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British and Spanish accented female voice actors


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Do we have anyone who has a nice thick British or Spanish accent? I'm trying to gauge what's available. I normally run around with Wintermute configured to look like a dark skinned Latina and then I thought to myself, we have Curie and Cait, why not another accented female? Brings some flavor to the Commonwealth.


Sample Accents (put up here since Athanasa indirectly gave me the idea)


French Accent - Curie (find in Vault 81)

Irish Accent - Cait (find in Combat Zone)



Russian Accent - Vadim & Yefim Bobrov (found in Dugout Inn in Diamond City)

British Accent - Whitechapel Charley

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See, I'd love to volunteer. But them I realise I don't really have the time and my audio quality will probably be gratingly bad. (Apparently I have a very posh accent, though.)


As for explaining it in game (although nobody ever explains the two Russians in diamond city), maybe the character was raised by Mr. Handys & Mr. Gutsys?


It'd be an interesting take on some of the questions in FO4. In a world with synths, where does a human raised by robots fit in? What makes you human?


(Imagine the character having very little understanding of actual people - like Curie, but actually flesh and blood.)

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Right, the idea had started blossoming in my head so I'm going to just splurge it out here, in a very vague and disorganised way (mostly due to the mobile version of the site having no post formatting). Apologies in advanced for nuking your thread with this.



i) Don't all Mr. Handys, Gustys and Codsworth share the same voice actor?

ii) If so there will be PLENTY of vanilla dialogue to splice up for her introduction quests.

iii) Pick character name from one of the names Codsworth can say.

iv) Ditto for robot parent names.

v) You don't have to fanny around with facial expressions or lipsynching with robots.

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i) The Commonwealth fears synths, but trusts robots with British accents. Why? Because they know what they are. An interesting point to play with.

ii) While Mr. Handys are programmed to be able to care for children (and probably lovely people with strong values) they can't teach their child about the world in the way humans can. They aren't biological.

iii) Maybe they scavenge books for the character to learn from? Imagine learning about people from Classic Novels!



i) The robots realise that their "little girl" (probably late teens / early 20s) needs to be around other humans.

ii) Throw in all the generic parental anxieties of this time, combined with this being Fallout.

iii) Robots vet the player to make sure they are good enough to look after their little girl.

iv) Eventually become settlers to keep watch on their daughter?

v) Add a bit of Classics into this - their daughter must go off with someone suitable! Possibly take / adapt scenes from classical female POV novels as tests the robots put the character through? (Trial by dinner, anyone?)



i) "Muh typical family!" Potential to play on the fact that the two robots are "male", in as much as they can be.

ii) The Mr. Handy would likely end up in the stereotypical "female" role of home maker, with Mr. Gutsy being the stereotypical "male" (note that these are prewar stereotypes, in the weird setting of the Fallout universe)

iii) The robot actually "calling the shots" day-to-day is probably Mr. Handy. Mr. Gutsy follows his advice.



i) Being raised by robots probably gives the character a similar world view to the Sole Survivor. Upbringing and social values are likely to be prewar.



i) With her only social interaction being with robots the character does not learn the social nuances of sarcasm, lying, or subtle facial expression.

ii) She probably can't imagine anyone lying, even though she has read about it. Probably understands hiding things (Codsworth is able to do so, but never lies) but not outright lying.

iii) Therefore cannot lie herself.

iv) When was she taken in by the robots? To avoid horrific early mental development, I'm going to say at about 4-5 years old?

v) At that age she would have learned very basic facial expressions for herself (sulky toddler pout, grinning, disgust, basic stuff) but not subtle stuff.

vi) Also required caregiver interaction with a fresh and blood person.

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... I take it back, I have all the time in the world for a mod like this. Earth Wasteland Salvation, anyway.


The psychological implications alone are fascinating. And I feel that having another wide eyed and innocent character would be great. Plus it could better explore some of the more profound points about Curie which get pushed aside.




Also, probably non romanceable. Because mentally a kid. Unless it's done really well, in a way that somehow avoids bring creepy the way the Curie romance is. I'll think some more on this.



I should probably contact the 3DNPC people. I'm sure they'll know how to make this idea reality.

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i) The Commonwealth fears synths, but trusts robots with British accents. Why? Because they know what they are. An interesting point to play with.


Synths can also replace someone without them ever knowing. Someone would notice if a Mr. Handy replaced your family member and tried to act like them. Plus all the spying and other stuff makes people afraid of synths.


Do you have any recordings of your voice anywhere?

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Not that I can access on my phone right now. That and most of what I have uploaded is silly voices. Budget Gollum, Satan Voice, Camp Wizard, Totally Not Skeletor... Curie the Sentry Bot.


I have a suspicion that if I boot up the computer now I won't be able to extract myself from the internet until 2am.

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Since Overwatch made Tracer and now Sombra a reality, I'd love to see those personalities and "accents" carry over into a mod of some kind. They're some strong characters to draw inspiration from, and I think many people would benefit from having such interesting characters to interact with after dealing with so many settler drones. So I guess what I'm saying is, I hope you find what you're looking for Genolune.

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