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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I'm seeing the folders content just fine as well as the latest hotfixes for PEACE and WARS itself...and the latest well dressed patch, I'm just not sure which version of the WARS - PEACE patch is in the folder.


Was the original patch between WARS and PEACE replaced?

With the smaller files (so everything but the main WARS and PEACE files themselves) I'm replacing them with the updated versions, yes.


In this case, the new file for WARS-PEACE is WARS-PEACE-WarAndPeacePatch_b1_0_1.7z.




Thanks for all this. I've run out of time to look at it all today, but I should have time tomorrow.



Well I am not entirely sure what happened but apparently refreshing the page fixed it just fine.

Okay, good; that's a relief. I didn't want to have to send out an all-new download link to everyone, or something.

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Okay, getting back to this now that I've got some time:

Hi antistar. I'm back to testing, I've put about 10 more hours into the game, level 26 and just finished the story with the Minuteman ending. I'm starting to run into higher tier weapons like the USAS, SA80, and Glock 18C, the variety is so much better and I'm excited to really flesh out the arsenal now.

Good to hear that (by the sound of it) there were no major issues playing through to the end of the main quest. In my test playthrough I'm spreading out and doing whatever, just playing "normally", so it'll be a while before I get to any story endings.

I was trying to get the HUD widget working, but still no dice. I noticed two AmmoTweaks archives, AmmoTweaks - Textures.ba2 and AmmoTweaks - Main.ba2 weren't activated (the two "_Core" archives were enabled by default), but activating them didn't seem to change anything. I also tried both versions, GitHub and ModDB, using HUDFramework with/without the def_ui patch (I'm not using def_ui ofc), reordering the priorities/plugins, and I definitely dont have the "_Default" plugins enabled (deleted from the mod folder), couldn't seem to get it working unless I'm like really missing something. I'll keep at it.

Isathar had to re-upload AmmoTweaks on GitHub/ModDB due to initially not naming the ba2 files correctly. They forgot to remove the incorrectly named ba2 files when doing so though, so they're still in there as duplicates. They're exactly the same files, just with different names, and they should have no effect other than roughly doubling the size of the AmmoTweaks download. (Isathar does know about it - because I told them - but it'd be a low priority to fix since it has basically no effect, so...)

I can still only guess what might be the issue here. A conflict with another mod that adds/changes HUD elements?

I know that I'm using a mod that adds extra info to the HUD when hovering over items, and it requires the crosshair to be left enabled (in game settings - it can be made invisible in other ways, e.g. using FallUI) since it sits on the same layer (or container or whatever) as the crosshair. Could be something like that? I.e. the AmmoTweaks HUD widget is on a layer that's being hidden by another mod? That's just a shot in the dark; I don't know if that's something that can happen, or if it would have this effect on AmmoTweaks.

Hmmmmm..... Maybe try extracting \Interface\AmmoTweaks\CNDHUD.swf from the ba2 file to your Data directory as a loose file?

On the bright side, the latest patches seemed to fix a lot! Inoperable weapons are now actually inoperable (giving the INOPERABLE ammo type), I've stopped getting stacking COND messages, I've stopped getting random ammo cases, actual max COND shows in messages, and the weapon info boxes appear correctly. Those were pretty persistent issues, so I'm glad to see they're in working order.

Speaking of shots in the dark; that's very good to hear, because I had no way to test if the fixes I made there were actually doing anything constructive. That's a relief.

M1911 with long barrel + bayonet initially did not have knife drawing anim (returned later, needs testing)

I haven't seen that on my end, and the barrel OMODs don't affect which animations are used. None of the keywords on them are referred to by animations - at least in WARS. Could be that some other mod has animations that refer to dn_barrel_long or whatever, though?

There are two equip animations for most weapons: "WPNEquip" and "WPNEquipFast". The latter for the M1911-with-bayonet doesn't have the knife-draw part. Maybe you just saw that one?

It’s possible to access turret inventories from any range while ADSing and remove their ammo

Oh, this one; I saw that earlier in my test playthrough too, and then forgot to fix it. (Whoops.) I've fixed it now; fortunately there's an "IsInIronSights" (or whatever the wording) check you can use. That fix will be in the next update.

In one instance, looting food from a workbench generated moldy food directly in the workbench, but gave the full amount of food items (a whole 6 melons, and again with 14 mutfruits)

Behind-the-scenes with the food spoilage script: If a spoilage event fires when you take perishable food from a container, the container that has the most perishable food (considering the player character as a container here) is the one that has food spoil. So it's possible (and quite likely, if dealing with a settlement's shared inventory) to take food from a container and have that food be fine, but "notice" that food still in the container has spoiled.

