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Way to get player armor through papyrus?


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So when I try and use GetWornForm, it's giving me errors :(

Armor Chest1 = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) as Armor
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\source\outfitmanager.psc(18,32): GetWornForm is not a function or does not exist
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\source\outfitmanager.psc(18,56): cannot cast a none to a armor, types are incompatible
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Game.GetPlayer() returns an actor which is what GetWornForm needs so it shouldn't be looking on the wrong script for the function. It is possible that your Actor.psc file has been reverted to stock and no longer contains the SKSE functions.


Make sure you are using the latest version of SKSE. Install manually to ensure files are in their correct locations. Make sure you are working with original Skyrim and not the Special Edition. Confirm that the function GetWornForm is on the Actor.psc file by opening it up and looking for it.

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