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Skyrim mod suggestion - Dragon Race & Transformation


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Okay I know I've joined for awhile, but not for very long. Though Skyrim has peeked such a HUGE interest that I absolutely had to suggest this new mod for ANYONE to make for skyrim:


True Dragonborn / Dragon morph ability


Now with just the title the mod itself would be from the start it is a "race" or "class" where you don't just look like an Argonian, you could still pick Argonian and become a True Dragonborn, but better yet looking like a dragon, for instance: Each dragon would be made at the beginning with the ability to change facial specs, hair, and etc, but also the ability to be Alduin, Blood, and Frost dragons or etc. (Skull dragons too)


The Dragon morph ability would be just the same as if you were to transform into a werewolf, but you'd GROW WINGS, Breath certain kinds of fire, Learn knew kinds of fire AND voices, you'd also be able to FLY and equip weapons in your dragon like arms. You should be able to get a bigger tail with better spikes and never have a limit to how long you breath fire or shout and NO RECHARGE RATE. When Bethesda said this was all about DRAGONS it really should have been, especially when they put something in as "Dragonborn".


When you activate your ability to morph you should grow bigger, after wings grow, wings should flap and gradually pick you up into the air. Now how to fly shouldn't be to difficult to be made, but with flying after morphing you should already have your weapon and shields equipped then use LB to rise up in the air during combat and RB to decend (if using xbox controller on computer). For Executions or those quick kills you do you should be able to DASH or Swoop down like a real dragon by looking downward with the joystick or mouse and clicking forward and use Trigger buttons for breathing fire or shouting. (breathing fire could be RT and Shouting could be LT)


If no weapons are equipped you could do a "ROFL" kind of thing by picking up your adversary and throwing them from the highest places in skyrim at the fastest speeds.



Now I Highly DOUBT anyone here would be able to step up to the plate and create this AND EXTREMELY Doubt Bethesda even got close to thinking of this for their "Creation Kit", but if ANYONE here has the courage, know how, or ABILITY to make this I'd be surprised because if I did this or even had time to attempt it I'd already have done this...

I've got a family and too many reasons why I'm too busy to do this.


1. Don't have the tools and know how to make it.

2. No time my kid never loves to sleep.

3. Always working or playing.


If ANYONE decides to do this... eh nevermind just take whatever you can from this and hopefully we can all be "True" Dragonborns eventually....


I so badly wanna drop someone from the highest height while catching them on fire or freezing them as they fall either with Ice or Time.


Though I know this is LONG to read, but this was just a suggestion and completely to get you all "thinking outside the box".


Thanks for listening,


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Someone's already made a Weredragon mod though it's in the beta stages.


Well I'm finally able to reply after quite a few days of not being online, but I did look at that and it's not "completely" what I was trying to say. It was close just no cigar.


Here's a picture example of what I was trying to say:




Note that the mod that I'm saying should be made should look somewhat like the one above for all classes or in it's class itself.

INCLUDING that it should look like the "Drachis Argonians", but with wings and look more like a dragon with better claws, tails, and facial structure.





Now as you can see from what I've first described on how the mod works, plus the example pictures and description in this reply it should be easy to get what I'm getting at.


I wouldn't want to just transform into some lame boring originally built dragon from the game, I'd rather transform into a half-dragon half "other class" form.


OR just have it as a Brand New DRAGON CLASS called True Dragonborn.


This would be that when you transform you would still be walking on "two legs" not four and you would grow wings out of your back and have certain specific abilities and powers while being in dragon form as well as being able to be unarmed when flying to be able to either swoop down and grab your enemies and drop them from the highest parts of skyrim.


Either that or you could fight while being equipped with whatever weapons you previously had.


I apologize for this being difficult to understand or hard to read, but this isn't that bad of a mod and would be an amazing addition to use since bethesda said this is all about dragons and all you end up being in the game is a human or other lame class that isn't anything near what should be called "Dragonborn."


In the quest when you have to make your way to finding Alduin after defeating him the first time you trap a dragon and he even says that you can't get there because you're not a true Drovakiin and basically saying you don't have wings.


I posted this for people to think about it, converse about what it should look like, but I guess if you want something done you have to do it yourself.


Since this will have to be done by myself it probably won't be made now till "who-knows-when."


I don't even have the tools to do half of any of this or even the time.


Thanks for the "support" of the Nexus forum community.


Going from Oblivion mod site to the Mods for Skyrim...


I expected more.

Edited by Kenjinshi
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Too bad I don't have much experience in the way of modding to make something like this, and it would probably be bad because I wouldn't know any of the polished, clean ways to code something like this.


I'm about to purchase Skyrim, and I was looking for a dragon mod that allows for you to (possibly) join the dragon "faction" and just destroy everything (lol). Why? Because it's a game where you CHOOSE to do whatever you want to do, and I always like having my options open for me. Also, you have a good point about being "dragon born," in which case you probably should have the ability to completely manifest your "true form" (ie. dragon, maybe unique).


If anyone knows of anything similar to what I just described, albeit vaguely, then please let me know :D.


Also, I'm totally digging your picture, did you draw that yourself?

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I would like something like this as well. Some kind of humanoid creature with wings (reptilian, avian or bat-like). The best would be one that has werewolf animations (like feeding, power attacks etc), wings and custom flying/gliding animations. If someone gives me such a beast I will script the rest (give it cool biological abilities flying including).


For now you can take a look at my mod for Obivion that does just that: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/38453/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D38453%26preview%3D&pUp=1 . This creature is a big humanoid lizard with wings that can fly (and grab victims to drop them to their death), glide and has many interesting biological abilities, like poisoned claws, camoflage, night vision and smell or adrenaline surge. Be advised, its not a dragon. There is absolutely nothing magical about it. Its "just" a flying beast.

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