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No frills "more followers" mod?


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Would it be a lot of work to create a mod that simply increases the number of followers you can have with minimal scripts required? The other follower mods on the Nexus give me some performance issues, so I'm looking to get this functionality with as small a footprint as possible.


Any info is appreciated!

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I ended up using an Oldrim mod called Extensible Follower Framework, and went with the newest version that didn't use SKSE and used loose files instead of a BSA.


So far, I've had no problems and I've probably logged about 20 hours since installing. I avoid using any of the follower commands it provides, so I'm essentially just using it to have more than one follower.


I'm also using Inigo, so mod followers seem fine.


But, yea, use at your own risk. Lol

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It's Amazing Follower Tweaks, not to be confused with another author's re-do (or continuation) called Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks.


There's a version that's been ported over from oldrim, which seems to work for the most part, though certain custom animations won't work on SE.


I use an oldrim version of it, with no problems. Allows up to 5 followers, at a time, and I believe like 30 managed NPCs (You can force non-followers to become followers.)

You can control everything about them, including placing their health, magicka, and stamina, teaching them spells, telling them when you want them to cast spells, how to fight, etc.

You can also manage their outfit, which means taking away their default gear and giving them what you want them to wear. They will carry your junk in their backpack, so they won't keep

equipping different things, every time you load them up. Good mod, all around, in my opinion. I still like it better than EFF or that new Immersive one.

The old UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) is not recommended, as it's on the master list of outdated or dangerous mods.

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It's Amazing Follower Tweaks, not to be confused with another author's re-do (or continuation) called Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks.


There's a version that's been ported over from oldrim, which seems to work for the most part, though certain custom animations won't work on SE.


I use an oldrim version of it, with no problems. Allows up to 5 followers, at a time, and I believe like 30 managed NPCs (You can force non-followers to become followers.)

You can control everything about them, including placing their health, magicka, and stamina, teaching them spells, telling them when you want them to cast spells, how to fight, etc.

You can also manage their outfit, which means taking away their default gear and giving them what you want them to wear. They will carry your junk in their backpack, so they won't keep

equipping different things, every time you load them up. Good mod, all around, in my opinion. I still like it better than EFF or that new Immersive one.

The old UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul) is not recommended, as it's on the master list of outdated or dangerous mods.

Thank you!

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