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More lively and fun Companion behavior


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At the moment, companions are just mindless attack drones with storage functionality. They're cold and rigid, good for only carrying my stuff and helping me out in fights that I could have handled myself anyway.

I want to actually feel I have a companion, a travelling buddy. Not a robot.


When Lydia and I slay a dragon, I expect her to have some reaction other than running to my side and giving me a blank look, like what my kid cousin does when he craps his pants.


She should maybe.... I don't know. Cheer abit? Woo-hoo~ ? Hop on the spot whilst clapping her hands? "Yay we killed a dragon ^_^. It's a freaking huge mythical lizard. Wouldn't make sense if I reacted like I accidentally crushed a snail right?"

Maybe male companions would attempt to offer you a fist bump? A high five for both genders? And you had a option to take them or not of course.

Just some ideas. I know what I suggested so far might be too out of character for others, but whatever is better than just STARING AT ME HUNGRILY.


Also, they could use more idle animations like your mage buddy squatting to smell flowers while you afk or told them to stay put, but I'm sure this bit has been mentioned many times already.


So mainly, companion idle and victory animations which you can partake in sometimes.

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In theory this should be quite possible as I know oblivion received a great deal of custom animations. I think it only gets tricky when you try to link up two separate targets into an animation.


HOWEVER, since they added kill cam moves in which a character directly interacts with another, it should in theory be quite possible to reverse engineer those and produce a similar event for a Fist Bump(Aka Brofist)


Can't wait till the CK is released for us to make this happen!

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I didn't touch modding during oblivion, but I really hope those modders that make such animations notice how awfully dreary our current companions are.


I'm also hoping they take notice of the brofist request too. Would give me extra reason to bring along male companions.

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  • 1 month later...

It's horrific that nobody seems to pay attention to something this crucial. At least I found only this thread after searching the internet for half an hour.


I haven't played Skyrim in a while, but what annoyed me the most were my lifeless companions who, as above already mentioned, do absolutely nothing on their own except for the slaying.


I don't think they should just react but interact on their own either, like, when you enter a tavern, get a drink or maybe they might engage in conversations, sit down, or go to bed if one is provided.


In comparison to other NPCs they seem so utterly without soul.


Saw a "Camping Mod" recently - if your companion just stands there, in the middle of your camp and stares at you, well, that kind of ruins it all, I guess.

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