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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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So I altered his strength because the harness ended up weighing two lbs. I tried just increasing it by little amounts and then all the way up to 10 to see if it would work. I didn't pay any attention to that known issue because his inventory was empty to begin with and I couldn't equip anything to him it just said he can't carry anymore even with his strength at 10. I had to use the command setav carryweight in game before I could equip him with anything

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  On 6/5/2023 at 8:31 AM, stalkzoid said:

hi antistar if you still need people to help test out wars id be glad to help.

Thanks - I've replied to your PM.



  On 6/6/2023 at 1:37 AM, Longstrider92 said:

So I altered his strength because the harness ended up weighing two lbs. I tried just increasing it by little amounts and then all the way up to 10 to see if it would work. I didn't pay any attention to that known issue because his inventory was empty to begin with and I couldn't equip anything to him it just said he can't carry anymore even with his strength at 10. I had to use the command setav carryweight in game before I could equip him with anything

I did take Dogmeat with me for a little while early on in my test playthrough, and didn't encounter that problem. I was able to give him at least 20 lb worth of stuff to carry; can't remember exactly.


If it is the same issue as that one in the Known Issues section though, it's definitely been inconsistent. Most of the time it doesn't happen (for me). I don't know what causes it.


Currently PEACE is simply removing those Carry Weight (penalty) effects from the companion NPC records entirely, rather than leaving them there but with a value of zero. Maybe that makes a difference? I'll try restoring the effects - and with a small bonus - of 10 maybe - why not? Try to make it that little bit easier to get Load-Bearing Equipment onto them. (To be clear, that little bonus shouldn't be necessary for giving them LBE, but like I said; why not?)



Edit: Not sure how that change will go with existing saves, though; it may not take effect. In that case, it may be necessary to use "modav carryweight [amount]" to set an appropriate Carry Weight. I think modav is safer than setav.

Edited by antistar
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I am also wondering, what feedback are you looking for? If there is anything you'd like to know, please tell me. For now, here is just my first impressions after finishing the first quest in concord.


The physical mag system is great, but I imagined I would keep my mag instead of dropping it if the mag was empty; like a reward for using every last bullet instead of reloading early. Is this the way the system is supposed to work? It's was too much of an annoyance to look down after every reload, especially since I only had 2 mags, so I had to disable the system for now. This is just my opinion though, and I still think what you created is great.


I have a few mods installed alongside W&P, including TacticalReload v1.32 with manual reload enabled in the MCM. It appeared to work with the starting pistol, so that's cool. I did patch one keyword in first from TR, so that might be why it worked. Later in my playthrough I'll test other weapons that I know are patched. The skorpion did not have a TR but maybe that's because it just isn't patched.


The last thing I want to mention is, I was unable to use the minigun effectively with the power armor. I love the newly added strength requirements for all the weapons, but shouldn't power armor negate that? Maybe this design is on purpose though, I wouldn't know until I got further into the game. I thought one of the main uses of power armor was to carry heavy weaponry, but if this ruins balance for the player then I can see it being necessary to be this way. I also play with ACTUALIZED, which makes power armor more costly than usual.


Looking forward to playing more. The whole reason I installed W&P was because of your encumbrance overhaul. I think it brings a whole new level of immersion to survival, especially with armor and weapons not counting towards your CW, you implemented these features really effectively! From your experience, would the accessible backpacks mod work too? I liked sorting my inventory outside of the pipboy, but I assume with the way it works now that it won't be necessary anymore. If it is so, that's fine with me, because at the very least it makes sense now where my carry weight capacity comes from. Thank you for allowing us to test your mods.


Edit: I understand you've been developing this mod for a long time, so please don't be bothered my personal opinions or critiques. The mod is great and this is simply what I noticed while playing. Great work!! Thanks again.

Edited by gum444
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  On 6/5/2023 at 5:15 AM, antistar said:

My thinking was similar (and that's why I made it the default), though I've found myself preferring the consistency of it always behaving the same way.

I'll probably play with it on "always" for a bit to see how I like it.



