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[WIP] Weapon Addition and Replacement Suite (WARS)


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I'll take a look at that 3rd person aiming problem at some point but chances are its just a problem with the SMG set that almost all the guns are based on. Its a little known fact that when making a 3rd person idle anim you can only move the left arm and not the right, thus you can't really move the weapon or make a grip that's much different from the default ones, that's why I had to make the Hunting Shotgun 3rd person idle hold near the loading gate and not on the pump, can't stretch the left arm out that much to reach it if you can't bring the weapon closer.


Also yeah the player uses separate anims from NPCs so most mods just add anims to the player and ignore the NPCs since nobody wants to deal with the crappy hand target IK system, you won't find one that works very well with the cover system only NPCs use ether.


Bonus Mossberg progress:




(The Shell is hidden when needed in game with bone culling)

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I'll take a look at that 3rd person aiming problem at some point but chances are its just a problem with the SMG set that almost all the guns are based on. Its a little known fact that when making a 3rd person idle anim you can only move the left arm and not the right, thus you can't really move the weapon or make a grip that's much different from the default ones, that's why I had to make the Hunting Shotgun 3rd person idle hold near the loading gate and not on the pump, can't stretch the left arm out that much to reach it if you can't bring the weapon closer.


Also yeah the player uses separate anims from NPCs so most mods just add anims to the player and ignore the NPCs since nobody wants to deal with the crappy hand target IK system, you won't find one that works very well with the cover system only NPCs use ether.


Bonus Mossberg progress:




(The Shell is hidden when needed in game with bone culling)


Oh, how I love your animations. The 1h browning hi-power gun firing and reload is just so dang satisfying.


Unless there is some special reason why the 3rd player and NPC don't share the same animation records, it just seems the game is needlessly frustrating to mod for.

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I just finished going through and tweaking all the perks that seemed relevant to WARS - so... a lot of them. It took a while. Here are the changes copy-pasted from the draft readme:



***Perk Changes***

A number of perks have been changed; primarily perks that involve damage bonuses. Ranged weapons no longer receive damage bonuses from perks as that simply doesn't make sense. A bullet fired from a gun will impart the same energy regardless of the skill of the person holding the weapon. Melee and Unarmed weapons still receive damage bonuses from perks, but generally with a lesser magnitude than in the base game.

Note that things like base damage and player/NPC HP values have been altered to account for these perk changes (among other things, covered elsewhere).

Any perks changed by WARS have also been given more explicit descriptions if necessary. (E.g. listing the percentage chance something will happen rather than just saying "a chance".)

Here are the perks that have been changed:



Iron Fist
- All ranks now increase Unarmed damage by 5% each rather than 20% each, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.

Big Leagues
- All ranks now increase Melee damage by 5% each rather than 20% each, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.

Heavy Gunner
- Ranged and Explosive damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.

Steady Aim
- Rank 1 hip-fire accuracy bonus reduced from 20% to 10%.
- Rank 2 hip-fire accuracy bonus reduced from 40% to 20%.
- Rank 3 hip-fire damage bonus removed and replaced with hip-fire accuracy bonus of 30%.

- Rank 1 gun-bashing damage bonus reduced from 25% to 10%.
- Ranks 2-4 now do an additional 5% gun-bashing damage each, down from 25% each - for a total bonus of 25% at rank 4.
- Rank 4 gun-bashing critical hit chance reduced from 15% to 10%.

- Rank 1 damage bonus reduced from 25% to 5%, and Damage Resistance bonus reduced from +25 to +10.
- Rank 2 damage bonus reduced from 50% to 10%, and Damage Resistance bonus reduced from +50 to +20.
- Rank 3 now gives total damage bonus of 15% and Damage Resistance bonus of +30. (In addition to its 25% chance to disarm attacking enemies.)


- Armour penetration and damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.

- Rank 2 damage bonus removed.

