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Oblivions Imperial Armor/townguard armor


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Did they lose the lack of funding so much that they lost armor. Oblivion had much much better looking imperial armor, and much better town guard armor that would be more fit for a "winter environment" then the current, "lets get stripped down and naked armor in this cold freezing land as we fight a war". Anyone else besides me want Oblivion's imperial guard armors? Also, Someone could add fur on it like a scarf and stuff. Anyone else agree on this?
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I agree as well. I'm hoping that when the CK comes out someone can actually implement a survival mod. Where besides hunger, dehydration and fatigue one of the other things that you will have to account for is hypothermia. I find it unrealistic how I can swim around naked in a river surrounded by snow and ice and be perfectly fine as I just stand there enjoying the sunrise, instead of freezing my nads off.
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