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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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If I can replicate the for lack of a better word invisible mag bug I will get screens. I had patched the MK18 and its additions minus a bunch of magazines I dont use following your guide meticulously. I was using better manufacturing and the patches provided for it to scrap ammo and ammo parts as well as manufacturing ammo. I hadn't played with manufacturing weapons or weapon parts yet

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Oh, I misunderstood and thought you were talking about one of the weapons I implemented. It's good to hear that someone's using the tutorial; that took a lot of work to put together. It's hard to know on my end what might be going wrong there; using a keyword to identify a magazine OMOD but the keyword is used on other mag OMODs as well? I didn't really test what sort of things could happen if that wasn't set up properly. Could just be down to some vagary of how the base MK18 mod is set up, too.


If there's some crucial piece of info I didn't think to include in the tutorial though, that'd be good to work out, of course.



I've found my ammo factory to be extremely useful, but I have to admit that I haven't made a weapons factory yet either. I've been thinking of putting together one to make Uzis, to equip settlers with. Now that my character has moved up to using rifle calibre weapons, a lot more pistol calibre ammo is building up (you can't convert between pistol and rifle powder), so maybe I could turn it all into (say) 9x19mm AP to give them some versatility with those Uzis.


I did just put together a very simple armour factory setup - though on that, that's something I'm working on now. I noticed that I never re-jigged armour manufacture/breakdown across vanilla, Manufacturing Extended, Better Manufacturing, etc to be more consistent. (Just for the core piecemeal armour sets that can be manufactured - Leather, Metal, Combat and Synth armour.) Currently the type and amount of components they scrap into - and are built from - are all different.


So testers can expect some more updates soon.

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Does PEACE incorporate its own survival widgets out of curiosity? Specifically to do with hunger, thirst and sleep?
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Getting an ammo factory up and running is definitely a priority in my playthrough.



Two things about power armor I noticed. First, is the weight reduction for worn armor supposed to not be in effect while in PA? Second, while in power armor the COND bar for guns gets replaced by a pistol icon, like in this image here. I've tried it with multiple weapons and it happens consistently for me.


Edit: It persists when you exit PA until you swap weapons.

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Does PEACE incorporate its own survival widgets out of curiosity? Specifically to do with hunger, thirst and sleep?

No, there are already mods out there that add things like that. PEACE doesn't change how that part of Survival mode works, so there was no need to re-invent the wheel there.



Getting an ammo factory up and running is definitely a priority in my playthrough.



Two things about power armor I noticed. First, is the weight reduction for worn armor supposed to not be in effect while in PA? Second, while in power armor the COND bar for guns gets replaced by a pistol icon, like in this image here. I've tried it with multiple weapons and it happens consistently for me.


Edit: It persists when you exit PA until you swap weapons.

Effects on normal clothing/armour items are disabled when you get into power armour - including the weight reduction for having them equipped. That's a vanilla thing; not sure if that can be changed. I don't mind so much, though; it's what first gave me the idea for the power armour Load-Bearing Equipment and cargo carriers, in fact. Think of it as having to take the armour off when you hop into power armour, due to it not fitting inside.


The COND bar being replaced with an icon (that changes colour to indicate the current COND) is just how AmmoTweaks is set up. Presumably isathar thought that the bar looked out of place alongside the more diegetic HUD used when in power armour (and I would agree), so the icon was used instead.


The icon persisting when you get out of power armour until it gets some kind of update (e.g. a weapon is re/equipped) is probably just a limitation or minor known issue.



Beta update:


For the testers - I just uploaded a bunch of updates:


WARS Beta 1.0.2 hotfix:


Beta 1.0.2 (04-05-23)

- Increased priority on "Filthy" weapon COND OMODs to try to prevent ammo sub-type OMODs potentially overriding them, resulting in Filthy weapons still functioning when they shouldn't.

- AmmoTweaks fallback COND notifications should show actual maximum condition now.

- Edits to WARSAT_WeaponManagerScript in an attempt to solve rare issues of extra info window showing for more weapons than just the equipped one, and (potentially) extra casings unrelated to the equipped weapon being added to inventory. Difficult to test, as I don't know how to reproduce either of these issues.

- Replaced a couple of "WARS Unused" loose mods that were hand-placed in the base game. (That I didn't notice earlier.)


This is a cumulative patch (and if you were playing PC games before the days of Steam, you might remember this distinction), so you don't need the WARS Beta 1.0.1 hotfix to use this one. You can remove that one. You still need the main WARS mod though, of course.



WARS-PEACE Beta 1.0.1:


Version Beta 1.0.1 (04-05-23)

- Resolved conflicts from PEACE b1.0.1.


WARS - Better Manufacturing Extended Beta 1.0.1:


Version Beta 1.0.1 (04-05-23)

- Disabled crafting of Fusion Cores in Power Armor Forge, since they're handled in a dedicated machine in WARS.



WARS-PEACE - Better Manufacturing Extended Beta 1.0.1:


Version Beta 1.0.1 (04-05-23)

- Resolved conflicts from changes introduced in PEACE b1.0.1 and PEACE-BME b1.0.1.


PEACE Beta 1.0.1 Hotfix:


Beta 1.0.1 (04-05-23)

- Rebalanced component and perk requirements for armour that is covered by factory machines, for consistency across modification and manual/factory scrapping/manufacture.


A hotfix just like the one for WARS: you'll still need the main PEACE mod. And again, remember to remove this hotfix if you install the release version of PEACE, after the beta.



