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Fresh install and upgrade....PURPLE


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So i just upgraded from just skyrim to having hearthfire, dragonborn, and dawngaurd. This is not SE.... I also just went through all my mods and deleted them (yes i followed the instructions and then also went back through to the file folders to make sure they were gone). Now i have almost everything purple....Helmets, trees, faces, fire, smoke...ect.... I hadnt updated NMM yet so i thought this would be a good time to do that as well since it was also going to delete my mods upon update.

SO! Currently there are no mods other than the few hd texture packs that auto supply themselves and the files for DG, HF, and DB and the unofficial patch.

Ive uninstalled NMM to make sure its not loading anything.

Ive went through the filepath for mods and data and even completely wiped em and then ran verify through steam to make sure i didnt delete something important.

My mods folder currently shows nothing from my main drive. F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim

My NMM file path from Games is empty.

I've done a clean install

Ive checked integrity of files with steam

Shouldn't my game just look bland and like its from 2011 at this point instead of all fked up?

Any help is appreciated. The faster the better :tongue:

Heres my non mod mod load order:







Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp=1




Heres a picture of the main screen's "smoke"

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Have you ran LOOT and Tes5Edit on this heavy load of mods?

yea loot found some old deletions from previous mods so im now running tes5edit to try and clean those files. whatever happend when i downloaded the dlc's royaly fked me though.....lost pretty much everything :S guess ill just have to make it super dope from the start this time :) Ill post an update after i clean up the files.

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There could be a problem with your BSAs. Usually a corrupt BSA will mean a straight crash though, so I doubt that's the issue. For some reason it seems that it's not loading the texture. If you are using the HighRes pack, there is also an Unofficial Patch for that I believe. Don't think it deals with this sort of error but it helps anyway.


I'll wait to see what you work out before I say anything else. Hopefully this gets fixed without any more trouble.

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There could be a problem with your BSAs. Usually a corrupt BSA will mean a straight crash though, so I doubt that's the issue. For some reason it seems that it's not loading the texture. If you are using the HighRes pack, there is also an Unofficial Patch for that I believe. Don't think it deals with this sort of error but it helps anyway.


I'll wait to see what you work out before I say anything else. Hopefully this gets fixed without any more trouble.

So i just finished going through the files.....yes i did it the long way to make sure everything that was right got saved/backed up even though it was a pain lol........it didnt fix anything.

Literally the only things on this hard drive are related to Skyrim. Just downloaded the new version of NMM and tried launching that way too after "sorting" plugins......

Tes5edit found some master copies that it deleted but other than that it was fine. I also did the undelete thing (whatever its called) and it only found a few.

I literally have no clue at this point.......I've been watching tes5edit videos and searching steam forums and im still coming up short.....ugh all i wanna do is finish the game! fml

Also im new to loot :S ive never had any issues with skyrim in the past and had 50+ mods. I'm pretty damn good at following directions. Ill look up how to read this LOOT file but if anyone wants to chime in that would be super helpful as im already frustrated. thanks in advance>!




  - type: say
    text: "[Latest LOOT thread](https://loot.github.io/latest-thread/)."
    language: en
  - isActive: true
    name: Skyrim.esm
    crc: 0
    priority: 0
    loadsArchive: false
    isEmpty: false
    globalPriority: 0
    tags: ~
    isDirty: false
    version: ""
  - name: Update.esm
    globalPriority: -127
    loadsArchive: true
    priority: 0
    version: ""
    crc: 406852467
    isActive: true
    isEmpty: false
      - name: C.Encounter
      - name: C.Location
      - name: C.RecordFlags
      - name: Delev
      - name: Names
      - name: Stats
    isDirty: false
  - tags:
      - name: C.Location
      - name: C.RecordFlags
      - name: C.Regions
      - name: Delev
      - name: Graphics
      - name: Invent
      - name: Names
      - name: Relations
      - name: Relev
      - name: Stats
    loadsArchive: true
    globalPriority: -120
    priority: 0
    isDirty: false
    name: Dawnguard.esm
    crc: 3835731269
    version: ""
    isActive: true
    isEmpty: false
  - isDirty: false
    crc: 4222925050
    name: HearthFires.esm
    isActive: true
    isEmpty: false
    version: ""
    priority: 0
    globalPriority: -120
    loadsArchive: true
      - name: C.Location
      - name: C.RecordFlags
      - name: Graphics
      - name: Invent
      - name: Sound
  - globalPriority: -120
    priority: 0
      - name: C.Light
      - name: C.Location
      - name: C.RecordFlags
      - name: Graphics
      - name: Invent
      - name: Names
      - name: Relev
      - name: Stats
    crc: 2658127793
    name: Dragonborn.esm
    loadsArchive: true
    isEmpty: false
    version: ""
    isActive: true
    isDirty: false
  - isEmpty: false
    isActive: true
    loadsArchive: true
    priority: 0
    globalPriority: -120
      - name: C.Climate
      - name: C.Encounter
      - name: C.ImageSpace
      - name: C.Light
      - name: C.Location
      - name: C.Music
      - name: C.Name
      - name: C.Owner
      - name: C.Water
      - name: Delev
      - name: Graphics
      - name: Invent
      - name: Names
      - name: Relev
      - name: Sound
      - name: Stats
    isDirty: false
    name: Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
    crc: 1948241590
    version: 3.0.7
  - name: HighResTexturePack01.esp
    isActive: true
    version: ""
    isEmpty: true
    crc: 3583438890
    priority: 0
    globalPriority: -120
    loadsArchive: true
    tags: ~
    isDirty: false
  - name: HighResTexturePack02.esp
    version: ""
    crc: 3583438890
    isEmpty: true
    isActive: true
    loadsArchive: true
    globalPriority: -120
    priority: 0
    tags: ~
    isDirty: false
  - isActive: true
    isEmpty: true
    loadsArchive: true
    priority: 0
    globalPriority: -120
    tags: ~
    isDirty: false
    name: HighResTexturePack03.esp
    version: ""
    crc: 3583438890

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My mods folder currently shows nothing from my main drive. F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim


The first folder name should be Steam not Steam Library. This may be causing a problem. Is Steam and NMM on the same HD? Did you purge all of your files from your My Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder? Not sure if anything would have been left in your appdata folder.

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My mods folder currently shows nothing from my main drive. F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim


The first folder name should be Steam not Steam Library. This may be causing a problem. Is Steam and NMM on the same HD? Did you purge all of your files from your My Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder? Not sure if anything would have been left in your appdata folder.



Ok cool ill change the name and see if that helps. Yes steam and NMM are on the same hd as well as BOSS, LOOT, and Tes5edit. i checked the appdata but didnt see anything i thought was related. Im currently reinstalling the bsa files to see if that helps. unfortunately that means ill be heading back to tes5edit after and going through them again ugh. thanks for the help though guys i really am grateful for this community.

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What I've begun to do is to keep the BSA files from a fresh install in a backup location in case any get corrupted, so you do not have to reinstall again. I don't know if this was a BSA issue, but it's nice to have options if you have the space. That said, if this happens again, try unticking the HiRes DLC. it's given a lot of people some strange issues.

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