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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Crafting76 wont be posted to Nexus. I dont mind showing off a few of the weapons working w Ammo Swap, Fire Mode, and Under-barrel functionality w/o AmmoTweaks being the underlying system. Based on the videos, it looks as if the current functionality is just to attach OMODs to the equipped weapon (and forcing the quick UnEquip/Equip).


I have a few different approaches to Ammo Swap and Quick Attach on my YT channel; ranging from selectable ammo from the Pip-boy Inventory Menu to Button Tapping to Cycle through available Ammo within the Pip-boy Inspection Menu. The C76 Inspection Menu also includes Quick Attach functionality for Suppressors (detach from one weapon and attach to another). Additional Quick Attach options are planned for a future update which will include Scopes and Extended Magazines.

Well, to be fair, AmmoTweaks is not available on nexus either, question, what advantages does this system offer in comparison to AmmoTweaks?

This is true; AmmoTweaks is not on Nexus. I shouldve been a bit more clear: C76 is not PC-ready. I specifically called out Nexus per Antistars FAQ indicating any replacement candidate would need to be on Nexus for review.


To answer your question: C76 includes support for CND Entries in the Item Cards, across all menus. AFAIK, no other publicly available mod includes Item Card support. Theres also support for attaching OMODs to items, even if you have several of the same base item on your person. And it is not a shell game implementation other mods have leveraged. The weapon never leaves your persons inventory.

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isnt unused ammo in this mod supposed to be dropped

The Physical Mags system, yes - as long as it's a weapon that uses detachable mags (or batteries or tanks or cells or whatever). By default it's only in combat, though. You can change that in the MCM menu to be always - or never.


I've been in two minds about "only in combat" being the default, actually. Personally I have it set to "always". I'd be interested to hear people's opinions on that.



also why are there so many fireworks shells on the leveled list do they have more use in this mod

You shouldn't be finding tons of them in loot - I certainly haven't been in my game - but in WARS you can break them down (via factory machines) to get some Explosives and Incendiary Material from them, yeah. Those can then be used to make more generally useful ammo/explosives.



sometimes i pass by trinity tower i get the prompt for the machinegun turret inventory i can take the ammo but i dont see a turret

edit: there is a turret but its ahead and i still get the prompt to early

You know what, I noticed something similar just yesterday, though it was a turret I had built in a settlement. Strange, because it's not the first turret I've built, but it is the first time I've noticed that. Picking the turret up and moving it a bit resolved it. I'm guessing it's some kind of vanilla issue that's being exposed by the activation option added by WARS.


I'll try adding a "range from the player" check to the activation prompt so it's only valid when you're close to it.



This is true; AmmoTweaks is not on Nexus. I shouldve been a bit more clear: C76 is not PC-ready. I specifically called out Nexus per Antistars FAQ indicating any replacement candidate would need to be on Nexus for review.

Really I just don't want to be going to the trouble of wrangling beth.net's awful CMS to upload an XB1 version of WARS if people can't really actually use it, so as long as there's some indication that your integration setup is working, that'll be enough for me. Some videos showing it in action, like you said - that'd probably do the trick.

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I've been in two minds about "only in combat" being the default, actually. Personally I have it set to "always". I'd be interested to hear people's opinions on that.

I've kept it on "only in combat" though I had given "always" some consideration. Ultimately I felt like it would be a bit tedious to reload, drop a magazine, then immediately look down and pick it back up again. I kinda imagine that out of combat the Sole Survivor takes care to retain then store the old mag, even if the reload animation doesn't reflect that/shows the mag being discarded, and in combat they're more focused on reloading their gun and getting back to shooting as fast as possible.

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This is true; AmmoTweaks is not on Nexus. I shouldve been a bit more clear: C76 is not PC-ready. I specifically called out Nexus per Antistars FAQ indicating any replacement candidate would need to be on Nexus for review.


To answer your question: C76 includes support for CND Entries in the Item Cards, across all menus. AFAIK, no other publicly available mod includes Item Card support. Theres also support for attaching OMODs to items, even if you have several of the same base item on your person. And it is not a shell game implementation other mods have leveraged. The weapon never leaves your persons inventory.


Well that's awesome! Does it support multiple ammo types as well? Performance wise how impactful it is? Also, do you offer ammo crafting in the Tinker table just like in F76?

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I've kept it on "only in combat" though I had given "always" some consideration. Ultimately I felt like it would be a bit tedious to reload, drop a magazine, then immediately look down and pick it back up again. I kinda imagine that out of combat the Sole Survivor takes care to retain then store the old mag, even if the reload animation doesn't reflect that/shows the mag being discarded, and in combat they're more focused on reloading their gun and getting back to shooting as fast as possible.

My thinking was similar (and that's why I made it the default), though I've found myself preferring the consistency of it always behaving the same way.



So for some reason Dogmeat can't carry anything. I made a patch for peace and the k-9 harness but it wont let me transfer anything to dogmeat, it just says he can't carry anymore

Could it be this known issue from the PEACE readme?


- The game will sometimes erroneously claim that an NPC can't carry any more, and prevent you from giving items to them. In this case (i.e. assuming that it *is* an error), this can be fixed by unequipping/re-equipping an item of clothing/armour they're currently wearing that provides a carry weight bonus - like a backpack - then exiting and re-entering their trade items menu.


PEACE actually removes a Carry Weight penalty from most/all of the companion NPCs, including Dogmeat (since PEACE changes the way the game derives Carry Weight from Strength) - which you probably already spotted if you were using FO4Edit to make that patch.


With the console up, you can click on an NPC and use this command to find out what the game currently considers their Carry Weight maximum to be:


getav carryweight



Oh - what did you do in the patch, out of interest? I've got the K9 Harness installed too, though I haven't ended up using it, as... same as the first time I played FO4, I couldn't bear to see Dogmeat getting hurt, so I never bring him along.

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