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Your most ridiculous fight


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I had been dragging along a pack of three trolls from somewhere southeast of Riften for....well, bloody miles. I couldn't be bothered to murder them, so I'd run off north towards Windhelm in the expectation they'd give up like anything does when you just leave. I forgot about them. I never turned round so I never saw the angry little red dots that never gave up because I kept stopping to do whatever daft thing I felt like. I think at one point I figured the battle music might have been glitching.


So on the road I run past two Frostbite spiders and two damn bears. Can't be bothered with those either. It's a spawn area near a castle that always gives me trouble at low levels. I barrel onwards.


So I'm heading past that mountain near Eldergleam Sanctuary that always has the dragon flying around it, and it does, like usual. Stupid thing catches sight of me, yet more aggro. So sod it, I'll have fun with it this time....I lead it into the very, very nearby giant camp.


So five minutes later I'm standing in the middle of a corpse pile consisting of a dragon, two giants, two mammoths, two Frostbite spiders, two bears, a saber cat and three trolls, wondering what the damn hell just happened. At this point, a Dark Brotherhood assassin comes running towards me.

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Me, Lydia and my horse against one giant. I flew up in the air and then I was dead and that kept happening over and over and over again until the wooly mammoth got involved. At that point I said forget this and ran away.
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Taking a fort while playing on my warrior character. Man... I must have driven my upgraded Imperial Sword through something like 50 soldiers that day. On master difficulty, I was one-shotted by most archers, so it was no easy task! I used the fort walls for cover and lured out Stormcloaks one by one, smashing them to pieces as they ran out from the safety of the fort walls. It's a shame the bodies disappear, or I would have had a mound of them the size of The Throat of the World!
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Krosis & a blood dragon at the same time with Sven (basically useless) at very low level. Krosis basically kited me down the mountain. During our descent, at least 2 Ice wraiths, I don't remember if there was a wispmother also. Sometime during the fight it was either a bear or cat also joined in the fun. Down the mountain to the giant camp and I think he helped a bit but in the end I had to kill him and the mammoth also. There was also one of those random bandit/hunter encounters going on and they were both corpses before it finished.


Ironically, I killed the dragon at the shrine before I initiated with Krosis. Another had spawned above us during the (lengthy) fight before we all tumbled downhill.

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Mine: Fighting a Frost Dragon, a Fire Dragon and a Sabertooth cat all at the same time at level 10. I lost. Big Time. My ass got thrown from that mountaintop many times. I sad day for the Dovakiin.


Spawning a big bandit battle and then deciding I should move to a more open area. Moving to a more open area and then realising the moment AFTER I spawned the next group that they would have spawned up the hill and were probably going to massacre some important NPCs. So I ran back up the hill and found all the bandits and some Stormcloak guards dead in a big mound and Gerdur fighting a Bandit Marauder on top. Turns out she had it all under control.


The giant chicken incident: One time I got bored so i decided to console up a giant chicken. I made the chicken, then amped him up and took a swing. Unfortunately I accidently misclicked and gave him too many digits in the health bar and DR, because that chicken took a long. long time to kill. To compound the embarrisment all the nearby guards, wizards, townsfolks, and horse all came pouring in to help me. I felt true embarrisment as I killed it, like "sorry guys, my bad, won't happen against guys" :ohdear:

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Mine: Fighting a Frost Dragon, a Fire Dragon and a Sabertooth cat all at the same time at level 10. I lost. Big Time. My ass got thrown from that mountaintop many times. I sad day for the Dovakiin.


Spawning a big bandit battle and then deciding I should move to a more open area. Moving to a more open area and then realising the moment AFTER I spawned the next group that they would have spawned up the hill and were probably going to massacre some important NPCs. So I ran back up the hill and found all the bandits and some Stormcloak guards dead in a big mound and Gerdur fighting a Bandit Marauder on top. Turns out she had it all under control.


The giant chicken incident: One time I got bored so i decided to console up a giant chicken. I made the chicken, then amped him up and took a swing. Unfortunately I accidently misclicked and gave him too many digits in the health bar and DR, because that chicken took a long. long time to kill. To compound the embarrisment all the nearby guards, wizards, townsfolks, and horse all came pouring in to help me. I felt true embarrisment as I killed it, like "sorry guys, my bad, won't happen against guys" :ohdear:



:laugh: The giant chicken one was was funny as hell i had to give you kudos for that one.I got to give that a try.

Edited by Logik729
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SPOILER ALERT: right before the entrance to sovengarde, i was in a fight with the dragon priest and fus roh dah'd him, but he was in a direct path to one of the two perched dragons so it triggered him to join the fight, and THAT triggered the other frost dragon to join in as well. Also keeping in mind that a vicious horde of Draugr Deathlords were right behind the battle scene. Like PrometheusV said, it got VERY loud. I immeadiately unplugged my Astro's ;) and loaded from my last checkpoint. :down:
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