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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Okay, no problem, i guess i will start studying the concepts them, who knows maybe everything will work. Anyway you know strifer? I've been accompanying the mod for some time now, they moved their updates to vk




I really liked the design for the gauss rifle on the Gunslinger mod, i think i may use it as the "base" inspiration for my concepts, however i expect to add more modifications do the gauss gun so it may suit many different playstyles in opposition to the vanilla gauss which is powerful but mostly unusable because of ammo rarity, i plan to change that by adding the capacity to make "homemade" ammunition, which would be easier to make, but would do less damage and make the weapon "degrade", i do plan to make it WARS compatible IF not dependant, well let's just see how things work out. I sure i hope i can manage to do this, i already have another BIG project on the hold, but this one seems to be a better start for me, mainly because most of the technical stuff is programming and i'm a good programmer, i would still need an animator and a 3D modeler however, you wouldn't happen to know someone that might be interested in this kind of project do you?

I've seen some of STRIFER's work before - mainly in connection to the Gunslinger mod. It's very impressive.


For modelling/texturing there's AlexScorpion, asXas, Shoeburglar off the top of my head - and for animating there's Ha_ru, Hitman, Shiny Hax, War Daddy... I don't know who'd be interested in doing it though; I wouldn't want to speak for anyone.

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Okay, no problem, i guess i will start studying the concepts them, who knows maybe everything will work. Anyway you know strifer? I've been accompanying the mod for some time now, they moved their updates to vk




I really liked the design for the gauss rifle on the Gunslinger mod, i think i may use it as the "base" inspiration for my concepts, however i expect to add more modifications do the gauss gun so it may suit many different playstyles in opposition to the vanilla gauss which is powerful but mostly unusable because of ammo rarity, i plan to change that by adding the capacity to make "homemade" ammunition, which would be easier to make, but would do less damage and make the weapon "degrade", i do plan to make it WARS compatible IF not dependant, well let's just see how things work out. I sure i hope i can manage to do this, i already have another BIG project on the hold, but this one seems to be a better start for me, mainly because most of the technical stuff is programming and i'm a good programmer, i would still need an animator and a 3D modeler however, you wouldn't happen to know someone that might be interested in this kind of project do you?

I've seen some of STRIFER's work before - mainly in connection to the Gunslinger mod. It's very impressive.


For modelling/texturing there's AlexScorpion, asXas, Shoeburglar off the top of my head - and for animating there's Ha_ru, Hitman, Shiny Hax, War Daddy... I don't know who'd be interested in doing it though; I wouldn't want to speak for anyone.



Ty man, once i have some solid concepts, i will try to contact them

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In general news: Today I finished doing the stats for the last of the ranged weapons, which is a decent milestone I think. Next up are the stats for the melee weapons and explosives (though I may wait until the AmmoTweaks update is out for the latter). Hopefully they should be a lot less work than the ranged weapon stats.

So that's the only feature to be done holding back the release?

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So that's the only feature to be done holding back the release?

No, melee and explosive weapons are just one of the main parts still to go. There's also AmmoTweaks integration, weapon distribution changes (the levelled lists), several animation sets still to be done (there's been some recent news on the animation front though), probably a bunch of minor things all over the place, beta testing, documentation... Still a bit to go overall.



Someone start a fire under ammo tweaks mod author asses please so we can get this thing going:-)

What isathar is doing in AmmoTweaks is complicated and a lot of work and I'm glad it's not me. ;)

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Good news,Antistar! I'm building a beefy desktop. Which means I might just be able to get in on testing your mod,provided it doesn't begin and end before six-ish months from now; I buy parts individually,because it's inherently more affordable,that way.

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Will this mod get something along the lines of Weapon Jiggle Remover? Now I never had a proper gun in my hands in my life but from what I understood the standard FO4 weapon jiggle is simply dumb, because it looks as if the character had arms made of rubber. In return there should be custom animations for each weapon jiggle, ideally depending on which stock is used, what kind of weapon it is and such.

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Good news,Antistar! I'm building a beefy desktop. Which means I might just be able to get in on testing your mod,provided it doesn't begin and end before six-ish months from now; I buy parts individually,because it's inherently more affordable,that way.


Cool. I'm hoping it won't be that long before the beta, though. ;)



I know you said you weren't replacing the energy weapons, but if you were to add a gun to the institute I think the kriss vector would suit their style very well.


I think there's already an Institute-themed Kriss Vector mod out there, in fact. It's something I'm unlikely to include in WARS itself, though.



Will this mod get something along the lines of Weapon Jiggle Remover? Now I never had a proper gun in my hands in my life but from what I understood the standard FO4 weapon jiggle is simply dumb, because it looks as if the character had arms made of rubber. In return there should be custom animations for each weapon jiggle, ideally depending on which stock is used, what kind of weapon it is and such.


I guess that jiggle could stand to be toned down a bit, but I don't think it looks right when completely removed as in that mod. To be honest the jiggle doesn't really bother me; I'd never even noticed it before that mod came along.



Mcam melee weapon mod would be perfect with Wars. They also won't conflict with the way the mod author of mcam said about the way he scripted his weapons.


There'll be a lot of weapon mods that don't technically conflict with WARS but will still need a patch (or alternate version catered to WARS) to make sense alongside WARS, due to its general combat/weapon overhaul. A kind of "soft" conflict.

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