Demolition Expert
- Explosion damage and scale bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank now reduces damage taken from explosions by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 20% at rank 4.
- Perk description now makes it clear that each rank unlocks a higher tier of explosives crafting recipes.

Night Person
- Rank 3 health bonus reduced from +30 to +10.

Concentrated Fire
- Rank 2 was fixed so that it grants +15% accuracy per VATS attack, as per its description - rather than +15% damage.
- Rank 3 damage bonus removed.


Life Giver
- All ranks now give +10 max HP each, down from +20.
- Rank 3 HP regen reduced from 0.5%/s to 0.05%/s.

Adamantium Skeleton
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their limb damage reductions reduced from 30%, 60% and 100% to 25%, 50% and 75% respectively.

- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their incoming-radiation-healing rates reduced from 50%, 100% and 150% to 25%, 50% and 75% respectively.
- Rank 4 now has an incoming-radiation-healing rate of 100%.

Solar Powered
- Rank 2 Rad reduction rate reduced from 1%/s to 0.1%/s.
- Rank 3 HP regen reduced from 0.5%/s to 0.05%/s.


Black Widow/Lady Killer
- Damage bonus now only affects melee/unarmed attacks.
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their damage bonuses reduced from 5%, 10% and 15% to 2%, 4% and 6% respectively.

Lone Wanderer
- Damage bonus, Damage reduction bonuses and carry weight bonuses removed.
- New Rank 1 description: "You move more quickly and quietly on your own. When adventuring without a companion, you move 5% faster and are 5% harder to detect."
- These bonuses increase by a cumulative 5% for each rank, up to a max of 20% at rank 4.

Attack Dog
- Rank 4 damage reduction removed.
- Rank 4 now doubles both Dogmeat's chance to cripple enemies and the bleeding damage he does. (To 20% and 4 HP/s for 5s, respectively.)

- The "player can't hurt companions" and "companions can't hurt player" effects were removed. No such thing as friendly fire.
- Damage bonus now only affects melee/unarmed attacks.


Nerd Rage!
- Damage bonus now only affects melee/unarmed attacks.
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their damage bonuses reduced from 20%, 30% and 40% to 10%, 20% and 30% respectively.
- HP restored by killing an enemy while raging reduced from 50 to 25.


- Damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Rank 2 and 3 range bonuses removed.
- Each rank now increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.

- Damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Each rank now increases hip-fire accuracy by a cumulative 5%, up to a max of 25% at rank 5.

Mister Sandman
- Silenced weapon sneak attack damage bonuses removed for all ranks.
- Silenced weapons now have a cumulative 3% chance to cripple limbs per rank, to a max of 9% at rank 3.

- Ranged weapon sneak attack damage multiplier increases were removed.
- Rank 1, 2 and 3 Melee/unarmed/bashing sneak attack damage multipliers reduced from 4x, 5x and 10x to 2x, 2.5x and 3x respectively.
- Vanilla bugfixes:
--- All ranks now consistently affect all melee and unarmed weapons, plus bashing attacks with ranged weapons.
--- Bonuses are now multiplicative rather than additive, avoiding order of operations inconsistencies when combined with other perks.

Quick Hands
- Rank 1 Reload Speed bonus reduced from +35% to +20%.
- Rank 3 AP bonus increased from +10 to +15. (Since you can gain 10 AP - and more - simply by increasing AGI by 1.)

- Rank 1 and 2 damage bonuses reduced from +25% and +50% to +5% and +10% respectively.
- Rank 3 now gives you +15% damage to your fourth VATS target and beyond.
- Rank 3 no longer gives you automatic critical hits against your fourth VATS target and beyond.


- Rank 4 no longer has a 5% (+Luck) chance to somehow spontaneously manifest ammo out of thin air when you fire the last round in your weapon.
- Rank 4 now increases your chances of finding extra ammo in containers beyond what Rank 3 does.

