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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I have hated the vanilla tommy gun for a while. Will yours have a wood furniture foregrip as a possible modification?​


Also, since I would really like to see a much better tommy gun in-game. I thought I would make a few modification or unique variant suggestions. Doing one with pearl grips or in-lays into the wood furniture would be beautiful and very unique. I basically would recommend wood handgrips and foregrips bordering an octagonal pearl medallion or insert. I would like to see both the wood and the ivory together as opposed to just being wood or just being pearl. If you did this to the Silver Submachine Gun, then using an ebony or black wood would make it look more "Shroud" - like as well. I also recommend better sounds. I hate the vanilla sounds. I currently use a replacer. I have noticed that older 1920's tommy guns have lighter sounds than those used in WWII. In Saving Private Ryan, the tommy gun had a deeper, louder sound to it. I think I like that sound better. I know my custom/unique texture request would probably take a lot of work, so don't take it too seriously since it is likely an overwhelming request with this entire overhaul on your plate. It is just what I personally think would totally make a true unique as opposed to just a silver colored receiver. On the other hand, if you know any good modders who would be fascinated by the unique suggestion, feel free to forward the description to them.


P.S. I hope you do eventually add a good quality BAR. That way I can role-play as Smitty from Hacksaw Ridge picking up a corpse to use as a body shield while blasting some Japanese... or Chinese rather. :wink: Keep up the awesome work and thank you in advance for giving us WARS!

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I have only just found about this mod's developement so excuse me if I'm asking something others already did, but how much progress has been made yet? I'd very much like to play it but could only find videos several years old by now.


I'd estimate that several million progress has been made.


More seriously; as far as the initial release goes, the art assets are done really, barring some animations I'm waiting on. Stats for pistols are done, rifles are mostly done, shotguns are done, energy weapons are mostly done, heavy weapons are half done, and I haven't done anything for melee weapons yet. Still to do is AmmoTweaks integration (waiting on the update) and all the levelled list and other distribution stuff. Probably assorted other tweaks to be made too. Then there's (beta) testing, documentation, etc.


"Several years old" is a bit of an exaggeration; I only started on the mod a year and a few months ago. It's just a big project though; it takes time.



I have hated the vanilla tommy gun for a while. Will yours have a wood furniture foregrip as a possible modification?​


Also, since I would really like to see a much better tommy gun in-game. I thought I would make a few modification or unique variant suggestions. Doing one with pearl grips or in-lays into the wood furniture would be beautiful and very unique. I basically would recommend wood handgrips and foregrips bordering an octagonal pearl medallion or insert. I would like to see both the wood and the ivory together as opposed to just being wood or just being pearl. If you did this to the Silver Submachine Gun, then using an ebony or black wood would make it look more "Shroud" - like as well. I also recommend better sounds. I hate the vanilla sounds. I currently use a replacer. I have noticed that older 1920's tommy guns have lighter sounds than those used in WWII. In Saving Private Ryan, the tommy gun had a deeper, louder sound to it. I think I like that sound better. I know my custom/unique texture request would probably take a lot of work, so don't take it too seriously since it is likely an overwhelming request with this entire overhaul on your plate. It is just what I personally think would totally make a true unique as opposed to just a silver colored receiver. On the other hand, if you know any good modders who would be fascinated by the unique suggestion, feel free to forward the description to them.


P.S. I hope you do eventually add a good quality BAR. That way I can role-play as Smitty from Hacksaw Ridge picking up a corpse to use as a body shield while blasting some Japanese... or Chinese rather. :wink: Keep up the awesome work and thank you in advance for giving us WARS!


The iconic vertical fore-grip is planned, definitely. I'll see what I can do re: making the Silver SMG look especially fancy - thanks for the suggestions.


The firing sound effects will probably be left vanilla, like the other replacer weapons - so that users can use their preferred sound replacer.

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Thank you for the helpful response, appreciate it. I'd like to know if there are plans to include other auto shotguns besides the USAS 12, like Pancor Jackhammer from Max Payne or rare but powerful battle rifles such as the FG42. I wouldn't be bothered much if they aren't implemented, just asking as a side bonus.


