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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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That AmmoTweaks update isn't out yet, no. I just heard from isathar today as a matter of fact, though.



Dealing with Ask-Firsters is the lot of the mod author; I'm used to it. ;) I also live in hope that the occasional reminder that there's a FAQ will hopefully reduce the number of questions I get that have already been answered.



In other news, work on the M79 grenade launcher animations is in full-swing. It's unfortunate that I couldn't keep the vanilla (Double-Barrel Shotgun) grip, as then I would have only really needed to give it a new reload. However with the vanilla grip the right hand clips through the stock, and isn't far enough forward to reach the top lever. The vanilla double-barrel reload doesn't even have the hand work the lever, actually; it just pops open magically on its own.

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I've said it before, but I think it's fairly safe to assume that the people at BGS working on the weapons do know these basics about how they work. It's just that they're choosing to go with inaccuracies in some areas, usually in order to save themselves some work. E.g. mirroring weapons horizontally to get bolt handles and whatnot on the left so that it's easier to animate.


Is doing it wrong intentionally any better? ...Maybe a little, depending on what it is - because at least there's a reason for it - but I still don't like it when I see it, and try to do better myself when working on WARS.


With the double-barrel shotgun reload, the magically opening top lever is mostly hidden off-screen, to be fair. It was probably unclear, but I was more commenting on how it's another thing that makes the double-barrel shotgun reload not ideal for the M79. Different dimensions and all that.

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The animations for the M79 grenade launcher are finished - except for the reload, which I'm working on now. Related to this - and to my previous post - is that I was looking for reference material on youtube and came across a video showing the M79 that appears in FO76. (First I've heard of it.)


Perhaps unsurprisingly, it appears to be using a very slightly modified version of the Double Barrel Shotgun reload animation; it still has the empty shell incorrectly ejecting automatically, and the top lever hidden off-screen so that it can open by itself.


The reload I'm working on is more detailed and accurate... and hopefully I can make it convincing as well. Animation is hard.

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An animation question; Do you have any idea as to why literally every single game on this planet has everything animated for right handed people? It's always baffled me that literally nobody in video game fiction,with the old and no longer valid exception of Link,was left-handed. It is somehow easier to animate for right-handed characters?

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An animation question; Do you have any idea as to why literally every single game on this planet has everything animated for right handed people? It's always baffled me that literally nobody in video game fiction,with the old and no longer valid exception of Link,was left-handed. It is somehow easier to animate for right-handed characters?

I'd guess it's mostly a matter of percentages. When only 10% of the population (roughly) is left handed, why spend all the time and money to make two entire sets of animations? There have been a few games in the past that had different methods to address that issue, mirror modes and whatnot, but it seems most studios have just given up on it.

Edited by jkruse05
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An animation question; Do you have any idea as to why literally every single game on this planet has everything animated for right handed people? It's always baffled me that literally nobody in video game fiction,with the old and no longer valid exception of Link,was left-handed. It is somehow easier to animate for right-handed characters?


Precisely what jkruse05 said. $$$$


1) Can we convince management that left handed anims are worth allocating part of our already dwindling budget in a way that doesn't sound like it requires spending more money?

2) Is it worth the extra development time, resources and effort to create another set of animations for every. Single. Weapon. In the game?

3) How much will this increase sales of the game by?


If you can convince management that it's worth doing then it's mostly a walk in the park in getting it implemented. But most people really don't care about it until they see it since they're too busy avoiding getting shot at or something like that. Also shareholders.

Edited by Bottletopman
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I do feel bad for left-handed people playing FPS games; it must feel pretty weird to have everything be right-handed. Thinking back to Counter-Strike (and I mean the original Half-Life mod, because I'm getting old), everything was left-handed in that, and it felt incredibly weird to me. I seem to remember it being that way because Gooseman is left-handed?


It's telling that I have to go that far back to think of an FPS with weapons being used left-handed. I guess there was Undying too - a personal favourite of mine, also from quite a long time ago now - though that was a dual-wielding "guns in your left hand, magic in your right" kind of thing.


It's extra weird in FO4 (though it's not the only game to do this of course) because it incorporates a bunch of left-handed versions of weapons that all the characters always use right-handed anyway because that's just how it's done, right?

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