Bloody Mess
- Damage bonuses are no longer certain, but instead:
--- Rank 1 has a 5% chance for +5% damage.
--- Rank 2 has a 10% chance for +5% damage.
--- Rank 3 has a 15% chance for +10% damage.
--- Rank 4 has a 20% chance for +10% damage.
- Rank 4 no longer has a chance to cause your enemies to literally go to pieces at the mere sight of their allies somehow exploding when shot in the toe with a pistol bullet.

Better Criticals
- Ranks 1, 2 and 3 had their extra damage bonuses reduced from +50%, +100% and +150% to +10%, +20% and +30% respectively.

Bobblehead perks:

Big Guns Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with heavy weapons to cripple a limb.

Energy Weapons Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with energy weapons to cripple a limb.

Explosives Bobblehead
- Damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with explosives to cripple limbs.

Melee Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for attacks with melee weapons to stagger opponent.

Small Guns Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives +2% Aim Stability. (For all ranged weapons unfortunately, since the game doesn't seem to let you conditionalise this effect based on weapon type for some reason.)

Unarmed Bobblehead
- Critical hit damage bonus removed.
- Now gives 5% chance for unarmed attacks to stagger opponent.

Magazine perks:

Astoundingly Awesome 7
- Damage bonus at night removed.
- Now gives +5% Kill XP at night.

Astoundingly Awesome 1
- Health regen removed.
- Now gives +10 max HP.

Astoundingly Awesome 3
- Damage reduction vs. robots removed.
- Now gives +5% DAM vs. robots.

Astoundingly Awesome 2
- Damage bonus with scoped weapons removed.
- Now gives +2% Aim Stability.

Tesla Science
- Vanilla bugfix: now this perk actually works.

- Chance to avoid all damage from an attack removed.
- Each rank now gives +2% XP gained.

Companion perks:

Know Your Enemy
- Damage bonus vs. Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants and Synths reduced from +20% to +10%.

- Having 250 rads or more now gives you +25% AP regen rate rather than +20% Critical Hit generation rate.

Hunter's Wisdom
- Damage/Energy Resistance reduction for animals and sea creatures reduced from 25% to 15%.

United We Stand
- Damage bonus removed.
- Damage Resistance bonuses reduced from +20 to +10.

- Melee damage bonus when below 25% HP reduced from +20% to +10%.

Far Harbour perks:

Crusader of Atom/Inquisitor of Atom
- Damage bonus when irradiated now only affects melee/unarmed/bashing attacks.
- Damage bonus per 100 rads reduced from +10% to +5%, for a max of +45% at >900 rads.

Destroyer of Acadia
- Damage bonus (20% chance when HP falls below 20%, lasts for 30s) now only affects melee/unarmed/bashing attacks.
- Damage bonus reduced from 4x to +40%.
- Vanilla bugfix: perk animation should now play when effect is triggered.

Far Harbor Survivalist
- Vanilla bugfix: now actually works.

Protector of Acadia
- Damage/Energy Resistance bonuses (20% chance when HP falls below 20%, lasts for 30s) reduced from +1000 each to +100 each.
- Vanilla bugfix: perk animation should now play when effect is triggered.

Nuka-World perks:

Ace Operator
- Damage bonus with silenced weapons removed.
- Gives 3% chance for attacks with silenced weapons to cripple limbs.

Pack Alpha
- Damage reduction reduced from 25% to 5%.
- Damage bonus with melee/unarmed weapons reduced from +25% to +5%.

SCAV! - Bladed Bravado
- Damage bonus with Combat Knife and Switchblade reduced from +25% to +5%.

SCAV! - Cautionary Crafts
- Damage bonus with explosives removed.
- Now gives 5% damage reduction from explosions.

