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The Future of Skyrim Modding?


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It's only the future for those who choose to install such mods, those seriously bothered with what others do in their games should ask themselves why they have these strange urges to tell other people what to do, it really isn't healthy.


Something for the loremongers to cry over. :biggrin:





did you mod hatsume miku into skyrim? if so, u should upload her to the nexus!

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did you mod hatsume miku into skyrim? if so, u should upload her to the nexus!


I've no idea who it is, I found it on a Chinese site. It's not really my thing, I sold the outfit and put the money towards the house in Solitude. :thumbsup:

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The time and effort someone put in to animating that little video is impressive. I sincerely hope they realized their vision. Whether I liked it or not is completely irrelevant. Kudos to them, and to anyone who takes the time to create and share it with the rest of us.


Now that my heart is done bleeding for the underappreciated, it's time to get back into the game and go kill some stuff with my scantily clad warrior goddess. Cheers.

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It's only the future for those who choose to install such mods, those seriously bothered with what others do in their games should ask themselves why they have these strange urges to tell other people what to do, it really isn't healthy.


Something for the loremongers to cry over. :biggrin:





did you mod hatsume miku into skyrim? if so, u should upload her to the nexus!


can u provide a link?

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That is one of the reson I love NEXUS more then any other sites. Possebilitie to choose What you really want. Make YOUR own decision!! Pick just mods what Suite YOUR OWN PERSONAL style of playing! I will not choose this kind of mods , but some players will happily!

(On the end, I approved this kind of mods more then STEAM interfiering.)


sorry for my stoneage english

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Not my thing, especially not in that kind of setting.


But if someone feels it's their vision, why shouldn't they come up with a mod like that? And when someone feels that's just what they need, why shouldn't they be happy about it.


If been on Nexus for a very long time and I tend to select the mods I'm going to use very carefully, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the effort going into any mods even though they're not my cup of tea.

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