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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Oh I do know that you can carry the flip-up sights mod with you and then swap to them via the WMK.

(I've commonly used a portable workbench mod, so I'm already used to the idea of swapping omods on the road.)

It's just that it's a bit silly to have to carry a loose omod for something that is already visibly attached to the gun.

(I assume the sights and their omod aren't weightless, either. Having to carry the weight of the back-up sights (tiny I assume, still) twice then if one wants to swap to them in the field, not grand.)


But hey, I did say I was petty. :-J

Edited by Tenurialrope3
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Yep - hence it sort of getting into "RP" territory.


It occurs to me though that the AmmoTweaks update may include the potential for sights/scopes to break if a weapon's condition is low enough. (This is unconfirmed as far as I recall and the update is still being worked on of course, so don't quote me on that.) I think the idea was that it may happen when bashing with the weapon?


In any case, if that is in there - and I end up using the feature in WARS - I imagine I could set it up so that the AR-15 would switch to having the flip-up sights attached if the scope or reflex sight was broken. I don't know to what extent I'd use it on other weapons... For weapons that still have the iron-sights there when other optics are attached it's simple enough; that's what you'd go back to if the optic broke. For something like the SA80 though where the (carry handle) iron-sights are detached in order to attach optics...


I mean I could have a null sight that you'd revert to if the optic broke, leaving you with nothing to aim with. It wouldn't be hard - and it would maybe provide a reason to actually carry the backup carry handle sights with you as a backup. ;)

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Hi Antistar,


Sorry a while back I confused the Sturmgewehr with the Volksgewehr...although I will mention Volksgewehr was evaluated postwar and given a very bad review. Appropriate pick for the commonwealth I guess.


Also you mentionned:


"In WARS, for any weapon with iron-sights that are just always there and not replaced by other optics, those iron-sights cost nothing to "craft". (Vanilla weapons too; this is something I did during my rebalance pass.) With a Weapon Modification Kit (basically a TAS Tool Kit) you can do this away from workbenches too."


That's a nice fixer. How does it work (TAS Tool Kit), really. I can't seem to make it run...

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Yeah, the Volkssturmgewehr was a Nazi last-ditch weapon from the end of WWII, so... that's not surprising. My plan is for it to only be used by the Children of Atom (of course), raiders, settlers, etc. Better equipped factions will have better weapons.


With TAS, as I recall you just craft the tool kit at a chem bench and then use/hotkey it from the Aid section of your Pip-Boy. I didn't have any problems with it. Well... except for it removing Legendary effects from weapons, but I fixed that in the version merged into WARS, and mentioned how to fix it in a bug report on the TAS Nexus page.



As an update:


Hackfield kindly gave me permission to merge/adapt Useful Crank into WARS, so now Laser Muskets require no ammo; just crank to charge them. It works fine on the automatic variant too. Speaking of which, while I was dealing with the Laser Musket I also made it possible to modify the automatic variant. Along with the usual Laser Musket modifications, the Automatic Capacitor itself can be swapped out and installed into other Laser Muskets, though it can't be crafted from components like most weapon mods; it is semi-unique.


Weapon versions of the bayonets are in, and I swapped the vanilla reflex sight on the Double Barrel Shotgun with the Nydar Gun Sight I made for the Thompson. I'll probably show some screenshots at some point, but those were pretty quick and simple things.


I went through and enabled the "NPCs use ammo" flag on all the appropriate weapons, and made them spawn with a moderately increased amount of ammo. The plan is for higher-ranked enemies to get more ammo on top of that, but that will be part of the levelled list work. So now NPCs no longer have unlimited ammo and grenades! Robots and turrets are excluded, along with creatures with natural ranged attacks, of course. Player-built Automatron robots are not excluded; you'll need to supply them with ammo.


While I was at it with the Automatron robot weapons, I went through and gave the loose mods for their weapons some more reasonable weight values. Because a detached Sentry Bot minigun for example should probably weigh more than half a pound. Oh, speaking of which; like the normal Sentry Bots, I made the regular Sentry Bot miniguns require 5.56x45mm ammo, while the "unstable explosive miniguns" have been changed to use "bulk .308/7.62x51mm" like the player-usable Minigun, and to no longer be explosive.


I haven't given all the other robot part loose mods reasonable weight values yet (... there's a lot of them), but I probably should, for the sake of consistency. I've only been very roughly estimating these values because I don't want to spend a lot of time on it, but it's still an awful lot closer than "everything weighs 0.5 lbs", as in vanilla.


Shortly I'll be moving on to all the levelled list work I've been talking about; setting up who gets what weapons.

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I'm afraid not; this isn't something that can be easily toggled on and off. The "NPCs use ammo" flag is enabled per weapon record, and levelled list work is required to increase the ammo that NPCs spawn with (as well giving them backup melee weapons). For people who really just can't stand this feature though, well - it is just a single flag per weapon record, so an add-on patch that clears the flag on all the weapons would be pretty easy for them to make.


As for resupplying settlers, this is something I've thought about before. It's possible that some settlement object could be made that controls settlers automatically maintaining a minimum (and maximum) amount of ammo in their inventory... or something like that. That seems like it could quickly become pretty complicated though; working out what weapon/s they're using and all that. First I want to see how well the whole "no infinite NPC ammo" thing actually works in extended testing. (I.e. just playing the game.)


Oh - something I forgot to mention earlier; for now at least I've left companion weapons alone in this regard, so if you leave a companion with their personally preferred weapon, they're considered to be supplying their own ammo for it. Give them something else though and you'll need to give them ammo too. (From memory that's vanilla behaviour.)

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sounds like a job for laser muskets(I said before settlers/minutemen would favor them for thier logistics).

Alternately would it be simpler to have a settlement object that instead of intelligently balancing and maintaining ammo stores just splits whatever you dump in evenly between the settlers? its at least a step above chasing them all down to give ammo.

Edited by passinglurker
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That's still potentially pretty complicated, since the script would have to (I imagine) somehow get the references of all the current settlers and distribute ammo among them evenly. And what if the player dumps in more than one type of ammo at once? Do you try to find a way to stop them doing that, or a way to handle it? Admittedly I've been doing my best to avoid scripting in FO4 so far (since as I've mentioned I don't like scripting), so maybe it wouldn't be as much of a pain to pull off as I'm imagining.


But yeah, right off the top of my head what seems to me like a good solution design-wise would be some kind of "supply depot" object that you build. Any weapons, ammo and armour you put into it is automatically divided amongst the settlers. Maybe if you hooked a terminal up to it you could set options for minimum and maximum ammo levels to maintain, or trigger all settlers to dump their gear in it, or trigger a manual re-equip - that sort of thing.


That all sounds incredibly difficult to script, but pretty handy for the player. ;)

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I imagine under what I proposed that If they drop in two ammos then it'd be split between everyone as evenly as possible a dumb but predictable system, but it doesn't sound like that actually saves any trouble on the implementation side of things.

hmm... well I think the simplest way to handle this is just give settlers their unlimited ammo but only for the most common/cheapest ammo types that way players that don't want the hassle can just settle for certain weak weapons, and only have to go through the tedious chase down and set up once.

another thought what about an interaction point like how settlers are constantly hammering rosa's house at sanctuary or a guard post? where when they interact with it it rearranges their inventory how the player wants you'd have to wait for them all to idley walk up to the interaction point and use it but that would get around some of the complicated scripting issues wouldn't it?

As for automatrons. Do they need seperate energy cells for energy weapons or is that supplied internally?

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