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Sod: Nature's Carpeting


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Here's an idea that I've not seen implemented yet, and I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner...why not make one more series of "carpet tiles" to throw into the ol' Workshop mode, this time with grass.

Yep, I'm asking for sod tiles that come in different sizes and different heights/varieties of grass so that we can carpet the outside of places like Sanctuary Hills. I mean, have you seen the ugly mud medians by the sidewalk? Wouldn't those look so much better with a little sod? Couldn't be that hard to do--I'd imagine it wouldn't take but a minute for some of you out there, so what do you say? Shall we go to seed and tell the world to sod off? :tongue:


EDIT: Just wanted to add that while I know the carpet tiles are essentially two dimensional, so things will clip through if the ground is uneven, with grass tiles, that wouldn't be a problem. If a bit of ground pokes up through them here and there, it's okay--makes it look more realistic. And the grass tile could be made three dimensional like the cement flooring so that it's thick. This would cover up a bit of the uneveness, though I would like the grass to be actual grass, not just a texture map on a mesh, but not sure if that's possible...one thing at a time, though.

Edited by twowolves80
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NorthlandDiggers Resources has tons of place-able plants, including various types of grass. Settlement_Markers has some grass and dirt floor tiles that snap like regular floors, I think some of them have grass growing on them. Only problem is that I don't think either of them have the more 'wasteland' type brownish grass.


Oh, Cabin in the Woods has some roof tiles with taller grass growing on them. You could use those for some really thick brush.

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