I very much look forward to its completed, or even beta release, as I'd be willing to put up with a few bugs for a mod as gorgeous as this.

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Something just came to mind for me and I don't think anyone else has thought about it. I believe you're implementing a durability system to the weapons in this mod much like how it was in previous Fallout games among other things that you're doing to make the mod more realistic and whatnot. What are your thoughts on setting up a reloading system where for magazine and clip fed firearms, it's based on having individually loaded magazines and clips instead of just deducting a certain amount of ammo out of your reserves to reach full capacity in the gun? The mod linked below being a good representation of what I'm referring to.



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Something just came to mind for me and I don't think anyone else has thought about it. I believe you're implementing a durability system to the weapons in this mod much like how it was in previous Fallout games among other things that you're doing to make the mod more realistic and whatnot. What are your thoughts on setting up a reloading system where for magazine and clip fed firearms, it's based on having individually loaded magazines and clips instead of just deducting a certain amount of ammo out of your reserves to reach full capacity in the gun? The mod linked below being a good representation of what I'm referring to.



So,effectively,turning Fallout into Receiver? An interesting concept.

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Something just came to mind for me and I don't think anyone else has thought about it. I believe you're implementing a durability system to the weapons in this mod much like how it was in previous Fallout games among other things that you're doing to make the mod more realistic and whatnot. What are your thoughts on setting up a reloading system where for magazine and clip fed firearms, it's based on having individually loaded magazines and clips instead of just deducting a certain amount of ammo out of your reserves to reach full capacity in the gun? The mod linked below being a good representation of what I'm referring to.




This is another of those things that I think about a lot, actually. ;) I'd love for more games to handle cartridges and magazines as discrete objects. For me the main reference point is 7.62 High Calibre/Hard Life, which I was talking about recently in the thread for its excellent inventory system. This is another aspect of that inventory system that makes it so good.


But yes; it would be fantastic if you weren't selecting (say) an extended magazine from a list of weapon mods and then *bam* you've somehow got nothing but extended magazines for the weapon in question, but were instead finding magazines of different sizes in loot. Then you fill them up with cartridges - maybe of different types; AP in this mag and JHP in this one - and those filled mags are what you've got in combat.


I've tried to work out in my head how this might work in FNV and more recently in FO4, and in short it would be extremely complicated to do. (To do adequately, anyway.) It's the sort of thing that would be a challenge to do even if you did have access to source code and whatnot. The biggest hurdle is the interface for something like this; you'd almost certainly need UI widgets, new sections and functionality in the Pip-Boy, new reloading logic for weapons, the works. Not to mention hurdles like how NPCs would handle it.


It's not the sort of thing I'd be able to slip into WARS, basically - and unfortunately. I think it would take some F4SE plugin wizardry for there to be any chance of doing this in a worthwhile way - and I'm definitely not a coder.


I've seen that linked mod before, though admittedly I haven't tried it out and there's not much information on its Nexus page. At a glance though it looks pretty cumbersome and limited, unfortunately. If you've only got the base game's interface and features to work with though, that's kind of unavoidable.

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That's the biggest thing that sucks about implementing this feature. Yes, it is very complicating. Different types of magazines, ammo, etc to take into account of and yes, many functionalities would have to be added as well. It could just be me and I could be wrong here since that I don't really know a lot about the Creation engine. Despite how vast the modding community in Fallout 4 is, there's just something about it that feels...I think the right word here is "limited" or something of the likes. Or maybe it's not the engine and it's really just how the developers designed and made Fallout 4 as. It feels like the game really needs a serious upgrade to me. A more capable and flexible game engine...and better developers. Again, I could be wrong and it could just be me here.


As for the mod that I linked here, so far, that's the only mod I could find at the moment that references what I'm talking about here. I too don't know much about this mod. I'm currently playing the game on the Xbox One and the mod isn't available on Bethesda.net as far as I know.

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