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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Well, if you feel it would be distinct from other weapons in the mod it shouldn't take more than a day, maybe two (if you're proficient with the CK) to make a patch adding it in once the mod is released. Personally I'm planning on making a few of these to fill a few holes or add more variety.

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So,what sorts of progression curves are we looking at,here? What sorts of weapons do you expect players to cycle through as they play the game and level up,be they a Gunslinger,Commando,Rifleman,or Heavy Gunner?

Since they no longer affect weapon damage, the importance of the weapon skill perks has been de-emphasised in WARS. That's not really what I want, but it's the old problem of not being able to affect recoil values via perks - because if I could have that as a replacement for damage bonuses, I'd do it in a flash. As it stands at the moment, they improve hip-fire accuracy and give chances to stagger, disarm, cripple, etc - depending on the perk.


With that in mind, I see pistols as backup weapons, something to use on minor enemies like smaller mutated animals, or something to use when you haven't yet found a suitable primary weapon. I'm planning to replace the 10mm Pistol/s you find in Vault 111 with Walther PPKs, so that's likely to be the first ranged weapon people will use. If someone really wanted to focus on pistols, they'd probably then use Pipe Pistols or Pipe Revolvers (maybe depending on the ammo they can find), then Glocks, and later the M29 Magnum Revolver. Potentially a 10mm Glock too; they'll be at kind of a mid-point in power between 9x19mm Glocks and the .44 Magnum M29.


Really though I expect people to mainly use Rifleman and Commando weapons - and a side-effect of a number of those weapons being potentially select-fire is that they'll be able to switch which perk is currently affecting the weapon by switching fire-modes. There's a lot more choice there. I imagine people would likely move from the Walther PPK onto the Skorpion vz. 61 and maybe some pipe guns, possibly a double-barrel shotgun. Then there'd likely be the Thompson SMG and the Mossberg 590, followed by the Volkssturmgewehr, Mini-14, R700 Rifle... things really open up there.


Beyond that there's the AR-15, SA80, USAS-12, Handmade AKM... the point where you get what are likely the ideal primary weapons that you'd want to stick with. After that are the really high-tier weapons like the Makeshift Anti-Materiel Rifle and Barrett M107.


That's without even touching on Energy weapons... I expect progression there would be similar to the base game; Laser Musket, AEP/AER/Institute laser weapons, Plasma weapons, Gauss Rifle.


I don't see Heavy Gunner weapons as good primary weapons - in WARS or in the base game. In WARS especially I think they'll be something that you keep for special occasions. Too heavy to just cart around all the time. In terms of progression though... the M79 Grenade Launcher might be first, then the China Lake. (And maybe then the M203 under-barrel launcher, if you're using an AR-15.) Although I suppose there's that Minigun you can get in Concord basically right off the bat, so maybe that would be first.


I don't know; heavy weapons are a bit different in that they're usually found in certain locations rather than spawning generally on random NPCs.



Thats fair but if you don't mind me making one counterpoint I'd say that the reising is distinct from the thompson. With much lighter weight (delayed blowback vs. essentially straight blowback), more accurate in single fire(closed bolt vs. open bolt), and less suitability for sustained super mutant melting fire (20 round mags, vs 50+ round drums, and rifle grip vs pistol grip) it's niches would either be "the lesser smg you find more commonly/before the thompson that supplies you with the ammo to feed the thompson" or "the rifleman's .45acp weapon". (I'd also add that since it uses combat rifle animations that it'd be an option for super mutants but I don't recall if the thompson doesn't also have animations for super mutants)

Well, if you feel it would be distinct from other weapons in the mod it shouldn't take more than a day, maybe two (if you're proficient with the CK) to make a patch adding it in once the mod is released. Personally I'm planning on making a few of these to fill a few holes or add more variety.

If time was no obstacle I'd be including waaaaaaaay more weapons in WARS. I need to choose my battles though; it's just too much work otherwise.


The SA80 is a good example, actually; it took a lot of work, and earlier I'd planned to leave it until later since it's pretty similar to the AR-15 in the same way that the Reising is similar to the Thompson. (In game mechanics terms, to be clear.) I did it at the time I did partly as a thank-you to Hitman for doing so many animations for WARS - since he was the one who first requested the SA80 and was pretty keen on it - and partly because I'm waiting on the AmmoTweaks update.

