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DralelM - BANNED

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DralelM banned.


When people make me feel like they don't like or want to be on this site, I can help them...


PM's preserved for prosperity:




I've had enough of the moderators on this site who are acting sarcastic and 'smart' towards me and other members of our community, it needs to STOP. Referring to Hitler when I am telling the truth is the example I am talking about. Are you not socially capable of giving me a logical, professional and correct argument back to me that you result in a sarcastic manner because you know I am RIGHT? Nude mods should never have the chance for FOTM because it puts me, hundreds of others, and the respective mod authors to shame when their finger-to-the-bone hardwork is outdone by a naked woman, it's so pathetic... as a female member it scares me that a nude mod is the #1 file out of every possible modification for Skyrim, do you want that?


Also, somebody needs to change the contradictive rules about FOTM. How does it make sense that an Adult Only mod can get FOTM? Doesn't publically advertising an Adult Only mod break the rules and contradict the invisible laws that this website is founded on? When making a mod or posting a screenshot we're asked to tick a box if it is AO, yet the author of the 1st place interview writer is advertising a nude mod like it is any other kind of mod? They are breaking their own rules!


The rules on this website are corrupt and so are its moderators and you know it. I am expecting a logical, non-sarcastic and intelligent response from you. Have a good day.


P.s. and yes, I know you are responsible for everything I have talked about in this message.





Hint: you don't tell me what to do.


If you've had enough, leave. I've had enough of teeny-boppers, on both sides of the fence, who get hot under the collar about nude mods. It's pathetic and shows your age.





You're a human being just like me not some elite untouchable, now please answer my message. You wouldn't do well to stand in court if this was your case.





I'm human, but on these sites I'm an admin (and the owner) and you're a member. Don't be so simple-minded to think that because we're both human, we're both equal on these sites, because we are not. Oh, and we're not in court. If this were a court case the judge would have facepalmed himself when reading the brief and not let this case get to court.


I have absolutely no need, or wish, to clarify my position on this. I've done it countless times over the past 10 years (perhaps you don't know that as you've only been here a month?) so if you really care you can start scrounging through my past posts to find it.


You might also want to watch my recent vlog as it covers this subject briefly, at some point, in the 37 minutes I talk.





It is apparent you're not going to directly answer me because you don't know how to.


You should feel ashamed that your moderators and site structure of law is corrupt like America's government, this will be my last message to you... thanks for continuing the ignorant admin/moderator stereotype and not fulfilling your role to bring justice to this mess. I thought your Nexus was different, Robin.


I welcome people coming to speak to me, but if you come to me with vitriol and demands then I'll rebuke you, pay you little heed and treat you with contempt. Bring me calm, logical discussion and I will respond with the respect you deserve as a fellow user of these sites. If there's one thing I've taken as creed when administering these sites it's this: treat me as though I owe you nothing. Because I don't owe you a thing.

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