Non-player perks:

Courser perks
- Courser versions of the Commando and Gunslinger perks were altered in the same way as the player versions of those perks. (See above.)
- Courser "Accuracy" perk nerfed from giving them absolutely zero spread with weapons to a 40% hip-fire accuracy bonus instead. (Shotguns now excluded.)
- Legendary "Accuracy" perk nerfed from giving absolutely zero spread with weapons to a 40% hip-fire accuracy bonus instead. (Shotguns now excluded.) Damage bonus removed.

crDamage (and similar) perks
- These perks were used to give certain characters/creatures a blanket damage penalty or bonus; ranging from 50% to 300% of normal damage.
- These perks now do nothing, as you shouldn't look at two people holding identical firearms and wonder if one is going to magically do three times the per-shot damage of the other.



(I think the Mod Features section that this is taken from will have to be in its own article on the WARS Nexus page, rather than in the description itself; it's huge already.)



I'll take a look at that 3rd person aiming problem at some point but chances are its just a problem with the SMG set that almost all the guns are based on. Its a little known fact that when making a 3rd person idle anim you can only move the left arm and not the right, thus you can't really move the weapon or make a grip that's much different from the default ones, that's why I had to make the Hunting Shotgun 3rd person idle hold near the loading gate and not on the pump, can't stretch the left arm out that much to reach it if you can't bring the weapon closer.


Also yeah the player uses separate anims from NPCs so most mods just add anims to the player and ignore the NPCs since nobody wants to deal with the crappy hand target IK system, you won't find one that works very well with the cover system only NPCs use ether.


Bonus Mossberg progress:




(The Shell is hidden when needed in game with bone culling)


Nice; looks perfect. :)


And yeah, I didn't know that about the right hand in third-person anims. (Or I'd forgotten.) That's a real pain.

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At a glance, the perk changes make a lot of sense. I won't lie. It will initially feel odd not being able to magically double my firearms damage. But that's too bad and I look forward to getting used to this new system. Some of the vanilla perks just make no sense at all. Was this the case in previous Fallout games or is it just a FO4 thing?

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Could the new heavy gunner, rifleman, etc perks do something besides increase hip fire accuracy? It seems that increasing the hip fire accuracy to the point where it's almost as good as aim down sights (ADS) would be thematically against the point of the realism/gameplay overhaul. If it won't be comparable to ads accuracy when all the perks are picked, I don't think people would even bother. Also, I'm not sure the amount of players that even use hip fire unless in very specific situations (ie something is extremely close where accuracy doesn't matter). Maybe less recoil or bullet spread instead using ADS rapid semi-fire/full auto?

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At a glance, the perk changes make a lot of sense. I won't lie. It will initially feel odd not being able to magically double my firearms damage. But that's too bad and I look forward to getting used to this new system. Some of the vanilla perks just make no sense at all. Was this the case in previous Fallout games or is it just a FO4 thing?


I'm sure it'd depend on how generous you want to be about things like the laws of physics and the limits of human skill/physical ability/etc, but off the top of my head there was certainly some of that in FO3/FNV... just not as egregious as in FO4.



Could the new heavy gunner, rifleman, etc perks do something besides increase hip fire accuracy? It seems that increasing the hip fire accuracy to the point where it's almost as good as aim down sights (ADS) would be thematically against the point of the realism/gameplay overhaul. If it won't be comparable to ads accuracy when all the perks are picked, I don't think people would even bother. Also, I'm not sure the amount of players that even use hip fire unless in very specific situations (ie something is extremely close where accuracy doesn't matter). Maybe less recoil or bullet spread instead using ADS rapid semi-fire/full auto?


Those perks do have effects besides increasing hip-fire accuracy; certain ranks have a chance to stagger/cripple/disarm/etc; same as in the base game. They're not mentioned in the list there because the list is just for changes. I've updated the draft on my end to make that more explicit, though.


