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Hi lovely nexus people,


I got a problem with my Skyrim (including Dawnguard, Hearthfire, Dragonborn). The Game doesn't start after I install ENB + Unbleak Preset.

After some research on google, reddit and some guides/forums, I am still sitting here trying to get the game to start.

Apparently I need a little help from the more experienced guys out there on the nexus. :smile:


So first of all some System Specs: i5-4690K@3,5GHz, 16GB Ram, GTX970, SSD, Windows 10.


Secondly, here what I experienced so far:


Since I got a new SSD, I wanted to move Skyrim and change the complete mod-setup. Therefore, I...

- installed skyrim via steam,

- launched the launcher once for initialization,

- installed creation kit via steam,

- installed NMM (0.63.9),

- installed skse,

- copied d3d9.dll + enbhost.exe into the skyrim game folder (v0.308),

- downloaded Unbleak 279 from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24828/? and

- followed the steps in Readme file (basically: copy everything into skyrim game folder and modify Skyrimprefs.ini. according to the readme.).

- Since it says Unbleak requires http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12454/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/9930/? I installed both via NMM.

- Afterwards I followed the S.T.E.P. Guide http://wiki.step-project.com/ENBoost .


After this total reset, upon launching the game as usual via NMM (SKSE launcher) the game, I see the skse loader pop up quickly and then the window of the game opens and closes right after.

I repeated this hole procedure for the previous ENB Version v0.292, with the same result.

Online, some people state this is load order related, but I think that doesn't make sense because I don't use any Mods, apart from the two mentioned ones.

Despite of that I ran LOOT, but these two don't even show a plugin. And Even with deactivating no change was observable.

Furthermore I changed true/false values in the enblocal.ini in the memory section to hopefully learn something. I didn't. :tongue:


If anyone knows what I've been doing wrong or got an idea about what might help me in my misery, ... much appreciated. :smile:


Best Regards,



PS: Excuse my language. English is not my mother tongue. :wink:

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usually when the game crashes immediately it's because you're missing a master. you can try loading your plugins in tes5edit to see if they do in fact finish loading or, most likely, you see something along the lines of 'error: missing master...'.


edit: if all you're using is skse and an enb then probably something's either horribly wrong in a config file, or... did you install in program files, or in a different directory? better not to install in program files. did you try installing the old directx 9?

Edited by ymf331
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After your post I checked with TESVEdit but couldn't find anything.

However I realized TESVEdit loaded from drive C:\ instead of X:\.

I remember that steam re-downloaded the whole game when I checked game file integrity.

It seems there happened a little mess. I will make sure to have everything installed once now and try the process again. :smile: cya


Edit: According to dxdiag I got all directX versions from 12 to 9 installed.

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1. Install Skyrim Legendary Edition to X:/Games/steamapps/common/Skyrim
2. Execute X:/Games/steamapps/common/Skyrim/SkyrimLauncher.exe to see if game works and create the .ini files in C:/Users/"Username"/Documents/my games/Skyrim.
>> Game loads correctly.
3. Copy(/Data, skse_1_9_32.dll, skse_loader.exe, skse_steam_loader.dll) to X:/Games/steamapps/common/Skyrim
4. Execute X:/Games/steamapps/common/Skyrim/skse_loader.exe.
>> SKSE loads correctly.
>> Game loads correctly.

5. Install Nexus Mod Manager to X:/Modding/Utility/_Nexus Mod Manager.
6. Execute NMM and enter skyrim game path.
7. Set the Mod Directory to X:/Modding/Mods.
8. Set the Install Info Directory to X:/Modding/Install Info.
9. Set the Virtual Install Directory to X:/Modding/Virtual Install.
>> Game loads correctly via skse via NMM.
10. Install LOOT and TESVEdit and configure NMM accordingly.
11. Clean Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfire.esm and Dragenborn.esm of ITMs and UDRs, individually.
>> Game loads correctly via skse via NMM.
12. Download enbseries_skyrim_v308.zip and copy(all files in /WrapperVersion) to X:/Games/steamapps/common/Skyrim.
13. Download Unbleak 279 from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24828/? and copy(all files in /_Quality) to X:/Games/steamapps/common/Skyrim.
14. Override all files that come from Boris' enb.
15. Open C:/Users/"Username"/Documents/my games/Skyrim/SkyrimPrefs.ini and apply the following changes:


16. Install Dark Dungeons for Skyrim - Dawnguard - Dragonborn from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12454/? via NMM and activate both.
17. Run LOOT over the current setup. (5 ITMs in Dark Dungeons Mod found. I think I can ignore those.)
>> Game loads correctly via skse via NMM.



Résumé: The problem was, that Skyrim was installed multiple times and the wrong version was loaded. The key to realizing it was reading the TESVEdit load protocol.

(By the way: Do I need the enbhelper.dll in order to use any weather, lightning mod?)

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i'm pretty sure you don't need enbhelper.dll. i don't have it. i'm glad you got your game working. i don't personally use loot, but i don't think that it necessarily finds the itm records in and of itself. you'd have to check in tes5edit and make sure nothing important is being overwritten to know if they're a problem or not.


edit: nah, given the nature of what it edits, it conflicts with some of my lighting mods and that's about it. i don't think any itm records would make that a whole lot worse. looked through half the cell blocks before i finally found an example. it just overwrote 3 other itms and enhanced lighting for enb.

Edited by ymf331
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