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Collectors Coins


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Does anyone else have a Septim coin from back in the day when they started playing this game? Today I decided to go online and actually start "collecting" these coins. I figured I'd be able to snatch them off eBay in bulk.


In actuality, NO ONE I've found sells these coins. Everyone who has one isn't willing to part with it.


So if you have one, what did you do with your coin?


I eventually intend to have a bag of these coins :P

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I hate to be the one to break this to you Visvalor, but reading between the lines (well actually line) in AurianaValoria1's post I don't think you're getting hers.

I eventually intend to have a bag of these coins

I do like your optimism though. :thumbsup:

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Thanks all lol. It seems that we all value these coins so highly that no one is getting off of theirs and selling it to me >( !


S'ok I'll just buy all the backed up collectors editions from Amazon at 20$ a pop if I have to and hope they contain coins.


Oh joy, this reminds me of the days when cereal boxes had toys :D!

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