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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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For the suppressed thing, what about a subsonic option for the magazine or receiver? Once again it's about as realistic as slapping a suppressor on it but it'd be kinda like a 2 stage thing. Either way I doubt many people would have a problem with the old arcade style suppressor.

Also that M82...oOoOoOo daddy

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For the suppressed thing, what about a subsonic option for the magazine or receiver? Once again it's about as realistic as slapping a suppressor on it but it'd be kinda like a 2 stage thing. Either way I doubt many people would have a problem with the old arcade style suppressor.

Also that M82...oOoOoOo daddy

Well,Antistar's aiming for realism above all else. That's the crowd he's aiming for; The people who want realism in all things,who would disagree with a "silent" .50 weapon.


I'm not in that crowd,but I am a stickler for consistency and a cohesive vision. The best people will probably get is an AMR that can be heard from one kilometre out,rather than five.

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What I love about WARS is that you're fixing Beth's failings on the existing weapons, filling in any gaps regarding missing weapons, and providing us with a consistent all-in-one system.

That's the plan, at least. Hopefully it all comes together well. ;)



For the suppressed thing, what about a subsonic option for the magazine or receiver? Once again it's about as realistic as slapping a suppressor on it but it'd be kinda like a 2 stage thing. Either way I doubt many people would have a problem with the old arcade style suppressor.

Also that M82...oOoOoOo daddy

If anything it would be an ammo variant that you'd switch to via AmmoTweaks - but I don't think that kind of two-stage approach is possible with the way omods work (and specifically the way the sound level effect on omods works), unfortunately. Maybe with some special scripting?



Well,Antistar's aiming for realism above all else. That's the crowd he's aiming for; The people who want realism in all things,who would disagree with a "silent" .50 weapon.


I'm not in that crowd,but I am a stickler for consistency and a cohesive vision. The best people will probably get is an AMR that can be heard from one kilometre out,rather than five.

It must seem like that sometimes, but that's not quite true; I'm not aiming for perfect realism, and certainly not above all else. My philosophy re: realism could probably be summed up as "use realism as a reference point - a starting point - but temper it with what's possible/plausible within a system, along with what's fun".


I want things to feel genuine and consistent (which isn't the same thing as perfect realism) - but still fun. Obviously what is "fun" varies from person to person, so there'll be a bias towards what I personally think is fun. ;)

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yeah consistency is nice, two firearms firing the same caliber round should do about the same amount of dmg give or take a few due to loss in muzzle velocity from shorter barrels. Also bethesda fully derping when full auto magically does less damage than semi...#THATSNOTHOWITWORKS

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yeah consistency is nice, two firearms firing the same caliber round should do about the same amount of dmg give or take a few due to loss in muzzle velocity from shorter barrels. Also bethesda fully derping when full auto magically does less damage than semi...#THATSNOTHOWITWORKS


You do know what game balance is, right? Previous Fallout games had automatic guns dealing less damage than their semi auto counterparts despite using the same ammo for balancing reasons.

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yeah consistency is nice, two firearms firing the same caliber round should do about the same amount of dmg give or take a few due to loss in muzzle velocity from shorter barrels. Also bethesda fully derping when full auto magically does less damage than semi...#THATSNOTHOWITWORKS


You do know what game balance is, right? Previous Fallout games had automatic guns dealing less damage than their semi auto counterparts despite using the same ammo for balancing reasons.



Yes, but just because the game designers did it in previous games doesn't mean it's the right approach. What that tells me is that they have been making the same mistake over and over. Which sounds like laziness or madness.


In terms of balancing, the downside of automatic weapons shouldn't be a huge loss in power, but greater recoil and less accuracy.


The weapons in general are way under-powered in the vanilla FO4 game. I've had to double the damage on most weapons in my game. In the case of shotguns and miniguns, I'm close to quadrupling their damage because they're pretty much useless otherwise (unless you use the explosive magical effect, in which case they suddenly become far too overpowered). On top of raising the weapons' damage, I'm using a mod that triples all my damage and quintuples the enemy damage. Suddenly battles become interesting, as opposed to the ludicrous bullet sponging of the vanilla game.

Edited by crawe1x
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Yeah, nerfing damage on automatic weapons is a balancing conceit, but I too consider it to be an exceptionally lazy approach to it.


It was also a particularly bad idea in FO4 since being able to modify a weapon to switch between semi and auto made it blatantly obvious what the designers were doing there - serving to annoy players since it's also blatantly obvious that it doesn't make a lick of sense. It's still the same gun shooting the same bullet.


There are other ways to balance against the benefits of a full-auto weapon; recoil handling being the most obvious one, as mentioned. There are perhaps less obvious drawbacks, too; e.g. expending (what should be) a precious resource more quickly than you otherwise might.



To re-frame things a little too, what is it that's being "balanced", exactly, when it comes to semi vs auto? No-one really complains about the various receiver omods being progressive upgrades, because that's what they are; an element of progression. Going from semi to auto could be handled/considered the same way.


If it's just that now automatic weapons are just doing too much damage to the player or the enemies, then perhaps you need to step back and re-balance weapon damage generally - or armour values, or HP values, or etc, etc.



Anyway, as a quick update since I'm here; the new Barrett M107 muzzle brake low and high-poly models are done, and I'm working on the suppressor. Haven't done any UV-mapping yet; the scale and proportions of the muzzle brake and suppressor are related in this case, so I want to make sure both models are finalised first.

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