  On 6/1/2023 at 3:22 AM, antistar said:

I'm currently working on the Tactical Reload patch for WARS. A number of weapons already had "partial" reload animations available for them via existing patches for (say) Hitman47101's standalone releases of the right-handed AK and Hunting Rifle anims, and I've now made partial reload anims for the AR-15 and Skorpion. That just leaves the following weapons:


- Glock

- Mini-14

- USAS-12

- M107 Anti-Materiel Rifle

- SA80

I've gotten the Tactical Reload patches for the standalone 1911 and Thompson to work with the WARS versions, just copied over the subgraph changes. The patch for Hitman47101's Hunting Rifle animations works out of the box, but for the AK I had to change the folder structure to match WARS's and copy over the subgraph edits to the new race records.

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  On 6/6/2023 at 10:01 AM, Crylec said:

Hey Antistar I am interested in BETA testing WARS and PEACE. I was wondering how do I try to get into it testing and what feedback do you hope to find?


Thanks - I've sent you a PM. :smile:


Basically I just want people to report any bugs they encounter, and let me know how they find playing the game with the mod/s installed. Things they like, things they dislike, things that don't seem to make sense, whatever. Gum444 gave some good feedback there.



  On 6/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, gum444 said:

I am also wondering, what feedback are you looking for? If there is anything you'd like to know, please tell me. For now, here is just my first impressions after finishing the first quest in concord.

See above. ;)



  On 6/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, gum444 said:

The physical mag system is great, but I imagined I would keep my mag instead of dropping it if the mag was empty; like a reward for using every last bullet instead of reloading early. Is this the way the system is supposed to work? It's was too much of an annoyance to look down after every reload, especially since I only had 2 mags, so I had to disable the system for now. This is just my opinion though, and I still think what you created is great.

No, that's how it's supposed to work. Your reward for not reloading early is not losing any ammo in the dropped magazine. ;)


It's hard to combat human nature here. It feels bad to lose mags, so I find myself doing the same; when I reload, I try to stop in place so that I can look down and pick up the discarded mag again as soon as it drops. In a way, this does kind of evoke the process of taking extra care to stow the outgoing mag, rather than simply dropping it - but only in a way. It's all a compromise and a kludge to try to represent something that the game isn't really set up for.


Like, it'd be great if it could be like in Into the Radius (absolutely adore that game), where it tracks every individual round of ammo in your weapons/mags/etc realistically, and you have to physically keep track of what exactly is in each mag you've got on you - but obviously Fallout 4 is not a VR game. (Even Fallout 4 VR is not a VR game. It's a lazy cash-grab.)


A more ideal approach in FO4 would probably use something like the Active Reload system from the Gears of War games. E.g. hit reload once and then wait for the reload to play out to retain the magazine, or hit reload again at the right time to drop the mag, or hit it again at the perfect time to get a faster reload that still retains the mag.


If something like that is possible in FO4, I don't know how to do it, personally. It'd probably take animation behaviour edits and UI additions and whatever else.



As it stand with the Physical Mags system in WARS though... it does get easier as your character progresses. You'll have access to more spare mags, so you don't have to be as careful with them. There's dropped-mag highlighting via Scrapper rank 2. There's the Ammo Recovery Post to recover lost mags.



  On 6/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, gum444 said:

I have a few mods installed alongside W&P, including TacticalReload v1.32 with manual reload enabled in the MCM. It appeared to work with the starting pistol, so that's cool. I did patch one keyword in first from TR, so that might be why it worked. Later in my playthrough I'll test other weapons that I know are patched. The skorpion did not have a TR but maybe that's because it just isn't patched.

Anything with new animations in WARS won't be supported by Tactical Reload by default. I'm currently working on a Tactical Reload support patch. It's relatively close to being done, actually. There's only the Barrett M107 and the SA80. The M107 partial reload just needs a bit of a tweak, but the SA80 has a lot of different reloads - and they're promising to be uncooperative on top of that - so that will take a bit longer.


Once it's done, I'll make it available to testers.



  On 6/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, gum444 said:

The last thing I want to mention is, I was unable to use the minigun effectively with the power armor. I love the newly added strength requirements for all the weapons, but shouldn't power armor negate that? Maybe this design is on purpose though, I wouldn't know until I got further into the game. I thought one of the main uses of power armor was to carry heavy weaponry, but if this ruins balance for the player then I can see it being necessary to be this way. I also play with ACTUALIZED, which makes power armor more costly than usual.

The highest STR REQ used by weapons in WARS is 10 (and the minigun is one of these weapons) - and in the base game (plus WARS and PEACE), your STR is at least 11 when you're in power armour. It looks like ACTUALIZED changes that, so that's probably what's happening for you.


