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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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Its a heck of job you are doing. I'm gonna miss the look of 10mm and assault rifle in the vamilla,after them being replaced by glock and M16.

I mean ,they looked just dope and powerful in hands in First person , and the unique designs are iconic for a retro futurism game.

Maybe we can plann to change their roles,(like big caliber pistols and powerarmor-only MGs) instead of just cutting these fictional content out.

(Excuse me for the crippled English)Thank you for reading my suggestions anyway.Wish your work be a great success.

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A question,regarding the Makeshift AMR.


Will it still be one-button-death? I've used the original,and that's precisely what it is. Grab Blue,or any generic Quick variant,and use the Fast Hands perk,and it's all you'll ever need. And that gets boring,after a while.

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Its a heck of job you are doing. I'm gonna miss the look of 10mm and assault rifle in the vamilla,after them being replaced by glock and M16. I mean ,they looked just dope and powerful in hands in First person , and the unique designs are iconic for a retro futurism game. Maybe we can plann to change their roles,(like big caliber pistols and powerarmor-only MGs) instead of just cutting these fictional content out. (Excuse me for the crippled English)Thank you for reading my suggestions anyway.Wish your work be a great success.


Thanks. :)


Any weapon I replace in WARS is because I really don't like it and don't want to encounter it in-game, so that's not something I'll be doing in WARS itself, sorry. There's no reason someone couldn't come along and re-implement those weapons in a third-party add-on patch if they wanted, though.



A question,regarding the Makeshift AMR.


Will it still be one-button-death? I've used the original,and that's precisely what it is. Grab Blue,or any generic Quick variant,and use the Fast Hands perk,and it's all you'll ever need. And that gets boring,after a while.


I didn't really merge anything directly from the original mod's plugin (a few sound-related records, and that's all), so the stats are different in WARS - and will be different again once I do the balance pass. Balancing the .50 BMG weapons so that they feel genuine without being the last guns you'll ever need will be challenging.


I expect a lot of it will come down to weight and handling. I.e. very heavy and slow - plus crazy recoil and rare, heavy ammo. I want it to be the sort of thing you keep on your pack-brahmin or cargo robot and only pull out in case of hostile deathclaws, sentry bots, power-armour users, etc. Or maybe once in a while head out with it in your power armour if you've saved up enough ammo for it.

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Hey i just wanna say... Amazing work with this mod. I think it will be one of those esential mods when it comes out, i cant wait to try it. Hope we see it soon :smile:


Thanks - I do hope that people will enjoy it and aren't scared off by the extensive feature list. ;)



That M82 model you linked is downright amazing.


It sure is. I just hope I can persuade FO4's renderer to do it justice.


I've been working on it, so an update on my plans for that weapon:


The resource is actually missing a front sight post for the iron-sights. Fortunately it's pretty simple so I've already modelled one for it. Beyond that, it will have the scope from the resource plus a bunch of the sights/optics I've been using on most of the weapons so far. Several reflex sights, the C79 scope, the huge Starlight scope.


I think it'll be called an M107 rather than an M82A1 since that's what it more closely resembles, with its longer accessory rail on top. I'm giving it the full 29" barrel and the shorter 20" barrel.


For muzzle device options, it'll have no muzzle, the standard M82 muzzle brake, and I'll probably make the M107A1 muzzle brake and QDL suppressor as options too. Definitely the suppressor at least. (I know the suppressor is designed to attach to that muzzle brake so it would make less sense on its own... we'll just have to see what I get time for, since I'll be doing these from scratch myself.)



is it worth it to wait for the mod this year? Or I will not remove the game with all the necessary mods, or can I delete it?


It's unlikely to be ready before the end of the year.

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I would like to,once again,voice my misgivings about giving a .50 weapon a suppressor; The bullet moves too fast. It will make a sonic boom,which cannot be hidden,under any circumstances. All you'll do is silence the sound of launch. And I'm pretty sure that Fallout 4 uses an all-or-nothing approach to sound suppression; You're either quiet as a whisper,or loud,proud,and kicking in the door.

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I don't think it's quite all or nothing; there are several "sound detection levels" to choose from for weapons: silent, quiet, normal, loud, very loud. A default level is set on the weapon record, and you can set other levels on omods. From a quick look over the vanilla suppressor omods, only the 10mm Pistol and Deliverer are set to "silent" by their suppressors; most set it to "quiet". I'm going to try setting the .50 BMG weapons to "very loud" by default and "normal" with a suppressor.


It's obviously far from perfect in that the game doesn't account for subsonic/supersonic projectiles in anything like a realistic way - and I don't know exactly what practical difference the different sound detection levels make - but I'm certainly not going to not have suppressors on weapons. They're too iconic when it comes to weapon mods.


I just have to do the best I can within the game's limitations, without chucking too much out. ;)

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antistar, seriously, every time you release a new update report, I have to pause and consider whether I want to continue with my current playthrough, or just ditch it and wait a few months until WARS comes out.


I'm actually not a fan of having too many modded weapons in my game. I've tried to limit myself to just Deadpool's mods, but as the playthrough progresses, the number of other mods gradually creeps up and the whole thing starts to become very messy.


What I love about WARS is that you're fixing Beth's failings on the existing weapons, filling in any gaps regarding missing weapons, and providing us with a consistent all-in-one system. Fantastic work and really looking forward to the project once it is complete.

Edited by crawe1x
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