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Green weird surface on weapon


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Hello everyone,


I got a really anoying problem. When I'm at night / or in dark zone, or just if the form of the weapon is "bad" I got some weird green texture.







I tried to delete some mod and check, but nothing change. Either it's not seems to be a popular bug, so no solution found. It seems to be related to the night vision due to the color / texture but I'm not sure. If someone got this problem and successfully fixed it I'ld be happy

Thx for the time accorded


Kind regard's Olliaf.


EDIT: here is my mod list - http://www.noelshack.com/2016-47-1480120059-capture.png (+all DLC)

EDIT2: after some test with my ENB, it's seems to come from the effect "adaptation"

Edited by Olliaf
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