But yes, power armour is intended to be a quick way to meet the STR REQ of any weapon. There's even a load-screen tip in WARS that says as much. ;)



  On 6/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, gum444 said:

Looking forward to playing more. The whole reason I installed W&P was because of your encumbrance overhaul. I think it brings a whole new level of immersion to survival, especially with armor and weapons not counting towards your CW, you implemented these features really effectively! From your experience, would the accessible backpacks mod work too? I liked sorting my inventory outside of the pipboy, but I assume with the way it works now that it won't be necessary anymore. If it is so, that's fine with me, because at the very least it makes sense now where my carry weight capacity comes from. Thank you for allowing us to test your mods.

I think that mod could be made to work with PEACE if you just really liked the feeling of having a separate inventory container in a backpack, but it would probably need a patch that removes the Carry Weight bonuses from the backpacks in PEACE in order for it to not be a bit cheesy.



  On 6/6/2023 at 6:58 PM, gum444 said:

Edit: I understand you've been developing this mod for a long time, so please don't be bothered my personal opinions or critiques. The mod is great and this is simply what I noticed while playing. Great work!! Thanks again.

Nothing to worry about - this is exactly the sort of thing I wanted.

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  On 6/7/2023 at 7:06 AM, stellarview said:

I've gotten the Tactical Reload patches for the standalone 1911 and Thompson to work with the WARS versions, just copied over the subgraph changes. The patch for Hitman47101's Hunting Rifle animations works out of the box, but for the AK I had to change the folder structure to match WARS's and copy over the subgraph edits to the new race records.

Missed your post earlier. (Timing.)


The Tactical Reload patch I'm working on does exactly what you're describing here too. ;) It saved me some work.

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The highest STR REQ used by weapons in WARS is 10 (and the minigun is one of these weapons) - and in the base game (plus WARS and PEACE), your STR is at least 11 when you're in power armour. It looks like ACTUALIZED changes that, so that's probably what's happening for you.


That's embarrassing... sorry about that. I'll try to pay more attention to potential mod conflicts next time, I don't want to give you misinformation. Thank you for clarifying.

Edited by gum444
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I think I've discovered what the root of my Invisible Magazine issue is. I believe it is the NoMag matswap that is causing the issue, because the mag mesh itself becomes completely transparent but the bullet nodes are still visible. However I have no idea how to fix it. and it seems that crafting a new, different magazine at the workbench then leaving the workbench and going back into it fixes it. Still not sure what is triggering it though.

Edited by Longstrider92
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As an update, to copy-paste what I just said in my edit to that post in the image share:


Thanks to everyone who's offered to help as a tester. :smile:

I think there are enough testers now - and WARS and PEACE are close enough (relatively speaking) to full release - that it's time to close beta applications. New testers probably wouldn't get long enough with the mods for it to be worthwhile, at this stage.

No ETA yet for the full release, but the main thing left to do is just to take (more) screenshots and work out the formatting for the Nexus pages for the mods and patches.

Yeah... after I finish the Tactical Reload patch for WARS, I'll move on to the screenshots and formatting and whatnot.


Hopefully not too long now. :)

  On 6/7/2023 at 8:51 AM, gum444 said:

That's embarrassing... sorry about that. I'll try to pay more attention to potential mod conflicts next time, I don't want to give you misinformation. Thank you for clarifying.

Don't worry about it. You could argue really that what you described is just ACTUALIZED working as intended, and the only real conflict is the load-screen tip in PEACE implying that power armour will always give enough STR to meet the STR REQ of any weapon. ;)

  On 6/7/2023 at 10:18 AM, Longstrider92 said:

I think I've discovered what the root of my Invisible Magazine issue is. I believe it is the NoMag matswap that is causing the issue, because the mag mesh itself becomes completely transparent but the bullet nodes are still visible. However I have no idea how to fix it. and it seems that crafting a new, different magazine at the workbench then leaving the workbench and going back into it fixes it. Still not sure what is triggering it though.

Do you mean that you applied the "NoMag" material swap from WARS to some of the magazine OMODs in your patch? It's really only appropriate for the "NoMag" OMOD in WARS itself (since it's only set to swap materials on weapons in WARS), though at worst it should do nothing if used elsewhere.


I'm not sure I'm understanding you correctly, though. E.g. what do you mean by "bullet nodes"?

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