Keep in mind I'm planning to tweak Aim Model records and omods and whatnot to overhaul weapon handling. E.g. hip-firing might become a bit more prevalent thanks to Aim Speed being slower in some circumstances. It's all a heavy WIP though, so it's all subject to change. :)


I would prefer to do more with those perks than (mainly) just increase hip-fire accuracy. Improving recoil handling was the first thing I thought of right at the start of the project; it's a pretty obvious one. Frustratingly, you can't control recoil values via perks; only via omods. I may have to put in a FAQ point about that. People have already suggested it and will continue to suggest it, I think.


You can control Aim Stability via perk... but unfortunately you can't conditionalise it to only work with certain weapon types, it seems; it's all or nothing. There are a lot of arbitrary limitations like that, and it's always for the same reason; Bethsoft didn't need to do anything similar in their design, so they didn't provide for it. It's understandable, but frustrating.

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How far do you plan on taking the aim model realism and accuracy? Are we talking like Rainbow 6 Siege level of detail, where muzzle brakes and compensators are required to make some weapons viable? Even with slow aim speed, hip firing in that game really isn't really viable unless really close range.

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You 've made a lot of work to change fallout4 in to an open-world FPS . It is enjoyable and exciting to see your blueprint find its way into reality day by day. And here's my weekly suggestions.From the digits in perk and legenday discs i can see WARS is making the game far more challeging ,since most means of damage bonus is gone. Also,now seems there would be much less ways for one to defeat enemies and the variousness of combat is greatly reduced,but that is the how gunfights IRW are, isnt it :cool: .Theres still something to reconsider on a larger scale, such as maintaining the friendly fire while leave the vanilla foolhardy and creepy companion AI untouched--that would literally make Nora or Nate's day much harder.

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I should mention that I was wrong when I said that you can't conditionalise Aim Stability changes in perks to only affect certain weapons. Turns out you can, but not as easily as with most perk "entry points". Most that have something to do with weapons have a conditions tab dedicated to weapons, but "Mod Actor Scope Stability" doesn't; it only lets you check conditions on the perk owner. Rather than being able to simply say "do this for any weapon that has this keyword", I had to create a formlist containing an explicit bunch of weapon records and use an "IsWeaponInList" check instead.



How far do you plan on taking the aim model realism and accuracy? Are we talking like Rainbow 6 Siege level of detail, where muzzle brakes and compensators are required to make some weapons viable? Even with slow aim speed, hip firing in that game really isn't really viable unless really close range.


I'll know when I get there. ;)


What I'm thinking right now though is that certain weapon configurations may be difficult to use in certain ways. E.g. an AR-15 pistol may wobble around a lot if you trying aiming down a scope with it (since there's no butt-stock). Likewise if you try firing that AR-15 pistol in full-auto - without a compensator, butt-stock or vertical fore-grip - you may find yourself shooting at the clouds a lot. On the other hand it'll be a pretty light weapon, and quick to get in and out of the sights with.


At the other extreme, a heavier, kitted-out AR-15 may be more stable, but it'll be slow to get in and out of the sights. But then maybe putting a laser sight on it will make hip-firing with it more feasible...


But yeah, I'm still working these things out, really.



You 've made a lot of work to change fallout4 in to an open-world FPS . It is enjoyable and exciting to see your blueprint find its way into reality day by day. And here's my weekly suggestions.From the digits in perk and legenday discs i can see WARS is making the game far more challeging ,since most means of damage bonus is gone. Also,now seems there would be much less ways for one to defeat enemies and the variousness of combat is greatly reduced,but that is the how gunfights IRW are, isnt it :cool: .Theres still something to reconsider on a larger scale, such as maintaining the friendly fire while leave the vanilla foolhardy and creepy companion AI untouched--that would literally make Nora or Nate's day much harder.


The idea at the moment is that the extreme (and nonsensical in my opinion) damage bonuses via perks of the vanilla game are gone, but base damage is higher. The range of damage a weapon could was far too great in the vanilla game; from pea-shooter to artillery piece. This will make more sense, I'm hoping.

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