If what you describe happened when there was no other perishable food in the container... that's a bit of a mystery. I tested for that just now, to be on the safe side, but couldn't get that to happen.


(The food spoilage system definitely isn't perfect, but there's only so much you can do if you can't add and track values on individual instances of stackable items that are inside containers.)

As I'm playing more, I'm seeing some variety in messages. When I swap to a weapon, it gives me a COND message, and sometimes gives me a "Thrust" message as if indicating the gun's melee type; it doesn't seem to correlate with the bayonet attachments, testing just now it seemed to appear when getting a new weapon to my inventory (possibly after adding weapon mods too), then went away to just showing COND (The junk tanto correctly gives me "Swing", for comparison). This has been pretty persistent, but I assumed it might have to do with the type of attack the melee button does, like "thrust"ing with the butt of the gun.

I only set up melee weapons to have the "Thrust" Attack Mode (or Swing, Sweep, etc), so you shouldn't see that for ranged weapons.

I've never seen how these fallback messages behave (and it seems like I can't easily find out, since the MCM options to disable the HUD widget don't seem to work), but I have a vague memory of seeing "Thrust" used as a default message for this, so that may be why you're seeing it.

The best result here would still be to work out how to get the HUD widget working, if possible.

I'm not seeing messages that indicate what subtype of ammo I switched to, but I've been using the ammo swap menu so I didn't think that needed to appear. But, this notably affects when I swap between two ammo types, there's no message indicating what I've swapped to and I have to check the pip-boy.

That's annoying. I created and assigned all the ammo sub-type messages for AmmoTweaks to use in its fallback messages, but maybe they're not actually being picked up and used!

Same again though; the best solution would be to get the HUD widget working. (This definitely isn't your fault - racking my brain trying to think what might be the problem.)

Also, after picking up an SA80 recently, I've been getting "Fire Mode Switch Failed" messages, but it doesn't appear to affect functionality on any weapon, they still switch. The SA80 in question doesn't change its firemode, but I see that the semi-auto/auto attachments are behind Gun Nut 3, so I'm assuming that needs to be attached first.

I've had this happen once, a while ago (before my test playthrough, even). I'll paste this in from the Known Issues section of the readme:

- "Fire Mode Switch Failed". Seemingly rare issue only encountered once in testing so far. The effect controlling Fire/Attack Mode switching for a weapon had gotten stuck on the player somehow, instead of being removed as usual when un-equipping the weapon. In my case the stuck effect was from a melee weapon. To fix it, simply equip and un-equip that weapon again. (Another copy of the weapon should work too.) The easiest way to identify which weapon was the culprit is to install Active Effects on HUD, and look at the new "Effects" tab it adds to the Pip-Boy, in the STAT section. Any active Fire Mode effects will be listed there, with the weapon name showing in the left column.

So give that a try? Could be that just reloading a save would work too; not sure.

With the SA80 - and any other weapon with both Semi and Select-Fire Trigger Group options - the Fire Mode hotkey shouldn't do anything if it has a Semi-Auto Trigger Group attached. Only the Select-Fire OMODs have the effects on them with the script that does the fire mode switching.

I did notice that behavior, yeah. After a weapon drops below a 100th increment (like 800/1200) and therefore drops a COND level, it would reequip, same with getting crippled limbs and swapping ammo. What I saw was definitely beyond that though, in some cases for example while using one of the Skorpions or M590, the reload would consistently cut short and skip to the draw animation back-to-back with no obvious cause. I'll keep playing to see what seems to be causing it, but it's definitely happened a few times already and appears to be beyond the expected conditions.

I had another go at reproducing this earlier - with the Skorpion and Mossberg specifically, too - without any luck.

Unless you're just seeing expected behaviour? When a weapon is Very Dirty, it has a chance for permanent damage with every reload, prompting an OMOD swap to drop the Receiver quality to the next lowest level. This chance increases as the COND gets closer to zero, so it will become more and more likely that you'll see it happen with every reload, even, as long as the weapon still has Receiver quality levels to lose. (Once it's at "Awful", it can't get any worse.) You should get a "weapon damaged" message when it happens, though.

(Also, as a side note; COND isn't divided up by increments of 100, necessarily; each COND level is at a percentage of its maximum COND.)

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No, fortunately the WARS and PEACE patches for MM don't edit the same things, so they don't conflict.


(Unlike the WARS and PEACE patches for Manufacturing Extended/Better Manufacturing, which do conflict - hence the WARS-PEACE-BME patch.)

