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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Hey it has been a while since I have bombarded you with a passionate wall of immovable and unreadable text so I thought I might ask a question or two.


I was wondering with the release of fallout 76 if it might be possible for someone with the right knowledge to look into its game files and see how their durability system works in order to potentially utilize it for WARS. The Fallout 4 New Vegas team is working on a system like this as well I think.

The main reason I ask is because the whole receiver system you have planned currently, seems like it might work but also seems as if it may clog up the crafting menu needlessly and be a bit tedious to work with. I was just curious if having an actual durability bar that dynamically changes the damage/potentially some other factors as the durability gets lower is something you have thought about or are thinking about.


Also do you know if the volkssturmgewehr will be modified by Commonwealth Warfare at all because it's weird buzzy shot sound is the most absurd garbage I have ever heard.


Final thing! I got super excited about this mod again after setting up a visual mod setup and now have everything lined up for use with the mod. Still tweaking my UI but so far everything else is nice. Because I have an uncommon aspect ratio the green background behind text and UI elements is misaligned with the actual text and UI so it looks terrible. Cannot figure out how to remove that background stuff.


There we go! Almost readable and understandable for being rushed out rather quickly.

Edited by celdorash
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Yeah, sorry. This just baffles me so much. I'll go ahead and remove it now if you don't want it here.

Thanks - and for anyone wondering, it was a video about FO76. Plenty of those all over the place at the moment; can't miss 'em. They don't need to be here too. ;)



Hey it has been a while since I have bombarded you with a passionate wall of immovable and unreadable text so I thought I might ask a question or two.


I was wondering with the release of fallout 76 if it might be possible for someone with the right knowledge to look into its game files and see how their durability system works in order to potentially utilize it for WARS. The Fallout 4 New Vegas team is working on a system like this as well I think.

The main reason I ask is because the whole receiver system you have planned currently, seems like it might work but also seems as if it may clog up the crafting menu needlessly and be a bit tedious to work with. I was just curious if having an actual durability bar that dynamically changes the damage/potentially some other factors as the durability gets lower is something you have thought about or are thinking about.


Also do you know if the volkssturmgewehr will be modified by Commonwealth Warfare at all because it's weird buzzy shot sound is the most absurd garbage I have ever heard.


Final thing! I got super excited about this mod again after setting up a visual mod setup and now have everything lined up for use with the mod. Still tweaking my UI but so far everything else is nice. Because I have an uncommon aspect ratio the green background behind text and UI elements is misaligned with the actual text and UI so it looks terrible. Cannot figure out how to remove that background stuff.


There we go! Almost readable and understandable for being rushed out rather quickly.

AmmoTweaks includes a durability ("CND") bar that works basically as you describe, and the plan is to use that in WARS. Isathar kindly incorporated a toggle to allow me to use it in a slightly different way, though; changing it into a "DIRT" meter. The idea is that it fills up as a weapon gets dirtier, and if you don't clean it, it runs the risk of getting damaged - stepping down one receiver condition level. (Out of five levels: Awful, Poor, Average, Good, Perfect.) At that point, repairing the weapon essentially involves crafting/swapping in a higher-condition receiver. This is all somewhat inspired by the dirt/wear system in 7.62 High Calibre.


Five receiver omods is less than what vanilla uses, so I don't consider it to be clogging up the crafting menu. ;)


I've changed the Volkssturmgewehr to use the Handmade AKM fire sound effects - unless it's been modified with a Gamma Infuser, which basically changes it back into a Radium Rifle and restores its default fire sounds.

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changing it into a "DIRT" meter. The idea is that it fills up as a weapon gets dirtier, and if you don't clean it, it runs the risk of getting damaged - stepping down one receiver condition level. (Out of five levels: Awful, Poor, Average, Good, Perfect.)


"Dirt? What is dirt?"

-Owen SMG

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Here are the animations for the Skorpion, finally:

- Skorpion vz. 61 animations

And another image:

- Skorpion vz. 61 08

The M79 grenade launcher is up next.



"Dirt? What is dirt?"

-Owen SMG


Oh yes, the Owen Gun - I've seen one in the Australian War Memorial. I was wondering why you mentioned it at first, but then:

First of all, it utilized a top-mounted magazine, which gave several benefits. It allowed gravity to assist both feeding and ejection (although the Owen will function when held upside-down). Since the ejection port was on the bottom of the receiver tube, dirt which might enter form the magazine or through the magwell would often just fall right through, having no place to collect.

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There was also a hole in the back of the gun where any dirt that did collect inside would simply drain through, the bolt and firing pin being covered by a bulkhead of sorts to cut down on foreign contaminants


Apparently it was favoured a lot by US troops in Vietnam.

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Yeah, I commented on that here semi-recently.


I believe different weapon behaviours like that are hard-coded in FO4 (or at least not understood/decoded by anyone who is not BGS), so that'd be great... but a pretty tall order. Having something like that to refer to in FO76 may help, but my guess is that it'd still take some really heavy-duty reverse engineering.

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