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Select-fire capability? Your a godsend dude! Will this also affect firing multiple-barrel weapons (ie the good old double-barrel shotgun), cause that would be cool? I think that's the best way to go with the ranged combat perks; speaking of which will you be changing melee at all or does this mod only touch guns (sorry if this was already stated).

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No problem Antistar, you're doing God's work already by fixing the game's broken balance, not the mention the wonderfull additions included with your new weapons and the features from AmmoTweaks, there's already a permanent spot for WARS on my mod list, exellent work here. To be honest, i prefer adding the patches for the weapons myself too, sure it's a bit of work, but you have the advantage of keeping control over what you want and what you don't, and modularity is one of, if not the most, important aspects of modding. I will try to keep consistency however, i've already began making a list of mods i'm going to patch to work with WARS, it's still pretty tiny, but who knows what new weapons may be released by the community. Now i have a question, what do you think about the EBR? I mean the EBR is basically a "modernized" fancy version of the M14, did you ever planned to have it implemented via modifications? Also do you plan to add more weapons as you update WARS after the initial release?

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Select-fire capability? Your a godsend dude! Will this also affect firing multiple-barrel weapons (ie the good old double-barrel shotgun), cause that would be cool? I think that's the best way to go with the ranged combat perks; speaking of which will you be changing melee at all or does this mod only touch guns (sorry if this was already stated).

The plan is for WARS to use AmmoTweaks once its update is out (at the moment it's using Loads of Ammo for testing purposes), and I think AmmoTweaks already has support for firing one-at-a-time or both-barrels-simultaneously as "fire modes" when it comes to the Double Barrel Shotgun.


Melee isn't really the focus of the mod, but I've made some changes to melee weapon stats, and to perks that affect melee. There's some more info in the first post; expand the spoiler tags.



No problem Antistar, you're doing God's work already by fixing the game's broken balance, not the mention the wonderfull additions included with your new weapons and the features from AmmoTweaks, there's already a permanent spot for WARS on my mod list, exellent work here. To be honest, i prefer adding the patches for the weapons myself too, sure it's a bit of work, but you have the advantage of keeping control over what you want and what you don't, and modularity is one of, if not the most, important aspects of modding. I will try to keep consistency however, i've already began making a list of mods i'm going to patch to work with WARS, it's still pretty tiny, but who knows what new weapons may be released by the community. Now i have a question, what do you think about the EBR? I mean the EBR is basically a "modernized" fancy version of the M14, did you ever planned to have it implemented via modifications? Also do you plan to add more weapons as you update WARS after the initial release?

I'm going to wait until the mod's finished to see how it all turns out before assuming I've definitely "fixed" anything, but here's hoping. ;) (And thanks.)


An M14 that can be modified to turn it essentially into a Mk 14 EBR would be pretty great I think - if that's at all plausible; I'd have to have a closer look at how the two weapons are put together. Again though; a lot of work required there.


In the past I've been interested in including an M14 in WARS, but more recently I've been more keen on using an FN FAL to fill that kind of battle rifle role. A pretty nice FN FAL resource cropped up recently, too.



Hmmm speaking of patches would modders be able to patch their own weapon mods for wars. Also would wars be able to work with


Yes, I'll be writing a tutorial that will cover how to make a weapon mod compatible with WARS.


WARS makes changes to some perks, so a compatibility patch would almost certainly be needed for that mod.

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Hey no problem, i just mentioned because it seemed like a weapon well adapted to your game vision, that FN FAL is pretty nice too, it would make a great addition, but anyway, i'm going to continue to track this topic for updates and i will keep adding more weapon to my "patch" list, keep up the great work man

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At the moment, I have 5.56x45mm weapons doing 75 base damage, and .50 BMG weapons doing 450 base damage. (Those numbers are a bit lower or higher depending on weapon mods - and the Makeshift AMR is a bit lower than the Barrett M107 since it's - y'know, makeshift.) If I was sticking stubbornly to relative muzzle energy values then the .50 BMG would be more like 750 damage, but that's getting a little nuts.


The Gauss Rifle does slightly less damage than the .50 BMG weapons - really a game balance thing due to it and its ammo being a bit lighter.



As a general update: The levelled list stuff is coming along well. I think I've got all the factions except for the Institute set up now. Loadouts (primary, secondary and melee weapons, plus levelled ammo), DLC weapons appearing in the Commonwealth (and other DLC areas) where appropriate, all that stuff.


After the Institute loadouts are done, there's just the vendor weapon/ammo levelled lists to look over, and a look through other miscellaneous levelled lists to try to make sure everything's fine elsewhere too.

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