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Why all the light armor hate?


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The fine point is not being taken in account... the light armor wearer is NOT supposed to rush head down toward the tip of swords and beast claws, if so that character is just wearing the wrong gear...


Heavy armor -> cumbersome, slowing but plenty of damage absorption, better used for fighting tanks.


Light armor -> movement freedom, meant to avoid being hit instead soaking the damage, better used for ranged attack and nimble characters.



Why would anyone use light armor if could be Merucurio's avatar on earth on heavy armor? Why on heaven would someone use heavy armor (or any armor at all) if could jump naked on that bear's neck without fear being made into strips?


Finally, a survivor character soon enough will be skilled (in skyrim) so even a humble leather armor will be as much protective than any heavy armor, if not more.


So, actually light armor is way TOO overpower in skyrim than in any other TES game.


Edit to comment about possible play styles: Early, low level light armor wearers (or just no armored characters) must rely on support abilities to help the fight... mages may have conjuring to act as decoys, rangers will try to use the environment to keep the foes at bay (what is more gratifying than luring the foe toward traps?).


One easy example is that spiked door yet in that first tomb where you are supposed to get the dragon stone, have you my brave mage or ranger, tried to poke that relentless draugr and run toward that stone that trigger it? if not, it is the time to find that draugrs can fly :)


Have you used those hanging oil pots to set them afire? or just rush toward them, light armored and then finding that light armor is not your beach?

Edited by nosisab
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Heavy armor -> cumbersome, slowing but plenty of damage absorption, better used for fighting tanks.

Light armor -> movement freedom, meant to avoid being hit instead soaking the damage, better used for ranged attack and nimble characters.

Not in the game.


Once you reach 100 skill, both armors weigh nothing. However, Daedric will be better in terms of health. Also, before you reach 100 skill, heavy armor has substantially better protection. And it advances Endurance, the second most valuable attribute after luck, rather than cheap Speed.



So, actually light armor is way TOO overpower in skyrim than in any other TES game.

This is Oblivion section actually.

Edited by FMod
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