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The ballistic wall/ceiling mounted bubble turrets aren't able to hit anything. I know those turrets have collision issues with missile style projectiles, so I think the projectiles are hitting the turret mesh itself so none of its shots actually make it out. I've checked with the turrets in the Jamaica Plain basement and I was able to just stand in front of them without getting hit. Maybe those ones will have to stay as hitscan?

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Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'm actually about to go there in my game too, so I'll check it out.


Not the end of the world if those turrets have to be hitscan, but we'll see; maybe I can just move the projectilenode in their nif files.

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The ballistic wall/ceiling mounted bubble turrets aren't able to hit anything. I know those turrets have collision issues with missile style projectiles, so I think the projectiles are hitting the turret mesh itself so none of its shots actually make it out. I've checked with the turrets in the Jamaica Plain basement and I was able to just stand in front of them without getting hit. Maybe those ones will have to stay as hitscan?

Well if thats the case it's really weird and, tbh, retarded. Hope there's a way to actually make the turrets work with actual projectiles.

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Good to know especially for the WAR and PEACE patches being replaced, couldn't exactly see the version number in the name on Google drive on account of it being so long.


Maybe should say this for other testers that are running a survival widget mod (like me) you might need to have said mod load after PEACE for your widget gauges to function properly (I use DEF survival widget and had to do this.)


Some questions I figured I'd ask (given there are most definitely mods I'd like to integrate into PEACE and WARS) is there documentation for integrating third party armor and clothing? And is there maybe a fallout4edit script that integrate third party NPC plug-ins?

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The ballistic wall/ceiling mounted bubble turrets aren't able to hit anything. I know those turrets have collision issues with missile style projectiles, so I think the projectiles are hitting the turret mesh itself so none of its shots actually make it out. I've checked with the turrets in the Jamaica Plain basement and I was able to just stand in front of them without getting hit. Maybe those ones will have to stay as hitscan?

Well if thats the case it's really weird and, tbh, retarded. Hope there's a way to actually make the turrets work with actual projectiles.


I had a fiddle with the bubble turrets and editing their projectile nodes didn't seem to do anything; it may be that you'd need to edit their actual animations in this case. Not sure how it's handled for Actors. I don't think it's worth the time to do a deep dive into that and start experimenting with it just for these few turrets, so I've changed them back to hitscan for now; that'll be in the next update.


I had a really close look at the turrets when firing, using console commands to slow the game down so I could see the bullets in flight, and (at least with ballistic projectiles) they're actually originating from behind the surface the turret is attached to. So they're hitting the wall/ceiling/etc behind the turret, basically.



Oh, also; you may want to be careful with the "R" word there; that's considered a slur.



Good to know especially for the WAR and PEACE patches being replaced, couldn't exactly see the version number in the name on Google drive on account of it being so long.


Maybe should say this for other testers that are running a survival widget mod (like me) you might need to have said mod load after PEACE for your widget gauges to function properly (I use DEF survival widget and had to do this.)


Some questions I figured I'd ask (given there are most definitely mods I'd like to integrate into PEACE and WARS) is there documentation for integrating third party armor and clothing? And is there maybe a fallout4edit script that integrate third party NPC plug-ins?

Oh, right; in google drive, look at the top-right-ish part of the window and there's a button you can use to change it to list view. That'll let you see the full file names.


With the survival widget, do you mean this one? ("DEF_SSW Survival Stats widget redone".) I tried it out though ultimately decided not to use it myself, and don't remember having any problems with that quick test. It doesn't have a plugin, so load order shouldn't be applicable. What was the problem you saw though, anyway?


There is a PEACE Third Party Mod Support Tutorial in there that covers armour and clothing. It's in the PEACE_Patches folder. And in the WARS_Patches folder there's the WARS-HP_DR_ER_Normalisation file which has FO4Edit scripts for normalising NPC HP/DR/ER values to fit in with WARS. Not sure if that's what you were after.

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Changing it to list view still doesn't allow me to see the full file names..maybe because it's on my phone...no matter, you've already specified patch updates replace the old patches.


I actually use the predecessor of that one which is just Survival Stats Widget and it does have a plugin (made by the same author,) basically what happened is when its loaded before PEACE the widgets become locked in a 'famished, dehydrated and overtired' state even though you're actually fed, hydrated and rested. Was quite comical.


Right there's a mod support tutorial for PEACE, probably start off small and simple first with basic clothing (not intended for combat) I'd imagine that be a bit simpler than going straight to things like Private Military Company. For NPCs doesn't PEACE also make changes for things like strength, carry weight etc?

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