues.


As for graphics mods that don't require ENB, indeed there are many. Take a look at the Nexus FNV Categories: "Environment", "Models and Textures", and "Visual and Graphics". Personally I (and many others judging by the endorsements) like "NMCs Texture Pack" for the landscape textures.


For characters it sort of depends upon what aspect you want to alter: face, body, or clothing/armor.

* For faces, see the category "Hair and Face models".

* For bodies, they are under the "Models and Textures" category.

* There is the "Clothing" category for clothes and armor.


I don't use most of these other than a few clothing mods, so I won't make any recommendations.



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