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Skyrim mod - realistic carrying system


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A bag system does not look good. Maybe you can just do a mod (as the one you already do) with realistic weights and block the characters weight limit to lets say... 90-100kg a normal soldier runs with almost 45kg and considering that you are a legenday warrior... Double or even tripple isn`t something unrealistic.
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I like the idea, and for those people saying it would ruin the game; no one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to download it.


Might I just suggest adding the packs to a few of the general traders, so if you decide to skip it initially but later change your mind you don't have to back track all the way to Riverwood. Or make it work for your companion too.

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I like the idea, and for those people saying it would ruin the game; no one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to download it.


Might I just suggest adding the packs to a few of the general traders, so if you decide to skip it initially but later change your mind you don't have to back track all the way to Riverwood. Or make it work for your companion too.


I assume that when a post like this is made, the OP is looking for feedback and opinions. Making statements like "no one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to download it." is pretty stupid when; a) the mod isn't even made yet; b) not available to download; c) all you are doing is trying to rile up those who might not support the idea in part or in it's entirety. Also, nobody said that this would "ruin the game" as you say above.

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that will have horses more as pack horses, so you can clear a dungeon and take all that is truly valuable.


So unless you can acquire a horse early enough (not easy), and then drag that horse through the dungeon with you (not very realistic), again, you would be running back and forth to the surface over and over again just to get enough junk in the first 5 hours of the game to be able to buy basic supplies and some crappy armor. Not fun. Of course, if you think all that running back and forth is fun and enjoyable, then more power to you! :thumbsup: However, I don't think the average player or even the average hardcore player will think that is very fun. JMO!


Well maybe you shouldn't take everything that isn't nailed down?

Maybe you should focus on the things that are worth something.

Maybe the fact that it is worthwhile taking everything is broken.


I would like a system that while having realism, purses for gold, satchels for alchemy and a multitude of different bag types that allow different kinds of loot in them, you wouldnt be able to carry more staffs by getting extra pockets sewn to your vest for instance, but maybe a few more gems and such..


This is exactly what I want to achieve with this mod. :biggrin:

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I can see problems with the weight being so low though. Unless you have the perks in heavy/light armor or the steed will be slow walking everywhere. You use a two-hander and a few of the heavier weapons you'll be slow walking everywhere. What about abilities that increase carry weight like in pickpocket or the other ability from the steed that would be another obstacle.

Are they gonna be actual containers(like chests, wardrobes, barrels, etc) or just an item that increases carry weight(like the enchant)?

Now if they are an actual container are they gonna be accessible during combat or no? If they are how are people going to have access to potions and herbs. What about people hotkeying items?

If they are an actual container do you really need models on the back when you could just drop the item on the floor and open it up like any other container?

What happen to the fortify carry weight? Would you change it at all to fit in with your mod or would you just leave it alone?

Now if you are only do it as a fortify carry weight which is already in the game so basically you just want to add backpack models to your characters?


I'm not for or against it really just wanted to share some of the questions that popped in my head while reading your post.

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realism? ok, no problem: remove all the magic, stealth, alchemy and leave just bows and swords/axes, remove all the races and monsters etc.

don't you think you are taking it too far with realism? this is an RPG game and not an FPS


I never said I would remove anything, just add a new inventory system. Everything will still be in the game, you just won't be able to carry as much of it :thumbsup:

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I can see problems with the weight being so low though. Unless you have the perks in heavy/light armor or the steed will be slow walking everywhere. You use a two-hander and a few of the heavier weapons you'll be slow walking everywhere.

Are they gonna be actual containers(like chests, wardrobes, barrels, etc) or just an item that increases carry weight(like the enchant)?

Now if they are an actual container are they gonna be accessible during combat or no? If they are how are people going to have access to potions and herbs. What about people hotkeying items?

If they are an actual container do you really need models on the back when you could just drop the item on the floor and open it up like any other container?

What happen to the fortify carry weight? Would you change it at all to fit in with your mod or would you just leave it alone?

Now if you are only do it as a fortify carry weight which is already in the game so basically you just want to add backpack models to your characters?


I'm not for or against it really just wanted to share some of the questions that popped in my head while reading your post.


I'll answer your questions question by question.


1) What about abilities that increase carry weight like in pickpocket or the other ability from the steed that would be another obstacle?


I'm thinking about including special perks that come with the mod, so for the Mage Inventory.esp, the perk would be something like move faster with the satchels equipped. For the Warrior Inventory.esp, I'd include something like carry weight increased by 50 or so. And so on.



2) Are they gonna be actual containers(like chests, wardrobes, barrels, etc) or just an item that increases carry weight(like the enchant)?


The actual bags and satchels themselves will only be models to appear on the player's back in 3rd person. Each bag/satchel might have its own unique enchantment.