PEACE - Better Manufacturing Extended Beta 1.0.1:


Version Beta 1.0.1 (04-05-23)

- Rebalanced component and perk requirements for armour that is covered by factory machines, for consistency across modification, scrapping, crafting and manufacture.


PEACE - Well-Dressed Beta 1.0.2:


Beta 1.0.2 (04-05-23)

- Added suit of Red Shift power armour to the Yangtze sub.

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Hey antistar I just checked the drive and it seems the permissions were changed or the files were removed from the wars-peace-patches folder. Also the better manufacturing patches are not present

Edited by Longstrider92
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I just tried accessing and downloading those folders/files in a different browser where I'm not logged in, and had no problems. They're all showing the same permissions as far as I can see, and I certainly haven't changed anything. Are you able to download the hotfixes for WARS and PEACE?


Is anyone else having problems like this?

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I'm seeing the folders content just fine as well as the latest hotfixes for PEACE and WARS itself...and the latest well dressed patch, I'm just not sure which version of the WARS - PEACE patch is in the folder.


Was the original patch between WARS and PEACE replaced?

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Hi antistar. I'm back to testing, I've put about 10 more hours into the game, level 26 and just finished the story with the Minuteman ending. I'm starting to run into higher tier weapons like the USAS, SA80, and Glock 18C, the variety is so much better and I'm excited to really flesh out the arsenal now.


I was trying to get the HUD widget working, but still no dice. I noticed two AmmoTweaks archives, AmmoTweaks - Textures.ba2 and AmmoTweaks - Main.ba2 weren't activated (the two "_Core" archives were enabled by default), but activating them didn't seem to change anything. I also tried both versions, GitHub and ModDB, using HUDFramework with/without the def_ui patch (I'm not using def_ui ofc), reordering the priorities/plugins, and I definitely dont have the "_Default" plugins enabled (deleted from the mod folder), couldn't seem to get it working unless I'm like really missing something. I'll keep at it.


On the bright side, the latest patches seemed to fix a lot! Inoperable weapons are now actually inoperable (giving the INOPERABLE ammo type), I've stopped getting stacking COND messages, I've stopped getting random ammo cases, actual max COND shows in messages, and the weapon info boxes appear correctly. Those were pretty persistent issues, so I'm glad to see they're in working order.


I've noticed a few more bugs, I'll list them now:

  • M1911 with long barrel + bayonet initially did not have knife drawing anim (returned later, needs testing)

  • It’s possible to access turret inventories from any range while ADSing and remove their ammo

  • In one instance, looting food from a workbench generated moldy food directly in the workbench, but gave the full amount of food items (a whole 6 melons, and again with 14 mutfruits)



Are you able to download the hotfixes for WARS and PEACE? Is anyone else having problems like this?


The Drive folders are still available for me. I can also see the better manufacturing patchs for WARS, PEACE, and WARS-PEACE.



In regards to your response, here's what I know:


That does seem a bit high for the Pipe Revolver though; I'm trying to roughly work out off the top of my head how it could get that heavy. Do you remember what attachments/etc it had?


I don't remember what attachments that particular pipe revolver had (I didn't hold on to it, it was super early game), but the ones I've been finding since have been of reasonable weight. Once I have access to higher level Gun Nut perks I'll see if I can maybe recreate it, and I'll continue to keep an eye on dropped pipe revolvers.


I thought AmmoTweaks was set up to show a message with the sub-type you're swapping to though, if the HUD widget is disabled. That's another thing I didn't touch, and admittedly I don't think I've ever tested, since the HUD widget has always worked fine for me. Are you not seeing those messages when you swap ammo?


As I'm playing more, I'm seeing some variety in messages. When I swap to a weapon, it gives me a COND message, and sometimes gives me a "Thrust" message as if indicating the gun's melee type; it doesn't seem to correlate with the bayonet attachments, testing just now it seemed to appear when getting a new weapon to my inventory (possibly after adding weapon mods too), then went away to just showing COND (The junk tanto correctly gives me "Swing", for comparison). This has been pretty persistent, but I assumed it might have to do with the type of attack the melee button does, like "thrust"ing with the butt of the gun.

I'm not seeing messages that indicate what subtype of ammo I switched to, but I've been using the ammo swap menu so I didn't think that needed to appear. But, this notably affects when I swap between two ammo types, there's no message indicating what I've swapped to and I have to check the pip-boy.


Also, after picking up an SA80 recently, I've been getting "Fire Mode Switch Failed" messages, but it doesn't appear to affect functionality on any weapon, they still switch. The SA80 in question doesn't change its firemode, but I see that the semi-auto/auto attachments are behind Gun Nut 3, so I'm assuming that needs to be attached first.



This is probably from an OMOD getting attached, since that forces a re-equip, as mentioned.

E.g. the check to see if the weapon suffers permanent damage (which swaps out the receiver OMOD) happens on reload, for various technical reasons, and to be less punishing than having it check every time the weapon is fired. Also the forced re-equip is less disruptive if it happens when the weapon is already in a state where it can't fire - i.e. a reload.


I did notice that behavior, yeah. After a weapon drops below a 100th increment (like 800/1200) and therefore drops a COND level, it would reequip, same with getting crippled limbs and swapping ammo. What I saw was definitely beyond that though, in some cases for example while using one of the Skorpions or M590, the reload would consistently cut short and skip to the draw animation back-to-back with no obvious cause. I'll keep playing to see what seems to be causing it, but it's definitely happened a few times already and appears to be beyond the expected conditions.

Edited by PSNtoonjuice
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