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[WIP] Sexy Maids of Skyrim


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Will every character be voiced before the release of episode V? SMS is probably the best quest mod I've ever played and having it fully voiced would be amazing and very likely the best mod of 2013, and whatever month its released in - I'll definitely put in my vote.
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Will every character be voiced before the release of episode V? SMS is probably the best quest mod I've ever played and having it fully voiced would be amazing and very likely the best mod of 2013, and whatever month its released in - I'll definitely put in my vote.

It will be the main goal for the final episode. I'm not actively searching for VAs right now to fulfill the posted roles because I'm working on Ep. III. Because Ep. V is intended to be the final and complete version of SMS, it will be necessary to have every feature completed and every character voiced.

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How much time need Matari to kill the dragonborn and Kasia whith the "Chiaroscuro"?

Chiaroscuro doesn't cause death. It should only be taken as a warning that they've been in the presence of Matari for too long and should be careful not to fall for her tricks.


The Dragonborn and Kasia should only start worrying if they begin to hear "melodies". This is what


experienced if he was taken in as prisoner in the quest "Disciples".


There is a supplementary book in Episode III that goes into more detail about the detrimental effects Matari has on those around her. There is a "science" behind each one, which is what the Dwemer focused on during their study of Matari / the "Anomaly".

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well...cuz i never see these kinda posts enough: i just took an entire day playing through Maid II deception and wholly hell was it awesome. i was initially looking for a questing mod on nexus and saw "maid" (didnt even look at the rest before i started scrolling down) then i saw how HUGE the file was... so gravitated back. after reading a bit i decided well why not? best mod i have ever downloaded for skyrim and the only mod iv felt so compelled to endorse, very well done.


and just for lol's


amusing encounters:


without subtitles Kasia and the argonian in the very beginning have a one sided conversation with hilariously long breaks in dialog.


when using mods that use extra scripting, for example Better Vampires, and Apocalypse spell package - occasionally the script 'engine' just freezes and you start piling up qued script commands. so im standing in a ravine... unable to move with me and my teammate disguised ready to infiltrate some purity forces....for about 2 hours. (i actually let it sit there while i ate dinner out) so i saved in a new spot, and loaded it. the loading screen does its thing...before another appears...and another...and another before finally the game 'loads' and im standing a bit north west of riften where my first ghostwalk spell had been cast. the top left corner of the screen starts spamming how many things iv fed on (vampire). yeah each loading screen was a teleport spell going through, apparently when you save, then load it all the 'frozen' scripts go through at the same time so i was teleporting all across skyrim. So! i finally run back and the argonian prick pops up again and smells me out and sends 30 soldiers after my tail. so i had run aaalllll the way back (fast travel disabled) just be ambushed by 30 guys. LOL


When you have Warzones civil unrest installed one of the stops in the quest to visit the siren camps dumps you in the middle of a skeletal army full of necromancers. kill them all and run up the hill for a 20second conversation with a crazy blind lady and run back down only to find that the army re-spawned. (i was level 12 at the time with novice mage robes and no armor - yeah that checkpoint took me about an hour to get past)


when helping Kasia train she did a huge (note probably 3x normal 2-handed weapon range) circle and did a funky dance with her one handed katana (i assume she was trying to hit me), was rather amusing.


most of the above is just minor clashes with other mods, just thought id share for a good laugh.

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Will every character be voiced before the release of episode V? SMS is probably the best quest mod I've ever played and having it fully voiced would be amazing and very likely the best mod of 2013, and whatever month its released in - I'll definitely put in my vote.

It will be the main goal for the final episode. I'm not actively searching for VAs right now to fulfill the posted roles because I'm working on Ep. III. Because Ep. V is intended to be the final and complete version of SMS, it will be necessary to have every feature completed and every character voiced.



If i may to put a word in this topic i say this


Pls dont say the word "final" becose the story IS THE BEST and no matter what all who ever played this mod will talk about its lore and wait for ep6-7

this mods makes skyrim alive and we all like the game and we all like this mod

so pls don t stop doing the mods and this story

Edited by neslerov
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Thank you for sharing. The overloaded scripting engine does produce those problems. Scripts that have to be continuously executed will likely cause conflicts with M2, which has 700+ scripts. Only a couple of M2's quest scripts run continuously, but they stop once the quest they are attached to is completed.


I have some guestions about the mod.

When is the part III coming?

What do you do with FPs and RPs in M2?


Great mod, cant wait to see more of these!

The goal is to release Ep. III by June. The original post is updated to reflect its current progress.

The FP/RP gained with Kasia is meant to reflect the player's status with her and affect conversation.


Will every character be voiced before the release of episode V? SMS is probably the best quest mod I've ever played and having it fully voiced would be amazing and very likely the best mod of 2013, and whatever month its released in - I'll definitely put in my vote.

It will be the main goal for the final episode. I'm not actively searching for VAs right now to fulfill the posted roles because I'm working on Ep. III. Because Ep. V is intended to be the final and complete version of SMS, it will be necessary to have every feature completed and every character voiced.



If i may to put a word in this topic i say this


Pls dont say the word "final" becose the story IS THE BEST and no matter what all who ever played this mod will talk about its lore and wait for ep6-7

this mods makes skyrim alive and we all like the game and we all like this mod

so pls don t stop doing the mods and this story

The story for M2 has been finalized for some time. I don't want to add additional episodes to extend the length because it would feel forced. Development is also very time consuming and I'd like to finish it within this year or very early next year so I can move on from Skyrim.


There are some things that I have planned that are related to the ending, but it would be premature to announce anything until Ep. V has been released.

Edited by Enter_77
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Im curious on possible developments on Fort Pazarath. During the raid of fort pazarath there was a note left by one of the heros of nirn stating the state of Pazarath prior to the raid. Something along along the lines of "Absent exterior defenses, illogical gate control system, and hallways with as many death traps as an innocent temple of the divines."


based on the events in the story i would assume that fort pazarath will be 'the commander's' new place of operations (the player). but how far does Pazarath play into the plotline after this? in theory (if one had the programming experience that i dont lol) one could have the players choices regarding Fort Pazarath dynamically effect multiple things in the plotline. for example one could beef up the defenses which could boost morale of one of three (possible) sides to the conflict. or you could as the commander, create secret passages that only you and those you deem loyal to know about, allowing for subtle/discrete operations outside Matari's knowledge. several 'upgrades' to the castle could be constructed publicly or secretly, such as an extension to the gate control system and traps. If made public such things could be exploited by spies (probably a % chance) or by Matari allowing you some discrete control if matari or purity decides to be rid of you. or if your character is rather insane/paranoid, you could put so many traps in the keep even your own personnel start getting injured or killed.


based on the depth of the story/plotline so far and seeing hints of even minor siren characters having flowing dialog i feel Fort Pazarath has extreme potential both as a 'player home' and in possible story progression through both physical ability and political pull for any side.


i felt like sharing my idea as it flowed fairly well with your current storylines tendencies of brain over brawn actions and leaving the player to deal with their own choices(good or bad).

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