3 )Now if they are an actual container are they gonna be accessible during combat or no? If they are how are people going to have access to potions and herbs. What about people hotkeying items?


The inventory system will still function relatively the same. Players will be able to favourite and hotkey items like normal.


4) If they are an actual container do you really need models on the back when you could just drop the item on the floor and open it up like any other container?


I think that doing this would be quite unnecessary, and the models would just get flung about during combat and such.


5) What happen to the fortify carry weight? Would you change it at all to fit in with your mod or would you just leave it alone?


Some VERY minor fortify carry weight enchantments will be left in the vanilla game, such as fortify carry weight by 5 or maybe 10.


6) Now if you are only do it as a fortify carry weight which is already in the game so basically you just want to add backpack models to your characters?


No, the mod will probably also feature inventory 'sections'. So for example if you opened your inventory now, you'd just see the usual- Weapons, Apperal?, Potions, Scrolls, Misc, etc, etc. But, with the mod installed, instead you'd see- (For example) Left belt satchel, Right belt satchel, Rucksack, etc.

Clicking on one of these would open up another inventory system, so basically you'd have your one 'main' inventory: "Items", which is accessed from the 4-point star menu like normal. But, then inside that inventory will be three (or more) separate inventories (Left belt satchel, Right belt satchel, Rucksack).


It's all quite confusing, I know, so if you want to ask me anymore questions, feel free! :biggrin:

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I love this Idea and think you should go through with it =P . But, you should also take into account the different sized bags out in the real world and stuff . Like knapsacks; yea I could see only 20lbs to be carried at once, but there is also military bags which carries a ton of stuff like roughly 150lbs worth of thing that they carry on their back .

Plus if you're wearing armor (lets use the complete deadric set .. which weighs prob 100lbs) then the backpack system would be pointless because all your carry weight would be taken up by the armor you're wearing . So, maybe make it so that when you equip something than the weight of that object turns to 0 while it is equipped .

So go through with it but also add different types/styles of bags too ;P

Edited by SMDmcmuffin3
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Well, looking from a probably more 'gaming' POV: there should be some more 'slots' regarding things attached to the player. Like allowing a second/third ring to be used. Using the same idea, a 'bag slot'. There, you could choose, as previously stated a class of bag.


Droppable bags would probably be a must, but I think they might be better if they came with a new concept of inventory, turning off the 'freeze time', as they did with conversation. That could bring a whole new class of needs, like speed potioning only from specific bags, or not even that.


The idea of balancing the juggernaut/ninja playstyle would be nice. Imagine that you're planning to be one of then - well, let's make things more 'tricky': one does not simply becomes a stealthy ninja assassin with 99% of the stack filled - potions, coins, weapons and stuff... and, if you're planning on heavy armor usage, well, then you simply can't carry that fancy backpack (tools, pans and cups hanging, if it's the case) with all that daedric armor on!


Instead of only eyecandying the game, you present new challenges. I even though of implementing a 'size stack' style inventory (like Diablo), but a friend of mine convinced me of quitting this idea, where the whole engine of the game would need to be messed (he guesses). Even so, with a more complete set of inventories (different packs, a number of different packs player can carry - I think a trinket-like pouch (for coins, gems, rings and necklaces), a belt/sack like thing (for potions, ingredients, food and drinks), and a proper backpack (different sizes, with 'bonus' or 'penalties', and even 'magic'/enchanted ones - like one that allows extra ore/metals, or extra weapons), and maintain or incorporate the arrow quivers. Oh, and let's not forget the horse pouches, maybe only with 'premium' horses and such.


Depending how the wagon-mod ideas go, they might play a part on the inventory, as well as with the horse pouches.


And, finally but not least, the idea of only inventory not allowing the freeze-time. In my POV, that should be a wizard/sorcerer advantage over the hulking juggernaut or the deadly assassin. I've seen people complaining on the few advantages of wizardry - I do believe such a mod would help a lot balancing it.


And to the very end now: these 'realism' things used to be part of many a RPG groups I've played with (D&D and Gurps), the dungeon master saying 'well, you can't carry it because you're carrying already three swords in your pack, no room for another one' happened more than once. So, I don't cope with the vision of 'oh, then strip magic, dragons and all that's fantasy'. We're talking of role playing, and the more you can role your play, the better! :)


Really know that all these dreams will only be allowed to know if feasible or not after the CK arriving. Well, I'll just 'dream my dreams' of a more adventurous dungeon looting...

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In all honesty, the average person can carry about 50% of his or her body weight with little or no discomfort or problems. The average man weighs in at 190 pounds, the average woman weighs 160 pounds. That would mean, using averages, a man could carry about 85 pounds with no issues. A man of above average strength and training could carry a much higher percentage of his body weight and not feel any adverse effects. I found these figures by doing a Google search.
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