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Cannot get mods to run. Please help.


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I am having a problem and could really use some help. Basically, I cannot get mods to run on morrowind. I have installed them in my data folder, but when I start the game, and click data files, they do not show up. I am running the steam version with both expansions on a 64 bit pc running windows 7.The weird thing is, when I double click "morrowind launcher.exe", rather than "morrowind.exe", and click data files, the mods show up. When I click play, the window disappears and reappears, and if I click data files again, the mods are gone.


things I have tried to get mods working


1. Removed my steam games from program files(x86) and placed them elsewhere.


2. Ran the Morrowind Code patch


3. Ran the exe optimizer


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Moving Steam (and so Morrowind) from Program Files would remove UAC and folder virtualisation from the picture (Morrowind records active mods in morrowind.ini, editing files in Program Files is a no-no in modern versions of Windows).

Best bet would be to move your Steam library out of there (e.g. to C:\Games).

Once that's done make sure the EXEs are set to Run as Administrator (right-click > properties > compatability). Also make sure morrowind.ini isn't set as read-only.

Edited by Dragon32
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